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How to beat constipation, IBS, bloating, stomach pain and skin problems while gaining more energy and a flatter stomach at the same time …


BernesePuppies says:

I am surprised hypertension is not on that list. There are many things that
cause temporary hypertension that constrict arteries but I think I have
discovered that persisitant hypertension is caused by constant poisoning
from the colon. This is why a vegetarin diet brings BP to normal. I was 280
/ 145. After going mostly vegan with green leafys then in 3mo it went down
to 179 / 125 but when I began taking cleansers & strong animal enzymes I
got major bloating & pressure back up to 215 / 129

BernesePuppies says:

To clarify it seems that cleansing stirs up an excessive amount of toxins,
I know this from before and for me the natural herbal laxatives do not
remove the wastes quick enough I likely am not drinking enough water to
flush rapidly. I know it is not good to not take in enough water as the
toxins will reabsorb into my body. I have to remind myself, water, water,
water. I finally have a focal point to lowering BP. I will update.

BernesePuppies says:

I am seeing a direct correlation of blood pressure & autointoxication.
there is no way an MD or the medical association does not know this because
there is huge money in drugs. I now believe it is the western diet that
causes the auto intoxication which constricts the blood vessels causing all
of Americas hypertension. Cure for hypertension is Colon cleansing and / or
vegan diet

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