Preparing for a Colonoscopy

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Prepare for your colonoscopy with these simple tips from Dr. Lynn Butterly, Director of the Colorectal Cancer Screening Program at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center.

Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in the United States — yet it’s one of the few we can prevent. Prevention and detection are the keys to beating colorectal cancer.

The colonoscopy uses a thin, flexible tube through which your doctor can detect polyps with a tiny camera, and even remove them without discomfort in a matter of seconds. Preparing as effectively as possible for a colonoscopy gives your doctor the best chance of finding even the smallest polyps.

Your doctor will prescribe you the “prep” medication that you will drink beforehand, but you will also want to have other materials on hand for the “clear liquid diet” that you’ll have to be on as well.

Clear liquids include apple juice, ginger ale, Jell-O, broth or bouillon. Hard candies may even be OK as well.

You also may want to have extra toilet paper, special wipes, or magazines or books.

Drink one glass every 15 minutes or so until you feel full, then take a break to let it work through your system. Don’t get discouraged as you work your way through the jug; just remember, possibly having undiscovered colorectal cancer will be harder than this preparation!

The “

split prep” is another option. You would do most of your prep in the afternoon and night, then finish the prep first thing in the morning, if your endoscopy center recommends it. Remember that you have to finish the prep at least an hour and a half before your appointment.

You can flavor your prep with a colorless flavor of Crystal Light (flavor each glass, not the whole jug). We encourage you to use more than one flavor for variety’s sake.

Again, your own endoscopist may have different recommendations than what we have suggested here. Check with your provider for specific instructions.

Learn more about our colorectal screening program at


divisioneight says:

When I finished my gallon, I went outside and kicked the container clear
across the yard. YEECCH! But downed like a boss and all went well.

Nasar Usmani says:

what about milk or yogurt mixed with sugar, tea or soups filtered through

Brenda McNiel says:

This is so outdated. I just had one today and it has come so much easier
no hassle

happymemories says:

Stop saying ”YOUR END GOAL!!!” This shyt isn’t fun or funny & joke isn’t
appropriate or appreciated! How about less talk & YOU drink this ”crap”,
as you so lovingly called it & let’s see if you’re still little Susie

TheValleyGuy says:

Her name is Butt ER ly….. 

anthony diodati says:

Dr. Lynn Butterly, or anyone with knowledge, If I have part of my colon
removed, do you think I can get away with drinking less of the colon prep.
The office has me drinking 1/2 of the bottle the day before, and the rest
of it the next AM. (split-dose)
Do you think this is better than drinking all of it the night before?
Also I am worried about getting hungry the day of the prep. Do you think if
I drink lots o soup broth, it will help with the hunger?
Also can I / should I drink a little bit of water with the prep the next
AM, (the day of the test)
My test is at 9:30, and was instructed to finish the remainder of the prep
by 6:00 AM.
I think a lot of times, you ask these girls in the office questions, they
really don’t know what it’s all about, they just read information off a
computer screen to you.
I asked the girls in the office about being able to drink less prep, due to
having less of my colon, but they just took the easy way out (for them) and
just said, “It would be best to drink it all.

Also, the nurse in pretesting told me, I would be better off to drink about
3/4 of the gallon the night before, and the remaining 1/4 (about a quart)
the next AM.
Have you ever heard of that.

Mike J says:

I put this test off for a year and a half. As much as I hate this test with
a passion, my life was saved because of it.

ttiimmbaland166 says:

Dr. Lynn BUTT-early

Keith Poplet says:

Thank you so much.

Tina Lynn Brewer says:

Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us. I appreciate
the information very much.

Doris Leyba says:

OUT! Be glad we arent having it done back in the day when they didnt use

DCUPtoejuice says:

could be dangerous for salt imbalances?

Doris Leyba says:

What this prep test fails to share, is that the test is Painful; very
uncomfortable due to the air that is pumped in to inflate the colon which
is naturally closed. Thus, you are Knocked out, however the points that
turn, When Inflated, will Pop Pain Into you even with you being knocked
out. Yes the mixture you drink does not go well with hypertension or
arthritis as you know sodium does havoc to your joints and your blood
pressure. So be sure you have to have it done and you are well enough to
do so. My knee swelled, headache; OH! the mixture is bad tasting yes, but
thats not why you will have a hard time consuming it, YOUR STARVING!, your
stomach is acidity, your head might ache, your going thru food withdrawal
so naturally consuming this stuff as a substitute mentally messes you up.
SO DRINK IT QUICKLY, REMEMBER YOUR GOAL & get it over with (if you decide
to do it). Jelly helps, as your mouth makes a chewing motion which psychs
you out as if your eating. *There is a Positive………. our intestines
really need a good clean out every once in awhile. SMH

ratrod diesels says:

its true go lytely taste like dumpster water i drank the whole gallon plan
on being home all day or you will have fecal incontinence . i had my
colonoscopies without sedation and a upper endoscopy without sedation.
being sedated you will need a responsible escort and may get nausea. be a
marine and dont have sedation the procedures are short .the jama latest
trend is not using sedation. i used the shower washer much cleaner
process. semper fi !!

Jorge De Santiago says:

I became very religious after my test. 

UsedStryker says:

These are great colonoscopy prep tips! Very useful. Thanks for sharing this

Jeanie Glass says:

I have no respect for a physician who recommends toxic Crystal Light.
Aspartame is a known toxin & if she had done her homework; she’d know that.
And she is condescending. We are NOT children, nor are we stupid. And I
understand the doctor isn’t just looking for polyps; but for other
abnormalities, as well. 

Joao T says:

So sad that they do not have a healthier way to prepare for this procedure.
All these products, which most of them have ASPARTAME and other chemicals
are SOOOOO harmful especially when people CLEANSE the colon. My partner
took the MOVIPREP (poison) and he had the worse night of his life and my
life. It was HORRIBLE! There are other healthier ways to do it. It intakes
more time. This procedure is a shock to the system. I would never do it!
What happen to cleanse with enemas? How ironic… do all these things that
are armful to the body in the name of a “health” procedure! Take the time
to learn and respect your body! KNOW what you are doing. MOST doctors do
NOT know what is the best for us. MOST do not have any idea, or care to
know what they are doing and prescribing to people. It is a business! What
ever sells. Anyway…. to me it is appalling that the doctors do not have
an alternative way to prepare people for such a sensitive procedure.

William Jones says:

He he, crystal light, aspartame. NOT

sean devine says:

People walk around all day having just ate or digesting food or having
waste in the colon. So humans are all always pretty much full of crap. 

xKmotx says:

Excellent presentation of a tender subject. Thank you.

Derek Xbox Avatar says:

Is Sprite ok?? It’s a possibility I may need to do this because I recently
got a blood test to check for IBS, after eating ANY food I go to the
bathroom 15 minutes later with the runs, sometimes with clear looking mucus
with blood inside……

TrueBeauty101 says:

You guys think its scary I’m 15!!!! I have to get this and an upper
endoscopy this up coming Wednesday and I’m freaking out 

MrMeat42 says:

15 minutes?! Hold on, I gotta poop again. #10

Lamborghini Gal says:

This was a GREAT video. Very helpful and through. I thought Dr. Butterly
did a fantastic job. She was clear, concise and explained everything so
well. I loved her presentation and I liked her. She seems very nice.
Thank you so much for sharing this video, Dr. Butterly.

(However, I have to say I would personally never drive an hour and a half
to my colonoscopy, as she mentioned. I’m not sure who, in their right
mind, would. LOL)!! 

jjlinert says:

Sounds scary still.

C Davis says:

I’m having it done in 3 days. I watched the procedure on here and that damn
cable cam seems awful long 

dinosaurye says:

I’m getting this tomorrow 

jayhawker53 says:

I don’t believe in colonoscopies.

namaniane says:

very good presentation. If it’s boring to some of you, move on. You have a
choice to watch or not. I want to know exactly what to do. It’s my colon
and we want to make the right choices. Thank you.

guess it says:

i bet by removing the polyp they release cells that later replant
themselves in your body and get cancer somewhere else later

lindakentrealestate says:


Yvette Campbell says:

Had one done about one month ago thank god every thing turned out ok. But
the prep was horrible thisvideo is very informative

J Ford says:

Had my colonoscopy today. Get some tootsie roll pops on hand to suck and
lick in between each drink. I found having it cold in the fridge made it
more tolerant. I had to have a two day prep because I had a gastric bypass
roux en y so I don’t clean out easily. The first night I did a half a
bottle of miralax 238g bottle mixed in diet snapple lemon tea. That was
the easiest part. Last night I had the 4 liter bottle of trilyte. It’s
basically salty soapy water. Very gross. I don’t want to lie. I used the
cherry flavor packet that they gave me at the pharmacy attached to the
bottle. I would recommend the cherry or the orange flavor as the best. I
did not think to add crystal light to each individual class of prep like
the video suggested. Since I have to have these every 2 years because
colon cancer runs in my family I will try that the next go around. To make
the process easier when consuming the prep I took a two cup size measuring
cup and filled it to 8 ounces each time and drank it out of a straw. This
helped a lot because I would start to gag when I tried drinking it straight
from the glass on my lips. It was too much and drinking with a straw
allowed me to hold my nose when taking it in so I would not smell the
mixture. For lunch on the day of the second prep I had won ton soup less
the won tons and pork bits. A few scallions made it in but they didn’t
cause any issues and got flushed away. Definitely have the tootsie roll
pops with you when you start the drinking process. I have to say this
helped quite a bit. In total I consumed about 5 of them!

Well my colonoscopy is over! The doctor found a polyp and removed it. It
will be sent for biopsy and she will call me with the results. Hopefully
it was just a polyp and nothing cancerous. Good luck everyone! Just
remember this too shall pass! (no pun intended!) 

guess it says:

And where did you get that jug??

guess it says:

Joseph’s Hospital which I do not trust, I don’t know why they don’t go to
Southern NH Medical Center which is modern and clean. They are sending me
because i have insurance. Taking the fit test means now that the
colonoscopy is done for ‘medical reasons’ and not a screening, so I have to
pay a deductible for 300. I hope to GOD I die before I have to do this in 4
days. I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THE DOCTOR that put his finger in me or saw my
ass. ARe you people stupid? Send me a letter for CHRIST’s SAKE. I am
leaving as soon as I wake up and I don’t care what shit you all try to tell
me. I would rather die and fall and die than see the doctor or have to pass
gas where ppl can hear me – you have made me so upset. If they find
cancer, I will get a gun within a month cause that ain’t happening. I think
I will cancel this-no one cares if I live so why should i fuck this

chloe owens says:

having a gastroscapy and colonoscopy in 5 days, this video is very helpful
!! not looking forward to it but now im not as scared. thanks !

sothathappened says:

Wonderful advice. Thank you!

Marcia Julian says:

Love this video! Nice and slow and very informative, especially the
preparation at home; I like the “split-prep” it makes sense! 

guess it says:

the instructions from the hospital tell me to call my doctor, the doctor’s
office (Pauline the diabetes dope) says read what they sent to me about my
medications even though I told them both I do not understand what to do.
so, fuck em I won’t take anything. I hate you all

42sabby says:

Thank you for the information. My husband will be going through this
procedure in a couple of months. Very helpful infor and good suggestions.

mrmosconi says:

What a waste of time. This lady treats the viewer as if he or she were a
particularly dull three year old. The entire talk could be summarized in
two or three sentences. 

Q V says:

Thanks a million doc. Video is very thorough and informative, Having mine
done next week. You can also use the crystal light with natural flavors
instead of the one with aspartame. Gret video

Xiangjun Kong says:

Thank you very much Dr. Butterfly for the detailed explanation, which
surely helps for understanding as i am to do it day after tomorrow.

Kenneth House says:

Getting mine tomorrow!

Santana E Black says:

I got to get a colonoscopy next month. the last one I had was about ten
years ago . I hated it, but it’s got to get done. Wish me luck!

violentjett says:

Eat a bunch of beans before you go to hospital

Reuben Burman says:


Mulan Inoki says:

very informative video! thanks Doc i’m well informed and more prepared

Spy Bug says:

The actual info starts @5:00 into the video.

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