Having a Colonoscopy

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Lynn Faulds Wood’s video for anyone who’s about to have a colonoscopy.


hempelchamp says:

I had the colonoscopy procedure done last Thursday and 5 polyps were
removed. The good news is there is no cancer. I go back in 3 years for
another procedure.

daniel hoskins says:

It still the same in the UK the colnoscopy got to have one friday this
video full of information

Vic P says:

Great video providing insight into what a colonoscopy is, what to expect
and how the procedure is carried out.


Really very helpful. Thanks for your videos. 

Diptiman Banerji says:

Thank you for putting this very helpful video up! God Bless!

chrisiden says:

thank you for the video Lynn, you are a very brave Lady :)

Carlo Bari says:

This video journalistically accurate compared to the Katie Couric “I want
an award” for most funny performance.

kanda kumar says:

everyones plumbing is different so the level of pain whilst having this
procedure will vary considerably

Tanya Bell-Abercrombie says:

I think it’s different from state to state. I’ve never had one whilst awake
in Georgia but in Texas you could be awake or sedated. The prep is worst
part. I’ve got one coming in about six hours :-( 

cockneyrebell says:

I had one today with just gas and air and it was quite painfull but got the
all clear so bit of pain is nothing don’t be put off 

donavitum says:

Very informative clip. A big plus is that your presentation is in plain
English, and things are explained fully. I feel better, as I’m having the
procedure in Edinburgh on Sept 1, 2014

Many thanks

Ian Mobile says:

Thank you for sharing this, mine is in a few days time and the nerves are
brewing. Edit update. The nerves were unjustified, the staff at Medway
Maritime were brilliant. Don’t panic about it peeps… it isn’t that bad,
the most pain was taking the sticky plaster off my hairy hands.

Paul Hetherton says:

thank you I just found out I have to go for a colonoscopy.

Linda Gibson says:

This certainly set my mind at ease.

Raneem Hijazi says:

Thank you .
i will have my colonoscopy on next wednesday and I was a little bit worried.
but after watching this video i think my worries shrank .

Bear Plains says:

having my colonoscopy the in 4 days and im nervous as heck.. my digestion
has cost me ALOT of trouble. including anxiety, depression, chronic
fatigue, concentration disorders, muscle pain and weakness and of course
diarrhea… hope this wont hurt or anything and most importantly, that they
find whats been torturing me for 10 years now. my personal opinion is that
my country has possibly the worst care system out there. i used 4 years to
get the test which they told me that they had taken, but they had not..
they were blaming it all on my head, and i got worse and worse. finally got
the blood tests from my new doctor and he tells me that the tests was NEVER
taken theese years when the other doctor told me it was. bunch of liars and
i hope there is a thing called karma.

the blood tests showed signs of celiac disease. when i started gluten free
my stool went from yellow/Cornish to at least normal color. i really,
really hope it isn’t anything dangerous and it isn’t to late.

Virgi Andrade says:

I had a colonscopy done on feb 19th

Rheny Baby says:

thank you love, you cleared up all of my guestions

Samantha Burton says:

This video was really helpful as i have one booked in two weeks time.
Though I’m worried as they didn’t make it clear if i needed blood tests
done before hand and if they needed to have a stool sample before as well.
Im quite nervous about this, more worried about being on my own. Though the
video has helped with what to expect. Thank you so much. 

The Outsider says:

Thank you ma’am.

Marshall Diehl says:

Thank for your video

claire99ism says:

I had a colonoscopy today, and found it very uncomfortable. Was told it was
because I had scarring.

reina david says:

Very informative and reassuring. Thank you for sharing.

darkmossie633 says:

I took my laxative the night before my colonoscopy -all 6 pints of it
including extra water you take with it to stop de-hydration
-it took a bit longer to work than the leaflet said, and I did not get to
bed until 3.00 am in the morning after many visits to the toilet-everyone
reacts slightly differently to this laxative
-My appointment was at 11am, but when I got up at 8.30am, I was very
concerned as I had quite bad stomack cramps and there were a lot of
“gurgling” sounds in my stomack, suggesting I had a lot of trapped wind
which could not come out as some of the laxative liquid was still in me in
the lower colon
-trapped air/wind can be exceedingly painful
-not to worry, I just had a large cup ( about 1/2 a pint) of my favourite
very strong Italian High roast filter coffee (black -no milk allowed)
-less than 10 minutes later I had to rush to the loo, and had explosive
followed by a hugh fart, and the relief was instant -laxative gone and
trapped air after it!
I told them before my colonoscopy and they agreed that strong coffee can
have a laxative effect
-what I did not tell them, was the fag I had with the coffee! A coffee and
a fag, probably one of the world’s great laxatives!
-I hope this may be of some help to people who take this laxative before a
colonoscopy -non smokers too!
PS smoking is a really bad and dangerous habit, and i am trying to give up

Rainbowhiskey says:

Thank you for making this video! I feel less nervous now about my upcoming
colonoscopy. :)

burger muncher says:

oh man I am doing this and hour later…

Amy Blatherwick says:

After watching this I’m still petrified :(

64BBernard says:

I recently had a colonoscopy. For the preparation they had me use
Pico-Salax, a suppository and two pills. It wasn’t too bad the Pico- Salax,
but it has a strange citrus taste that is hard to descript. But it is
tolerable, at least for me it was. What wasn’t tolerable was the watery
diahhrea. Absolutely dreadful. Do yourself a favour and use Wetones or baby
wipes to clean your bottom because toilet paper will be too harsh for your
bottom. Trust me on this. As for the colonoscopy, it was a bit
uncomfortable when hey reached the tranverse colon, but I fell asleep at
that point. After the colonoscopy I had painful cramps from the CO2 that
they put in your colon to make it easier to pass the colonoscopy device and
better see for polyps. The surgeon did find a small tubular adenoma and the
pathology report came back as no dysplasia. So everything was fine and I
was told to come back in 7-10 years.

netdudeuk says:

Thanks for sharing and supporting others. I thought that I’d report on my
own experiences to help anyone who is feeling nervous about the procedure.

I had a colonoscopy a couple of days ago. To say that I was terrified
would be an understatement. I started the prep at noon on Tuesday,
followed up with the second at 1600 hrs and was in the bathroom from 1300
to about 1900/2000 hrs. I passed the time by watching movies on my iPad.
The prep tasted better than I thought it would but the second lot was a bit
harder than the first. I just got on with it.

My appointment was at 0930 but I didn’t go into the Prep Room until about
1130. I got changed and about ten minutes later, in came the nurse
practitioner who was doing the procedure. Five minutes later and we were
walking into the Scoping Room. I lay down on the bed, a nurse sat with me
to distract me and in no time at all, the nurse practitioner had started
the procedure Let me say that it was a walk in the park. Honestly, I
didn’t have one uncomfortable or painful moment. The whole thing must have
only took twenty minutes and then they wheeled me out into the Recovery

I was out within half an hour.

Although I would not advocate that anyone follows my own experience, I
chose to have neither the sedation nor the Entinox. It was totally pain
and discomfort free.

Despite the nature of the procedure, I didn’t feel exposed or vulnerable.
The endoscope went in very quickly and I wasn’t ‘on show’ to anyone in the

I know that everyone is different but hopefully this will help to calm the
nerves in those who have one coming up. If you’ve been putting one off,
now may be the time to get it booked.

Danielle Effiong says:

I have Crohn’s disease, have had many colonoscopies. Not that big of a
deal, only the fasting bothers me. 

sothathappened says:

Thank you for this. I’m having my colonoscopy next Wednesday.

Sally-ann Davis says:

I am having one on monday 6th january..my doctor did tell me as it can be
painful and some people stop the procedure.. are you being honest about the
comfort of this.. i am very anxious

chich2007 says:

(I posted a comment here a few weeks ago… but it disappeared – so here
it is again) I had a colonoscopy on November 5th and this video was very
helpful at getting me reassured and reducing my stress. I want to dispel
some myths [as this excellent video does] because the events in hospital
were quite wonderful.. The mild sedation was really good, in fact I dozed
off through most of it. There was no sensation or pain. I was lying on one
side and covered over all the time. So there was no embarrassment. Also
… the lighting is turned right down (so the doctor can view the TV
monitor more clearly I guess). And the best news was was no enema !!
Actually the BEST news was I had nothing abnormal which was of course
fantastic ! So to sum up (1) No pain/ discomfort (2) no embarrassment (3)
quite enjoyable anaesthetic and (4) I would do it again tomorrow if it was
needed. I think this video should be recommended on every hospital leaflet
they hand out to patients in advance. There are so many distorted myths
about the procedure. The worst thing about the thing is the restricted diet
in the 2-days before followed by the laxative. But, hey, if you get past
that … you’re home and dry. Thanks Lynn Fowlds Wood – you’re a star!!!!

Joel Gretsch says:

Lovely women! Thanks for being so helpful and extraordinary.
Also, I wish I lived near that Doctor and hospital – very kind.

Louise M says:

Thanks for the helpful video, at least you’ve got people talking about it,
I think when it comes to this sort of area we become less comfortable than
say if we were having another procedure. I think these video’s helps a lot.
I hope you’re still doing well. I’m due to have an endoscopy and
colonoscopy on the same day, but without sedation as I can’t get someone to
fetch me. :( I hope it’s as comfortable (as it can be) when I have mine,
the thought of them putting the tube in worries me as i’m not sedated. I’m
dreading the drink and the throat spray. Last time I felt I couldn’t
breathe properly..

Itay Yahel says:

Great lady wish you great life

Pamela Green says:

Thank you very much Lynn for sharing this. I have to have a colonoscopy
this Friday. I have been so depressed and upset because I have already had
breast cancer in 2001 which resulted in a mastectomy. Your video is
extremely useful and I appreciate you sharing it. It explains the
procedure very well.

konichiwa50 says:

Ms. Lynn….
thank you for this most helpful video!!…. I am getting this procedure
done in a couple weeks and was not sure what to expect……….. I think
the preparation the day before will be the most involved…

Lisa Duffy says:

I think it would be helpful to have a video on her about the bowel
cleanse/prep – there are a few online but they are all from the US and
their prep seems to differ from ours slightly :)

abccaldwell1 says:

The whole colonoscopy experience was like a bad date:
hours of prep and discomfort and you wake up with a sore rectum and
feeling kinda empty inside.

KHAN King says:

Thanks Lynn for the info it was really helpful for me as I watched your
experience several times and had a real good idea what to expect on the
day for my Colons copy,mine was all ok.Keep up the work and I hope you are
well and thank you once again!!!

Ariel Nelson says:

just saying mix some lemonade with the laxative and drink it out of a straw
so much easier then trying to chug it 


Thank you for sharing your experience. Take care and God bless.

chich2007 says:

I have to say I was getting in a bit of a state of anxiety about my
upcoming colonoscopy last week. Never having had one before. Any your video
put my mind at rest a great deal. So thank you. Happily the exam showed up
no problems at all which was a great relief. And the procedure was such a
doddle I would do it again without any hesitation. Yeh, so thanks!

Mack Mack says:

+LynnsBowelCancerCamp O.K I would just like to say that after having a
successful Sigmoidoscope to screen the lower bowel. I was sent again for a
Colonoscopy to screen the whole large bowel. The stuff they sent me
MOVIPREP I had followed the prep instructions to the latter. I had my last
small breakfast of boiled eggs on toast at 8.30 am the previous day. Had
one cup of black coffee in the mid afternoon on the previous day. I mixed
both litres of Sachet A&B one at 5pm the next at 8pm and drank each litre
of MOVIPREP slowly with 500ml of water as stated. I finished the second
litre at 9.25 and I was up until 1.20am in the morning going to the toilet
about 9/10 times. After the urges had gone I went to bed for a 9.30am
appointment. I just want to state that the MOVIPREP did not work and the
whole thing was cancelled. After all that trouble I went through to prep
successfully. What a waste of time. Now they want to put me on PICOLAX. Not
hopeful about all this working?

baddiesgirl says:

Preparing today for mine tomorrow.

Timothy J. Holloway says:

Thank you. I’m meeting with a gastroenterologist this morning at 9 AM and I
am nervous. This sets my mind a bit at ease, though :-)

LadyVenom Way says:

I’m 25 and been told I need one. I am absolutely terrified. Thanks for
this, put me at ease a little bit

devanir73 says:

I want to thank you for making this video, in fact I am going to have my
colonoscopy done tomorrow and I was a bit nervous but I feel very reassured

LordGandor3 says:

I recently turned 51 I followed the prep to a T which thoroughly flushed my
colon I opted for no sedation at Scripps Rancho Bernardo Dr.Franklin Tsai
used Co2& water I watched the whole procedure on the screen even when he
clipped 1 polyp I basically felt nothing. With the Co2 you really don’t
feel anything, the procedure lasted just over 13 min. I repeat there is
absolutely no need for sedation ! I expected to feel a little pain but
there was none. By the way sedation adds $200 – $600 to the cost. Fasting
for a day & 1/2 was the worst part.

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