Colonics with E-Motion Health

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In today’s episode of E-Motion Health Ty is introducing us to the process of Colonics. In fact, during this episode Ty is actually having a colonic. Find out more at


usflagwaver says:

Hats off to you for sharing this. Most of our ills start in our colon but
people don’t want to talk about it. I come from a place (Appalachia WV)
that is not hung up about death, sex, and colon cleansing. I remember my
dad always looked forward to spring polk greens to clean him out. I
personally prefer a quarter cup of All Bran a day and a lot of water. :-) 

Jj Corbin says:

Great video man!

Kristin Johnson says:

After a colonic, do you need to replace any “good bacteria” that may have
been removed? 

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