Abdomen Self Massage for Constipation

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A great technique to use to improve digestion and relieve constipation


Everyday flower says:

This is making me burp

Life Coach says:

Thank you so much…very helpful <3

Jennifer Underwood says:

is this safe for those who have IBS? I want to do this for the times im
constipated but afraid it will create painful cramps.

tyler olsen says:

Thank you Lindsay, you are soo sweet. Just listening to you was soothing.
Maybe you could just hold me for a while :)

christopher lithgo says:

down down down keep going ! ha ha, jokes aside great video thanks

David Medina says:

Thank you!

Sanjay Pratap says:

Thank you lisa it seems to be working (slowly but surely :] )

amanda says:

It worked thank you

Pandas Rule says:

I have it suverley so I’ll try it I’m HOSPITIALIZED for 2 or 3 days to
clean me out so I’ll try before 

Patricia Miran says:

Thanks great video

MsLeelee94 says:

your sweet thank you!

phanichandra dharmapuri says:

amazing it worked thank you lindsayrose

Terry Sabino says:

I tried it and it works! 

Ana Lee says:

this worked so well for me, thank u very much!

MrKethrildur says:

Wow! After 1 week with very limited movement i found this video. This
massage is awesome. Did it last night and this morning, ate my breakfast
and now….no constipation!! It’s the best feeling ever :-P. THANK YOU!!!


Thanks I’ll try that but I have been having stomach aches lately tho should
I try it before bed? 

Ani O says:

Thank you! It worked well.

nyrization says:

we are gods of our bodies simply watching this my guts start working:)

Amanda Jean says:

Thank you so much. I have intestinal gas so bad that I look 6 months
pregnant. I added small circles with my fingertips tracking the colon.
These techniques worked immediately

jane doe says:

I HAVE An eating disorder where i dont eat everyday..resulting in severe
constipation…and my chiropractor taught me this but it does wanna
work…maybe im doing it wrong?

Kenny Franco says:

I’ve looked at different video’s on here to relieve my constipation. I’m
physically disabled in a wheelchair so, I can’t move my entire body to keep
my digestive system moving. This DEFINITELY helped me relieve my
constipation!!!. Thank you!!!.

LindsayRoseHeal says:

Try drinking lots of water. Dehydration can be a cause of constipation.
Also try flax seed oil, it’s a good reliever of constipation too.

ejones777 says:

Thanks. Needed something for my husband who has limited movement due to
stroke. Will make this part of his a.m. and p.m. routine.

didijaqueen says:

Thanks A Lot it’s really helpful <3

usman1480 says:

thanks alot can we use olive while massaging

usman1480 says:

can men do this massage for their stomach?

Amanda Fredette says:

Thank you so much for this I needed something like this you see I ate alot
at this resturaunt with family and had pain and pressure on my left side
very bad. Thank you.

Katy T says:

You said this shouldn’t hurt – what if it does? Is that a bad sign? I also
suffer from an eating disorder and have been taught this, it’s pretty
helpful to do on a night :) Thanks.

LindsayRoseHeal says:

Great to hear! Feel free to spread the word to others who this could help.

TheLipstickhippie says:

I’m still constipated :(

Isissa125 says:

I tried this and it felt just wonderful! My stomach was making noises the
whole time and it was really relaxing :) just great 😀

rene s says:

thanks it helped me a lot

Cindy A says:

i have this thing where i pooed only once a week for a very long time. and
lately its been getting worse so im trying to eat as much fiber as i can.
and when i did this my insides started making sounds as soon as i did this!
is that bowel movement? is it good?

Ryan Flash says:

can this be hurtful if you have fecal impaction in the colon? Like will it
make the impaction worse if it can’t get out?

Adnan Haji says:

Thank ypu very much

cancerman50 says:

Dude I had pain there and in the end they found large stones in my gall
baldder and I had ot have it removed. If doing these really hurt get it
checked out.

LindsayRoseHeal says:

It can take some time to work. Be sure to drink lots of water throughout
the day. Try doing it at night before you go to bed, and then when you wake
up again in the morning. All the best.

jasmindzz says:

thnx i’ll try it i hope it gonna work

SharrellF says:

She reminds me of Taylor Swift

lolzaloids says:

Thank you

emidawn13 says:

You can feel it working (:

Ke La says:

imma poop good tonight! thanks for the tips

LindsayRoseHeal says:

for the abdomen massage I recommend doing it without oil. But if you prefer
to use it, that is okay too.

TheBellvue94 says:

I recently found out I was pregnant and all the meds I have to take cause
constipation so this will be helpful for the next 8 months

LindsayRoseHeal says:

Katy, thank you for your questions. If there is any discomforting in doing
this, try using a lighter pressure and touch in the movements. Sometimes if
there is any constipation or ‘stuckness’ it can cause discomfort when the
area is touched. Glad you are finding this helpful in your journey. You are
doing great Katy. Much love to you.

LindsayRoseHeal says:

yes. this is ideal for both men, women and even children.

LindsayRoseHeal says:

Katy, thank you for your questions. If there is any discomforting in doing
this, try using a lighter pressure and touch in the movements. Sometimes if
there is any constipation or ‘stuckness’ it can cause discomfort when the
area is touched. Glad you are finding this helpful in your journey. You are
doing great Katy. Much love to you.

LindsayRoseHeal says:

Excellent to hear! I have used this technique for others who have limited
mobility in their lives with much success. Sending you both positive energy
for health and well being.


this worked on me in minutes!!!!! I can’t believe it, thx 😉

justine bayate says:

what about the small intestine obstruction.its the same procedure?

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