PVHS CEO Rulon Stacey gets a colonoscopy, and lets the world watch

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Poudre Valley Health System CEO Rulon Stacey recorded his colonoscopy to show how easy the procedure is, and that if you’re 50 years old, fear shouldn’t keep you from getting this potentially life-saving screening. Read more on his blog at http://visionary.pvhs.org


titan1986 says:

Nice, here in Poland we do it with out any pain meds.

James Gonzalez says:

I would get it done again at first I was scared and nervous about it but it
wasn’t bad at all just sucks that you can’t eat anything 24 hours before 

Danny VanHoose says:

next is endoscopy

dan292009 says:

I’m having it done next Week. I’m terrified thank you for your video it’s
really made me feel at ease. 

zaire lane says:

im scared i have to get one tomorrow 

guess it says:

I took a fit test, I guess I strained and they found blood. Now I will
have to pay a deductible for my colonoscopy. I watched this video and now
see how ridiculous and undignified I will look during it and now wish I was
dead even more than before I watched. I wish I had the guts to cancel it.
I wish I would die so I would not be put thru this. I DON’T want to SEE
the doctor who does it, just send me a letter JESUS CHRIST!! As soon as I
wake up, I am grabbing my clothes and leaving, I don’t give a shit about
their little rules-I will sign a AMA (against medical advice) plus I have
to beg my daughter to come and get me when she couldn’t care less and I
don’t have anyone else to do it but am too embarrassed to tell them that or
call a cab. I hate the one friend I have from high school who won’t leave
me alone and refuses to drift away from me-I hate this life, aside from a
few laughs, most days are ruined by something and doctors only make
everything harder. Tomorrow I will get a bridge in my mouth, more shots
and more anger. I have anxiety and can’t do this alone but there is no one
to count on or trust. Fuck this

goolia0475 says:

Stlydutch – Imagine several feet of thick cable being pushed up your butt,
along with some air, going all through your intestines. That’s why you need
anesthesia, unless you’re into feeling that kind of pain.

goolia0475 says:

Heather h- Wow, you are retarded.

LordGandor3 says:

I recently turned 51 I followed the prep to a T which thoroughly flushed my
colon I opted for no sedation at Scripps Rancho Bernardo Dr.Franklin Tsai
used Co2& water I watched the whole procedure on the screen even when he
clipped 1 polyp I basically felt nothing. With the Co2 you really don’t
feel anything, the procedure lasted just over 13 min. I repeat there is
absolutely no need for sedation ! I expected to feel a little pain but
there was none. By the way sedation adds $200 – $600 to the cost.

112seagull says:

It doesn’t hurt at all! I had one yesterday &, having read up on it, could
find no reason why it should be painful, so opted not to have an
anaesthetic (as I don’t particularly like needles!) The anaesthetic is to
relax you & I felt that I could relax myself using breathing techniques.
The only slight discomfort is caused by air that’s put into the colon, to
inflate it slightly. (It feels like flatulence, so just ‘expel’ it if you
feel the need!) I had a 1cm polyp removed, with no pain at all!

112seagull says:

It doesn’t hurt at all! I had one yesterday &, having read up on it, could
find no reason why it should be painful, so opted not to have an
anaesthetic (as I don’t particularly like needles!) The anaesthetic is to
relax you & I felt that I could relax myself using breathing techniques.
The only slight discomfort is caused by air that’s put into the colon, to
inflate it slightly. (It feels like flatulence, so just ‘expel’ it if you
feel the need!) I had a 1cm polyp removed, with no pain at all!

Heather h says:

how bout you figure out what causes the ass cancer instead

Darris Turbyfill says:

I just had my first colonoscopy at the age of 53… 4 small polyps were
found and removed… Very easy procedure that I will not dread again…
Everyone needs to do this…

BelleDiamond says:

So happy to see that this is done with general anesthesia!

dave smitty says:

I FELT WAS POOP craps ,thats about as much pain i got ,, lots of farting
and i was out in 30 mins ,oya i had 4 polyps they’re gone i’m good to go.
my advice , would be to not take the sedation ,, it way more interesting to
see what goes on ,,,the only pain you get is poop cramp pain last for a
whole 3 seconds ,,..good luck/ oya when they took the polyps off i didn’t
feel a thing no pain

StlyDutch says:

Why do you have to be under anesthesia?

DeadRaymanWalking . says:

I had my colonoscopy done while I was under general anesthesia, because a
downscope was done as well. Even though you’re supposed to get a
colonoscopy when you’re in your 50s, I was having some tummy trouble and it
was for better peace of mind even though I was 27 when I had mine done.

StuffedDom says:

are you retarded?

Lucas Kuhlemann says:

Oh god, I’m in the weird part of youtube again…

Erin Slater says:

believe me, you want anesthesia

Samuel Lawrence says:

I had to take my dad in to get his Colonoscopy recently so he could get
cleared to be a donor for my kidney transplant. He is 55. This is exactly
where he went, I literally only had to wait 10 minutes and they were done.
He was completely healthy, No polyps and doesn’t have to get checked for 10
more years. PVH health staff really do care and are some of the most
compassionate people I’ve ever met. Experience: 45 days on general unit for
acute kidney failure at MCR.

Sheryl Jellybean says:

I’m 29 and had my first ever colonoscopy yesterday and I must of been one
of the unlucky ones when it came to pain.. It was awful. I’m actually
traumatised by the whole thing. Giving birth was less painful. I has
sedation and pain relief but it never worked..I was I such pain they gave
double the usual amount of sedation.. I read up and everyone was saying oh
I didn’t feel a thing or I fell asleep. I was awake throughout and believe
me it was torture. Sorry guys but that’s just my story.

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