waking up after colonoscopy- let ‘er rip

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i had a colonoscopy, and my parents recorded me as i was waking up.


Bayan1905 says:

I had one, nothing like a 21 year old female nurse coming in and telling
you to fart and then roll over on your stomach and it sounds like a weird
symphony especially when the recover has four or five patients besides

Erica S. says:

I’m getting 1 done in a couple weeks and I hope my family is as supportive
of my aftermath as your mom is lol “let err rip, good girl” LOVE IT. Hope
all went well though 

Michael Moore says:

vote up if you thought it was miley cyrus

Brointman says:

Dammit. She farts and her mom says, “Good girl.” I fart and my parents
say, “Oh, dear God, not again!”

JayDubb80 says:

The smile on your face spelled “relief” lol

bubbasouth1969 says:

I got to do the same thing on Monday. Best sleep I had in years followed by
the biggest fart ever. My wife & kids got to be there for the big
“explosion” and, of course, the kids got a big laugh out of it.

All_You_Know1 says:

The smile on her face after that fart just shows how proud she was of

Emily Pastars says:

Heading for one plus endoscopy at the same time in 4 days. Terrified and
beside myself needless to say but you made it look so relaxing! I guess you
would after the relief of ‘lettin a rip’ :P

The Red Viper says:

Well when waking up after being out of it, you really don’t give a damn
about dignity.

Prime Mondo says:

Hilarious, gross and adorable! A winning combination.

Kylie Almstead says:

Are you sure that is not just people in back round:-) 

Connor Fineran says:

She’s a cutey.

FSMNoodlyAppendage says:

Hahahaha holy fuck that big smile that come across her face during lol.

MossyReflection says:
Kyle Blake says:

Did she fart on purpose?!?!

Ricardo Lenon says:

I’m sure you’re feeling better now.

Rogerio Santos says:

I wish u be feeling better princes and wellcome back pretty girl. 

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