Benefits of Colonics and Enemas!

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Goober Fries says:

This is so helpful, I’ve had an enema once in my life..when I was in labor
with my son who is now a young adult. I’m really healthy, but I think I
need a-cleanin.

Kewan Smith says:

Do they help improve better regularity?

Dic Handcheck says:

chocolate / colonics little funny there.

Art Danks says:

Very helpful. Thank you!

LeBron Hale says:

I think what you doing is great man keep it up

Hank Fava says:

if you can’t afford a colonic buy a good enema bag it works for a healthy
peace and more love 

Peter Pringle says:

Why would anyone get into a bed for an enema when you’re gonna blow that
fecal stuff all over the place. My dad gave me a beer enema last night and
we are still cleaning up this turds. Cannot imagine this happening at my
church’s enema parties though, PRAISE JESUS

HipnoSuiza Hpnosis Cínica Suiza says:

Best video of colonics. Thanks for sharing.

Poppie Marie says:

How do you find a person that has a colonic machine in your area. And
about what should the cost be?

38tripleK says:

Is this a closed system?

bob Last says:

A lot of you people think this guy is full of shit. Well here is proof that
he isn’t.

Mercedes Carvajal says:

Is Ok not to believe in Jesus… But is wrong to compare random humans to

Tameka Griffin says:

or course you can see the sins of the past…you are Jesus! Thank you for
posting..very informative!

livin abox says:

I phoned a colonic health dept and they would not give me a colonic as i
have crohnes disease. iv tried the enema bottle but i just cannot hold it
in, its like trying not sneeze when you have no control over it.

David Simons says:

Do you know what my Mom could do to regain her health?!!? She has psoriatic
arthritis, Lupus, and other auto-immune disorders (mainly along the lines
of arthritic conditions). Not sure all what she does have. But, just know
that she has a LOT of pain. And, I feel so bad for her and don’t really
know what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! (:

kelvin brent says:

Thank you Dan, For the education, I’ve Done regular enemas For Years. Never
Had a colonic yet, So I really appreciate the tour and education! Love you

bbrose66 says:

awsome sharing, Thank u for your gentleness and care. I’ve been starting
being raw for 10 months now and your videos inspire me. Warm Hugs from

Melissa Chino says:

Thank you so much for the info! I am on a path to a healthier body and new
to enemas/colonics. Motivated by your videos, thank you!

bejba6661 says:

Dan, Thank you so much for the video. I really appreciate what you are
doing! Keep it up! Have a great day!

Michael Dodd says:

I’m a bodybuilder and juice fast once a week… I am now trying a colonic
to clean out and it’s great… I feel fantastic!

Danielle Ybarra says:

you have amazing skin!!!!

1001myplaylist says:

The healthy bacteria in your colon reproduces every 3 days… Not to worry!!

flower1921 says:

I knew a Dan once, he thought he was the man…but he was never the man of
any kind. I’ll tell you one thing though, my friend, you are the man!

awastedname says:

You’re assking for comments like these! All inspired, gonna take one soon

Sw3gg4 says:

@lovedubpt Thanks. Have you ever got a colonic?

lovelife02 says:

@quitejaded Yes question everything in life, that is what I have always

kukki cookie says:

Im getting my first colonic today! Scared out of my pants but this video
helped me a lot thanks DTM! 😀

kiaora12 says:

@kindredinspirit Don’t agree at all. The Creator didn’t intend for people
to eat the incredible amount of junk food that we do. There are many
unnatural substances that are an assault to our body’s immune and digestive
system that require a detoxification program that should include raw foods
and colonics. Any intensive healing program should include it.

mywrittenvoice says:

How far do they insert the spectrum??? I want to do this, but I’m SCARED!!!

rivkayael1 says:

You look like you have a little native american in you. Cute.

Xyanna777 says:

Thank u Dan. I love the info u provide!!

lezgurl67 says:

love colonics! it’s like you’re giving your colon a shower.

Chelsea Kirkwood says:

i did some research and there doesn’t seem to be any colonic centers in my
area. would you recommend using any “colon cleanse” supplements? or are
they not good for you?

LESIMS2100 says:

Hi, i’m 19 years old and for the last few years i’ve had a really hard time
with cluster headaches and stomach aches, brain fog and fatigue, making it
nearly impossible for me to be a good student. My mom was concerned and
thought it was a gluten intolerence so i got off that and my problems got
much better but they didn’t completely go away. After watching your videos
i started replacing as many meals as possible with juice and i just feel
better and better. Now the colonic! i’m excited! thanks

watchmoivies123 says:

Dan, ( please answer ) if I can’t do this what else is good? What type of
enema or stuff could I drink to rid some of the toxins? Hope to hear back
soon Kim

cak55 says:

I’ve heard of colonics, but did not realize it could be so
“civilized”–this was really helpful.

mermaid30019 says:

@Jaeweezy25 you can do enemas at home. everyone in my home has their own
enema kit. you can pick one up walmart or cvs. it’s really helps a lot,
colonics can be expensive if your on a budget

Susan Bessette says:

Hi Dan, long time/no comment. You have inspired me to get a colonic/month
until my bowel problems are resolved. I want to be high raw, but battle
toxic gas and exploding turds. SOMETHING is poisoning me. Best of luck
tonight during the awards. I will NOT be staying up (east coast zone,
senior bedtime) so will catch you in the morning. Please post your victory
list asap.

Robby Chisholm says:

Wow I really picked the wrong video to watch while eating ramen ;P

svnthdysthsbbth says:

Charolette Gershon + Danny vierra talk a lot about colon cleansing.

BrokenRRT says:

@burbanmadness You need to have some skin cultures done to check for
staph,mrsa, vre, yeast and a few other things. There is a reason why your
developing an abscess with injury. It’s very common in IV drug users such
as heroin use and they lose limbs over it and at times life. I”m in no way
saying thats whats going on with you but it needs to be addressed before
it’s too late.

RenewalFast says:

Very inspirational Dan. Thanks for the encouragement.

TheDodicat says:

Why do I even want to see what comes out of my rear? I am not that brave!

Diana Prince says:

its Jesus! ^_^ I’m Subscribing right Now!

MrCupidsMistake says:

I know colonics are wonderful, I had done it with a colonic kit by myself,
but these days, I can’t possibly buy a colonic kit in the city where I
stay, I went to many pharmacies and asked for it, they just don’t have it,
and even gave me a funny look… for the time being, I would just use
laxative tea… tried Salt Oral Enema and that seems to hurt, I suppose
it’s really bad for the kidneys if being used regularly…

Charles Jacques says:


DandelionThin says:

Hi Dan, how long should one colonic session last enough to get as much gunk
out? And if a beginner were to do a sort of cleanse, would one a week do?
Or say 3-4 a week, just to blast it all out, cos as Susan said I’ve started
to suffer really really terrible gas, AND explosive turd. I don’t know why.
I eat a lot of cucumbers and am being told its the reason. Your thoughts on
this please? As well as lemon enemas.

James Bailey says:

@liferegenerator ahahhha 😀 – im really giggling, whilst in the backround
your asking debbs to give us a tour of ‘the real shiz nit’!!

zonahead says:

Hey Dan, great vid. people need to do this to feel great. I tried this a
few years ago because I was told it would give me more energy, and it did.
I felt great all over. It is a bit strange at first but love the way I feel
afterwards. I even got my husband to try it and he felt better also. Also I
lost 15 lbs in the first week of going through the first 4 treatments. It
does the body good!!

SandyzSerious says:

Amazing video. How much does it cost?

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