How Your Body Works 2, Colon Health & GI Problems

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How Your Body Works 2, Colon Health

Radhia talks about problems with colon health including IBS, constipation, bad gas, bowel movement problems, etc. She discusses what can go wrong the gastrointestinal system or GI system. Sometimes the problem with you elimination system is causes by a problem that starts with the digestive system. How can these problem be fixed with clinical nutrition.

GI symptoms, GI problems, GI diseases.

RADHlA is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, C.C.N. She is also a Certified BioNutritional Analyst. She has a M.Ed. in nutrition and is a professional member of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists, (I.A.A.C.N), and the American Naturopathic Medical Association (A.N.M.A.).

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This video was produced by Psychetruth

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© Copyright 2009 AHI Productions. All Rights Reserved.


connie black says:

What probiotic would you recommend

Lansing Allison says:

i have a birth defect of heart and lung

Michael Walker says:

We are all full of Sh*t until we evacuate lol! 😉

happosai27 says:

whats bowlmovement? o.o

ExNihiloJimmy says:

what a shitty vid xD

ty99999returns says:

Pumpkin seeds help kill parasites because the enzyme in pumpkin seeds.
Papaya seeds are anti parasitic too. there is much more to you can do for


@quitejaded What ones R.U taking, that seem to work: Thanks…

TheRodT says:

exacty i usually crap twice a day

dudeman777us says:


Jerry Perry says:

Can you buy ProViva in the states? I drink it all the time. It’s a
probiotic fruit drink.

Anon1696 says:

Awesome video. Thank you.

quitejaded says:

@DYNODRUM except traction alopecia on my temples. They are finally growing
after years of trying. I think it is due to my topical care, though. Not
necessarily the vitamins, but you know what? Maybe it did have a lot to do
with my diet… I only started noticing this growth around the time I
changed my diet to more vegetables.

hotdrumchick says:

I’ve been told that if one has regular BM’s, there’s no need to have a
colon cleanse—does anyone know if that’s true?? Also is there such a
thing as “eyeball parasites”?

GerrysPlace says:

Great vid….very useful advice ….thanks

Samim Aryan says:

ahhhhhhhhhhh you are not easy to understand – crazy stufff… leave me

pongman says:

Thank you looking forward to your next video.

AttunedFlux says:

Great video! ill ahve to go to your website and take the questionnaire. You
packed a lot of essential information into one video. Most of it i knew,
some were reminders, but ill dig a little deeper to see what else i could
learn. Ive had GI track problems since ive been a little kid, and they have
only gotten worse over the years. I blame my poor diet and use of
anti-biotics as a kid. Its really pathetic that doctors dont prescribe
probiotics along side antibiotics.

ExNihiloJimmy says:

@austinnutrition go kiss a colon

quitejaded says:

@DYNODRUM I was taking Hairfinity. It was working quite well the first 2
months, but after that, I didn’t notice anything significant. I am taking
hair pills agin, now, because I just need some kind of nutritional
supplement. An important thing I learned is that you need to take the pills
while you are eating or soon afterwards & be consistent. I instantly “feel”
something with these pills (like a euphoria). I don’t know if that means
its working. Its called Hair Vite.

happosai27 says:

lol i see. why dont they just say it so foreigners know whats meant? but
thanks anyway ^^

MirageR5 says:

The recommendations here are just too broad. If you have problems that
doesn’t seem to resolve itself, you might be like many of out here where
you keep wasting money on all these supplements that just don’t work. I’ve
tried it all, pancreatic enzymes, HCL Detox kit from Dr Bob Marshall, Renew
Life fiber products, Flax seed… Nothing works. Maybe my system is so
messed up that nothing will work. Too bad you can’t go to the doctor. All
they tell you is to eat more fiber. I give up. Nothing works

WhichDoctor1 says:

The way I look at it if your healthy you will need to shit when sufficient
stool has built up to make it worthwhile, if you don’t eat a huge amount
that mite be once a day if you eat a lot it mite be four times a day. I
think this three a day thing is just something that sounds right, I have
never seen any study’s dun on it.

Sandy Stone says:

Quality video. I always enjoy seeing something that is not dense. Keep it

quitejaded says:

I have been taking hair vitamins to increase my hair growth. They work, but
dude! I can’t wait to see what results I’ll get once I clean up my colon!

kermitefrog64 says:

This is good information. Much of this material is similar to what was
shared in a college health class I took about 4 years ago. I have a number
of digestive problems. It would not suprise me that much of it is do to the
15 years of being on prednisone. I usually take some kind of a colon
cleanse every day otherwise I am in big trouble.

plaidchuck says:

Yeah the old Price/Pottenger shit 3 times a day thing or you’re
constipated.. I dunno.. I think if you’re having problems it’s something to
look into but if you feel good and the bowel movement feels right you
should be ok.

BonanzAA says:

Hi Radhia, Could you make a video explaining how to detox the system?

David Monte Cristo says:

Thank you for the information. We need to emphasize avoidance of food
additives (TFA, HFCS, etc).

Lester Vecsey says:

i’ve been using flax seed for a while now which is also good for the tear
ducts and/or eye health i have to get back on the good yogurt regime. i
used to have one almost every day.

seasonsbleed says:

@MirageR5 sorry to hear about that. im just wondering have you come up with
a solution yet?

jea740 says:

this woman makes me tired and irritated to lisen to please use a man i
realy need to try to understand what she is saying since american isent my
father launguas

genericusername1 says:

i dont know anyone who ever takes a shit 3 times a day, thats ridiculous.
If thats regular, then everyone is irregular.

kermitefrog64 says:

The problem I am having though is trying to send in the form that is spoken
of on this video.

Darkwolfe73 says:

Hey, she’s not actually in that room! You can see the residual tracing
around her outline (especially around that arms and hands). Informative
video though :)

dudeman777us says:

taking a poop. number 2. etc.

rosereddoll says:

Yes, that’s right. ^___^ That’s why some in the medical establishment
dismiss the use of cleanses–because they maintain that the body detoxifies
itself. Well it does…IF you eat a balanced pesticide and hormone-free
diet, have a bowel movement after EVERY meal, avoid stress, avoid
environmental and household pollutants, exercise regularly etc. But how
many Americans actually do all this? ^__^ This is where a GOOD cleanse
(used to kick start a better lifestyle) comes in. HTH

peevishpear says:

i’ve become so dependent on laxatives i now need to take fistfulls to go at
all. I have a bowel movement about once a week and that requires a lot of
laxatives. I’ve been to so many gastroenterologists and have been able to
get no help. I am 24 and my quality of life is terrible. Life does not seem
worth living, I often wish I had the guts to kill myself. The physical
repercussions of all of this are not worth it.

mike hughes says:

What are your eating habits like?? What is the water quality like were you
live? Has a doctor said anyhting about this problem? Message me back or
reply to me.

ty99999returns says:

If I remember correctly Hemp seed and Flax seed are a probiotics.

Ammar Hureshi says:

you are perfect

quitejaded says:

@DYNODRUM Lastly, I need to say that the results take like 2 months to
notice. I noticed new growth quickly, but the times that I did not see fast
new growth, it took me a while to realize my hair was different.

apo115 says:

u could say she’s full of shit… aha sorry awful joke.

Kathy Nawara says:

beniful powder it can be added to you food or drink not addictive pleasent
tasting with drinks

austinnutrition says:

@ExNihiloJimmy , sorry if there is useful info and not a lot of american
idol glitz bullshit.

asmeik30 says:

Radhia do you endorse juice fasting? I was considering doing Master Cleanse
but I’m unsure if it will be beneficial for health and does it truly
“detox” your system?

genericusername1 says:

i just looked at your videos, and it looks like you dont even eat. You need
to eat in order to pass something.

Kyle M Green says:

I second that!

pbatrader says:

Here she is, What can i say, great video.


@quitejaded Thanks Jaded -but do you see an improvement in scalp and Hair
Health ,generally.

bennytheninja says:

is that a green screen?

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