Prepare for a Colonoscopy

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Instructions are given for how to prepare for the procedure. This includes what to tell your doctor before the procedure, how to drink the bowel preparation solution and what happens before and during the procedure. A video clip from a colonoscopy exam is shown.


bill smith says:

I had to mix the solution with 7up,otherwise there’re be no way I coulda
kept that stuff down.

J.R. Zippie says:

It took me a long time to finally get the guts to allow a
colonoscopy….well beyond the recommended starting age….Imagine my
surprise at how relaxed and at ease I was, even viewing the procedure on a
color monitor. Being under a mild anesthetic made the time seen to fly
by……The Dr. commented that my “innards” were “as smooth as a baby’s
ass”…and I passed with surprisingly good results..He then said “See you
blessing…..The only bad part was the PREP WORK (the day before),
drinking all that nasty laxative juice……yuk….But I lived thru
it….so can you……..woo hoo !!

Zee De says:

Thank you for this very informative video, 

Sherryl Peters says:

I have look at a few videos,this is the best so far,Thank you.

LiveStarAnime says:

I am alsp getting a colonoscopy in june since i have had colitis and it was
flairing up over the course of three monts from february though may. there
fore I had ferquent doctr visits and blood tests bso hopefully this
colonoscopy procedure can rule out anything bad and i willahve to drink
those things thaat I willnot find so tasting.

zaedlo says:

I had this twice when living in America and had to drink huge amounts of
laxative, I have to have another colonoscopy here in England and only have
to drink two small quantities of phosopho-soda 12 hours apart 7pm and again
at 7am for my 3pm treatment. I’m high risk and have one every 3 years, not
so terrible. Life savers for sure.

Khrisper says:

@ebonyladee Can I ask how it went? I’m having one towards the end of the
month and I can’t say I’m excited… Thanks.

ebonyladee says:

I will be undergoing this procedure this nov. I am very nervous and
thinking of cancelling my app. But I must do this for my health. Thank you
so much for the info.

durgaaa says:

You docs can go ahead and use the lexicon – the ilium and ileo cecal valve
which dumps into the cecum and the ascending colon, thus coating and
obscuring the view of the colonoscope at its farthest reach. All these
terms are found on Wikipedia. I’m just an average citizen who studies her
body parts as they are affected by medicine. I learned the lexicon because
it’s part of critical thinking and self knowledge.

Catwoman724 says:

I have endomitrial cancer. Had a cat scan ,and it didnt show cancer
anywhere else. Doctor wants me to have a colonscopy just to be on the safe
side to make sure the cancer didnt spread to the colon.Before he does a
total hysterectomy.Im scared of having a colonscopy. I also have
agoraphobia,and have constant panic when i leave my home. I dont do well
without food .I tend to reach for food when i have panic. Very scared,when
i somewhere i want to leave due to panic attacks.

boaterbil says:

@smartdog3003 It’s a walk in the park

Anavi Anael says:

Everyone I know who’s had a colonoscopy has said the worst part of the
procedure was drinking the 4 liters of stuff. They said it tastes like alka
seltzer. For the procedure, they were so out of it they didn’t even feel a

clarence chua says:

i am going for this colonscopy soon. what they ask me is to drink Frotan
the day before the procedure at 1 go ( 1L 1 hr ie 4L in 4 hrs 6pm before
the day of procedure). Its abit differnt pre from you ?

SuperTrixie13 says:

I am a 26 year old female whom has been in the hospital for 3 days now. I
have a colonoscomy. Tomorrow. They had me drink a gallon of that stuff
tonight. :( I’m so freakin scared!!!!!!!!!!

samsaragx says:

I have a colonoscopy in 6 hours and I just found out the ratins for the Dr.
on the internet and … I wasn’t wrong. He is a complete douche! Sigh… 2
people even said he misdiagnosed them! Ironically he is supposed to be one
of the best Drs. in Ontario.

travis stoner says:

i also have to do it to lol

derek carrier says:

i have to get one next month this looks scary :'(

Meelzdiva says:

My dad had a colonoscopy, he hated drinking that liquid, he blew it up and
lost like 10 pownds after that

A Rabbit says:

Very informative.

S G says:

Thanks for informative and detailed videos

Shane Jacobson says:

This was the best video that I have watched. Thankyou for the great
production of this video & answers.

smartdog3003 says:

I also have to get this done and I am so nervous!!

chriswarren44 says:

Do NOT cancel your appointment or delay in any manner. IF by chance you
have a cancer, it needs to be dealt with immediately. This Colon procedure
is minor compared to not having it and letting the cancer kill you. Yes, it
can be a bit uncomfortable, but not nearly as bad as you’re thinking. This
procedure might even save you from surgery if the cancer is caught fast
enough. Remember, you’re not in this alone. Your family wants to keep you
around for a while longer.

ranalc says:

As a male over 50 I was stupid to resist having the procedure done. After
having my first colonoscopy, I was told that my next one should be 10 years
from now. Get over the FEAR and get it done. The prep was the hardest part
of the procedure.

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