Colon Cancer: Don’t Ignore Your Symptoms

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It took losing her mother to colon cancer to prompt Alyson Smith to talk to a doctor about her symptoms. She shares her emotional story of colon cancer diagnosis and survival.

Learn more about colon cancer at


south South says:

If this is the treatment….then what is the cure??? Selenium FDA was sued
in court by Dr. Wallach who wrote dead doctors dont lie to be able to lable
that selenium reduces and prevents cancer cell growth significantly

popcorn123466 says:

My husband is having bowel problem. He had a colonoscopy and it came back
negative for anything and he has had two pet scans and showed nothing.I’m
still concerned that they haven”t found anything because he is still having

King Beef says:

She is so annoying, cringe worthy.

AmericanPride1234 says:

What a great survival story. GOD BLESS YOU ALYSON AND YOUR HUSBAND. What
sucks is that this girl I dated 16 years ago her grandfather is in the
hospital b with cancer. I have an appointment myself today at the hospital
to get something on the bottom of my left arm looked at again. 11-6-14

Azzeddine Makh says:

I really wish if I can contact you…I’m so depressed from symptoms I have
and so afraid to go see a doc..a person like we can help me a lot

haileelovesduckys says:

Rip Papaw

Azzeddine Makh says:

I cannot I cannot stop crying after I saw you video..I hope you feel well
now..pease be open you 

Miss Lucy says:

I can’t understand why the doctors suggest everyone having a colonoscopy
when they turn 50. Why not 30? I know 5 people personally that have colon
cancer and they are all under 40. God bless you Alyson. I hope you are
doing well now.

D White says:

I know this women But I cant remember from wear?????

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