Colon Health – Squatting to poop – The Squatty Potty

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Close – Research has shown that the “Squatting position” for defecation can help you overcome many of our modern day colon problems. The Squatty Potty toilet stool is designed to wrap around your existing toilet to help put you into a squatting position for better, quicker and more complete elimination
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Chris S says:

Cause in the end; everything becomes shit.

quadrophrenic says:

Thank you Squatty Potty! For helping me realize I can just prop my legs up
on a stack of books or something.

appleloveTK says:

People in third world countries still squat btw 😛

Patrick Stagaman says:


Dancing Spiderman says:

@appleloveTK BWAAhahaha you are right… that hemmoroided poop hole was
surrounded by ginger hair bWAAahahaha Now I know what you mean by “burnt
into my brain”

Leif Bergsköld says:

Ive been squating since I was a kid! damn I knew I should have taken patent
on it!

teceyS3 says:

@appleloveTK: i did- it WAS pretty nasty, lol

Erkan Mehmedali says:

Use the Turkish toilet or Arabian toilets, they are the best method for
excretion. Even the Holy Quran suggests to squat both for minor and major
excretion since it prevents hemorrhoid or prostate.

abdullah66577 says:

Skype: kadi-albnat Nimbuzz: kadi1983 ماخلو شي الاجانب

Mark Bekker says:

Now I want one.

ninjahellseeker says:

@purseypickles50 The only downside would be this… imagine if these were
located at every public restroom around the world…the number of crap
stained toilets would be staggering. I feel bad for the crew at the local
White Castle, if that is, if these miraculously become a phenomenon.
“sliders” would be renamed “splatters”. (cue drumroll).

Badier Velji says:

But I do my best thinking on the toilet!

Gregory Bowen Brown says:

This product seems awesome. They were smart and made the price reasonable,
since you could easily make your own, but you could just buy one and save
yourself some time. Great idea Squatty potty !!!

abcdefg63786 says:

The Quran doesn’t say THAT!!! what have you been smoking? The ettiquite of
hygiene and cleanliness is in the hadith and sunnah, not the Quran!

William Newman says:

sounds good to me. would be comfortable. bo derek

hexatentacle says:

I’d buy it just for the hell of it.

Lauxesa says:

@purseypickles50 Did you really get rid of hemorrhoids by squatting? If
it’s true then…OMFG I’m gonna try it out!!!!

Squatty Potty :) ® says:

Yes a silly name that you won’t forget!!

thestreakingninja says:

how…….. did i get here? Well, besides that, when I was in Korea, they
had the toilet seats in the ground. In tourist frequented areas, they had
both the modern sitting ones and the traditional ground ones. The modern
ones were great in the fact they were heated. lol

Dancing Spiderman says:

I enjoy how the folks at Squatty Potty decided to use Patton Oswalt as
their spokesman. I also enjoy the use of sammich bags of Tootsie Rolls (or
maybe stuffed grape leaves?) to demonstrate the comparison of pooping

abcdefg63786 says:

please do not say the Holy Quran says such a thing because it doesn’t. If
you quote the Quran you must quote the specific verse in the context. The
etiquette of going to the bathroom is in the Hadith of the Prophet which
commands Muslims to wash their hands after going, to wash their privates
after passing waste immediately, and for men not to stand an urinate
because it is not discreet and modest. THE QURAN DEOSNT TALK ABOUT GOING TO

dtadeo2006 says:

@appleloveTK funny how when you tell people NOT to do something, the more
they will do it.

shivaefrit says:

hey its annoying orange! (cover eyes and nose)

ExpressiveBeats says:


appleloveTK says:

Whatever you do don’t wikipedia hemroids, they actually have a nasty ass
picture there that is now burnt into my brain.. =/

Yesiamblind says:

Mind = blown What makes me even more pissed off now is the fact that I went
to the bathroom one hour ago and have to wait to use this new method.
Thanks for nothing world. What other basics do we wrong as human beings?

Furious George says:

I’d buy it if not for the silly name.

kelath5555 says:

The poo-related O-face at the beginning made me shudder.

Based God says:

How did I get here?

susipls says:

this could save the life of a friend… spread the word!

CaptLRM says:

where has this been all my life?

LaDonnaShow says:

I am a colon hydro therapist in Los Angeles. Let me tell you, this is the
proper way to go No. 2. :)

Bearlike Stragility says:

i hate this guys face

thealestar says:

I gotta say…… I learn something new everyday…..

Evan Buckley says:

i want one.

1godlessmonkey says:

It makes sense.

Hairee Stener says:

We need traditional Japanese toilet!

nara balan says:

Yes, we are back to our original position!! thanks a lot.

TheScientist0000000 says:

According to this, when I’m standing up, my rectum is kinked like a garden

koolvidkid588 says:

He looks like McGee from NCIS.

Josef Hannah says:

@JordanRodkey it’s a stool…. for your stool

Zakariah1971 says:

Or just dump from a full squat onto old newspaper like a rabbit

Yunaku Nasrudin says:

In Asia, we use squatting toilet.

Dancing Spiderman says:

@appleloveTK I MUST go to Wikipedia to check it out…

koolvidkid588 says:

AND my parents asked what was wrong with me as a child when I preferred to
do my business in a squatting position. Now I can tell them, “WHAT’S WRONG

MrStan1941 says:

Very useful info, I have to squat if I need to go out in the country

Kenneth Folsom says:

“I’d buy that for a dollar!”

Brice D'Almeida says:

uw sent me :)

rsbps3gamefreak5821 says:

Saw this on World’s Dumbest (Smartest) Invention

Celestamine says:

I reached the end of the video before I realized this wasn’t a joke.

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