Jeff Foxworthy-Colonoscopy

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From “Them Idiots: Whirled Tour”


Arlen D Vestby says:

Thanks for the laughs..detox deluxe:))

David Welsh says:

What I think is hilarious is this… Jeff Foxworthy has more platinum
comedy albums than any comic of all time. Jeff Dunham is the number one
comedian in the middle east, with Gabriel Iglesias right behind him. Larry
the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, Ron White, Denis Leary, and a few others like
them (who only use bad words when it actually is part of the joke or
set…) lead the pack.. yet all of those overly vulgar and “don’t really
believe in anything” comedians are nowhere near their popularity yet are
claimed by so many to be “breakout stars”.

That says a lot about how those vulgar just to be vulgar people “got to be
famous”, doesn’t it?

SongwriterJT says:


Tyler Anderson says:

‘What came outta me was so loud and so long, Fred Flintstone clocked out
from work.’ I laughed so hard, I damn near pissed myself.

matts6887 says:

omg…..the first time i watched this this evening; i was laughing so
frigging hard my sides started to hurt from laughing and my eyes were
watering too!. I needed a good laugh like that though. Havent had a good
one in awhile lol. He is hilarious as all get out too!

Marc Plante says:

they stuff a seesnake up your a hole

Tom Fitzgerald says:

recorded via a potatoe 

Adrian Marcial says:

Watching this while having a bowel movement

BranlandAdventures says:

Jeff Foxworthy-Colonoscopy:

Missy Wiley says:

I’m laughing so hard. “What came out of me was so loud & so long Fred
Flintstone clocked out of work.” ROTFLOL ;-D

Nina Gold says:

I think I would have done what Jeff did and drank all the stuff down as
fast as I could just to get it over with.

mcgarveyamy says:


B Bobbitt says:

Check out this video on YouTube:

Aminals says:

Wow! I had to pause in the middle of this to compose myself for about 5

millenniumf1138 says:

Probably the funniest part of his routine! :D

divisioneight says:

LOL – so true, so true. But the prep tasted AWFUL and was like swallowing
liquid plaster. YEECCHHH!

Kathy Niell says:

As someone who has survived this procedure, Jeff is right on the mark! ;-)

Phil Hellmuth says:

1 of the most underrated comedians. The dude is fucking hilarious, I saw he
is in contention with Pryor, Kennison, and Dangerfield

jbsjunk says:

Funny stuff. My only complaint is the person taping the T.V. show can’t
seem to hold the camera steady.

steamo magoo says:

Ive had two of these tests done…I know where he’s coming from…..still
laughing my head off….thank you Jeff

Marci Suarez says:

I have one scheduled for Jan 3rd that I am not looking forward to.

Theodore Hawkins says:
karlamae canine says:

Soooooo funny!

Particolor says:

Nice Troll Collection Simmo!! How much did You pay Mollybaby to say that
??.. Rabbit777 is a Troll and so is Molybaby !!!…Have Fun !!

Particolor says:

CS Blogs are nothing but Wall to Wall TROLLS !!

Samantha Shine says:


Nacker323 says:

“the first volley took my feet off the ground, I was physically afraid”

M Mansfield says:

I let one rip that lasted 14 secs as soon as I woke up; it sent the nurses
running… my ride home was from a neighbor and I forced her to pull the
car over on the way home so I could fart again…

icyhotnipples says:

Nice giggle lol

jak795 says:

You must have reached a new level of fart!

Jeremy Hicks says:

Fart contest: Jeff wins

Vigo 894 says:

Man, hope you’re better now.

Sarah Hartzler says:

“So loud and so long that Fred Flinstone clocked out from work.” Lmao

MrXanatos1987 says:

Samantha I hate that for you becuz after mine was over, I went & ate pizza
& went home to sleep off the rest of the Demerol

MrXanatos1987 says:

See I didnt have to fart, & I had mine 2 years ago when I was 24 due to
health issues. I guess everybodie’s is different becuz I had this gallon
jug with powder in it & I mixed it with 4 pints of Lemonade I believe & I
had to drink a glass every 20 minutes until it was gone. & after the 3rd
glass I said to my mother who is a nurse that nothing was happening after I
said that I was walking upstairs & my underwear tapped me on the shoulder &
told me to run.

SirDeanosity says:

NEVER use Movi Prep even if you are paid to use it!!! Think drinking 64oz
of stuff that tastes like the shampoo that got in your mouth when you were
a kid.

Ryan Beers says:

WHY would the nurses applaud at you farting because you didn’t shit
yourself ?? like I imagine most people would I’m only 26 so I haven’t had
one of these yet I can only imagine how bad they are !! :/

JohnMagillM says:

I litterly ratteled the windows at my clinic, think i even set the record
for the longest ever

xorissarooxo says:

I’m 19 and I go for my second colonoscopy in a half hour.. I have Crohn’s
Disease so this is the second one I have had in 10 months.. The prep is the
worst.. the scope im like ehhhhh haha

NK11SammyLuna says:

Starting at 4:17 and ending at 5:08 is just pure comedy!

Ryan Beers says:

with a name like Samantha shine I would think your a woman !!

Megan Phillips says:

I love your laugh in the background ^_^

Keny Crawford says:

You won’t shit yourself, for there’s nothing in you to shit out.

Jack12286 says:

Dear Ms. Colonoscopies, My father Who is a 48 year old male. Who had a tube
shoved up my but. My gas wasn’t as bad as Jeff Foxworthy’s had to do, I
applaud you for farting when no one else will listen. Please find them
Idiots tour and then your boyfriend will understand what the major problem
is here okay. Please have a great colonoscopie day. My gas was better than
yours says my father. My youtube name is Jack12286. My real name is Chris

Ryan Beers says:

colon is latin for large intestine oscopy is for attach camera to garden
hose !

Stacy Wyatt says:

I work as an endoscopy tech…assisting with colonoscopies and upper GI’s.
This is absolutely hilarious to me!!! We hear some hilarious things I’m
recovery…our nurses and I sometimes score the farting on recovery! LOL

Tony Hodgin says:

I got to wait 10 yr, till I have to get one, the joy of getting older

Lynne Gee says:

Hope your follow-up appointments have sorted out whatever the problem is,

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