Symptoms and Remedies to Treat Severe Chronic Constipation.wmv

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666armynofx says:

Gross.. :/ very informative though :)

crazyrabbit1971 says:

Prune juice is more natural for constipation

Leslie Gilbert says:

I have been getting more and more constipated. My problem is I have a
colostomy and can’t eat many fiber products. Even though I have been just
eating soup and soft foods, plus taking stool softeners/ I am not able to
move my bowels. I am in allot of pain but can’t take most pain medicines
because I already take Suboxine for my chronic pain problems, so most other
remedys will be blocked. (pain wise) Help if you can. Thanks

Hertsman50 says:

For god sake I’m trying to buy the intestinal cleanse from your website but
it just keeps freezing up?????????????????????? Yes I’m very angry because
I’m very ill due to constipation and your website is fucking annoying.
Nothing to do with my computer, it runs fast with every other website
except your site. Send me the EXACT link to order the product…not to view

Hertsman50 says:

So what is this BioMedik Intestinal cleanse and detox and how quickly does
it work? Do you sell it in the UK?

Shalom Yahua Ha Mashiac says:

flax oil or any flax products e-mail me

Hertsman50 says:

Please can you send me details of your flax products?

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