A Normal Colonoscopy

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This clip demonstrates a normal colonoscopy and starts in the terminal ileum where the delicate villous architecture is well seen. The colonoscope is withdrawn into cecum. Here at the base of the cecum is the orifice of the appendix. In the tissue surrounding the appendiceal orifice, a speckled pattern of lymphoid aggregates can often be seen. During the colonoscopy, the endoscopist both insufflates the lumen of the colon with air and aspirates the small amount of liquid that remains from the preparation previously taken by the patient to cleanse the colon. The liquid often has a slightly yellowish tinge of bile. Backing out of the cecum, a better view of the ileocecal valve is obtained. It has a rounded slightly yellowish appearance. Traveling down the colon, a repeating pattern of pouches and folds are seen. These pouches are called haustra and the folds are referred to as the plicae semilunares or simply the semilunar folds. A word about the colonic tissue itself. The white dots seen throughout the exam are reflections of the colonoscope’s light off the tissues and back into the viewing lens. Normally the tissue has this glistening pink hue. Also visible is the delicate vascular plexus of capillaries that nurture the colonic mucosa. Here in the sigmoid colon, the earliest signs of diverticulosis are visible. These are outpouchings of the mucosa through the muscular layers of the colon and are seen commonly starting in the fifth decade of life. More dramatic examples can be found in other clips on the DAVE Project. At the of the exam, in the rectal vault, the colonoscope is retroflexed to provide a complete view of the anal verge where small tumors and internal hemorrhoids may be found.

Kelsey, PB (Nov 01 2005). Colon – Normal Colon. The DAVE Project. Retrieved Jun, 21, 2009, from http://daveproject.org/viewfilms.cfm?film_id=300


J.R. Zippie says:

It took me a long time to finally get the guts to allow a
colonoscopy….well beyond the recommended starting age….Imagine my
surprise at how relaxed and at ease I was, even viewing the procedure on a
color monitor. Being under a mild anesthetic made the time seen to fly
by……The Dr. commented that my “innards” were “as smooth as a baby’s
ass”…and I passed with surprisingly good results..He then said “See you
blessing…..The only bad part was the PREP WORK (the day before),
drinking all that nasty laxative juice……yuk….But I lived thru
it….so can you……..woo hoo !!

Yoshiku Lee says:

One question is this a dude or a chick?

MaliaIs PenguinQueen says:

reasons why malia cant be a doctor

Lucefina says:

My bum hole is shit tight!

Fuzy2K says:

Age restricted? Really? O_o

AudreyAnn says:


xzaxx says:

can the doctor remove feces that cant come out of colon With the use of

lbburgess says:

A colonoscope.

Sarah Schmidt says:

Yes it’s clean because people have to fast the day before the procedure.
Take laxatives and also drink about 10oz of magnesium citrate. That clears
ya out real good.

1967jenn1 says:

@Terremides you.

quasar953 says:

Nasty, but amazing nonetheless.

SidRulz100 says:

Why is this Age-restricted? I don’t see anything wrong with a colonoscopy,
it’s just normal to me.

Carly Simms says:

@greenClansman48 They should give you versed so you won’t remember any of
it…any questions you can message me

emma wadhwa says:


mamaluke1 says:

I heard of looking up old friends, but this is ridiculous….

Ryan Murphy says:

whats all the liquid?

scopedoc says:

No. The prep is the worst part. Depending on the choice of anesthetic Light
conscious sedation (seldom done in US now) 1:10 patients experiance
discomfort Deep conscious sedation about 1:100 report discomfort MAC or
TIVA sedation <1:10,000 report discomfort (more than 1/2 the cases done in
the US)

TheBronyChannel555 says:


Woodenfan says:

the most beautiful scenery i have ever seen!

greenClansman48 says:

well everything was ok with mine too. i was asleep all the time and i felt
nothing. thanks for all the concern.

Amandamoo73 says:

i had mine done on Friday.the prep is the worst,i had moviprep which was 2
litres of salty sherbet lemon liquid.the actual procedure i had midazolam
prior,i can remember watching it on screen and feeling extreme pain at one
point but that’s all.i still feel very drained and having windy pains but
everyone reacts differently to the procedure.

zker666 says:

lol poor guy hes probably, thats inside of me?!

greenClansman48 says:

@gsxrful everything went on schedule…… i was drugged and i felt no pain
at all. not even the slightest thing. fortunately i am ok. i just need to
take care off my diet for a bit.

Maymona13 says:

He/She has a very clean bowel area. So shiny and pink.

chrysler5thavenue says:

LOL, he said ‘aspirates’

Data Phreak says:

few question is the colon filled with a liquid, what is Ascaris
lumbricoides, anddoes it hurt to get a colonoscopy

AirJuvi43 says:

@bobby3599 i don’t know- i was completely out when i had mine and don’t
remember a thing

lbburgess says:

@TheThomasyoung2012 – The colonoscope.

Poolrat81 says:

That’s the scope. The camera is flexed backward looking up at itself

Cantator_Caelorum says:

They don’t fix the messed up ones. My mommy has Crohn’s disease and her
colon looks nothing like this. She doesn’t even have one anymore, they
removed it. It has holes In what’s left called fistulas which get infected.
It makes me cry whenever I think about it. I want to find a cure for this
terrible disease.

Japan Tobi says:

why’d I join the 218,000 who watched this out of complete boredom?

purp1ehaze says:

Where’s all the faeces?!

Dell harris says:

@pinkorpurple432 omg!! i can’t stop laughing, u r so funny for that

emma wadhwa says:

@datafreak667 i can say u have clean ur bowel out b4 u go as thy have to
have clear bowel to see it properly so thats why u have liquid there as u
have been drinking drinks to flush ur system out, and u kinda get put to
sleep i had 3 weeks ago it was alittle pain then i fell asleep and woke up
and it was all finished nothing to worry about really

Sam Carver says:

Why did I look this up?

prettyxthings says:

Feels wrong but watching this video makes me feel right.

112seagull says:

It doesn’t hurt at all! I had one yesterday &, having read up on it, could
find no reason why it should be painful, so opted not to have an
anaesthetic (as I don’t particularly like needles!) The anaesthetic is to
relax you & I felt that I could relax myself using breathing techniques.
The only slight discomfort is caused by air that’s put into the colon, to
inflate it slightly. (It feels like flatulence, so just ‘expel’ it if you
feel the need!) I had a 1cm polyp removed, with no pain at all!

promnv says:

@TheThomasyoung2012 that’s the tube from the device used to enter the body.
The camera, light, etc. lie inside of this tube.

jim beatrice says:

@geekhater360 thanks for letting me know it will not hurt. I have just made
my appt

Die bittere Wahrheit says:

I thought there’d be poo everywhere, but it seems quite clean. Maybe it is
required to not eat 24 hours prior to the procedure. Anyway, I’d like to
see the material of the several stages of digested food.

alwaysminniemouse says:

I think I can handle this. I guess I am young, but I have ulcerative
colitis, and have already had 3 colonoscopys.

azerigirl4life says:

thanks to this, I will keep my diet, and not eat tonight. woohoo success

greenClansman48 says:

@gsxrful thnx man… all the health to you too. cheers

andersonbabe says:

thank you – this video has been a great tool for me :)

ninmachine109 says:

do they knock you out before they do this?

millzthrillz says:

I am 23 and just had my first ever colonoscopy. I was diagnosed with
Ulcerative colitis. to those of you worried or concerned, i was nervous
heading up into the examination. I’d say its normal to be nervous but dont
be scared, you wont feel the camera.

RuralBreakfast says:

Thank goodness :)

brotherhoodz97 says:

Doesn’t this shit hurt like hell?

Scrotie McBoogerBalls says:

that was swell.

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