Gastritis – Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies

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Gastritis refers to the inflammation of the stomach lining and results in severe cramping in the stomach or the upper abdomen. Watch how you can treat gastritis using natural ingredients available in your kitchen!

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• The condition refers to the inflammation of the stomach lining
• It results in severe cramping in the stomach or the upper abdomen

Symptoms to look for:

• Loss of appetite
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Headache
• Dizziness
• Pain in upper-left region of the stomach
• Sensation of a coated tongue
• Foul breath
• Bad taste in mouth
• High saliva flow
• Scanty urination
• Uneasiness
• Mental depression
• Heartburn
• Bloated stomach


• Habitual overeating
• Consuming uncooked food
• Excessive tea, coffee or alcohol intake
• Excessive use of condiments and sauces
• Stress

Natural home remedy using carom seeds and salt:

1. Take 1 tsp of carom seeds
2. Add 1 tsp of salt
3. Mix well
4. Eat it to get relief

Natural home remedy using liquorice powder:

1. Take 1 glass of hot water
2. Add 1 tsp of liquorice powder
3. Mix well
4. Leave it for 15 min
5. Strain the liquid
6. Drink 3 times a day


• Drink 2 cups of coconut water every day
• Reduce consumption of:
o Red meat

Red pepper
o Sour food
o Pickles
o Tea and coffee
o Sweets
o Aerated drinks
• Have dinner at least 2 hr before bedtime
• Chew 1 tsp of fennel seeds after every meal
• Avoid drinking water along with meals as this dilutes the digestive juices and delays digestion




These remedies are based on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing, and are completely natural, non-invasive, and can be prepared at home. Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist. Refer to the terms of use on our website


Ed Llewellyn says:

should I do all of the remedies or try 1 and see if it works 

gustavo lopez says:

I use to take omeprazole it didn’t work out only gave me anxiety and other
bad side effects. Then i started taking zantac worked great for a few
months then it started making me feel dizzy, cold and i urinate alot. So
now i don’t know what to do. I’ve been dealing with this health issue for
more then two years now. Any one can help?


i have all this symptoms

Anthony Calogero says:

Thank you.

Kshanthi371 says:

I had a face wax but then four hours later I got a lot of pimples and
things on my face and it was itching a lot. It still hasn’t gone two days
later so what should I do? By the way it’s not acne but like pimples.
I did a face wash with turmeric and lime, is that okay, so what can I do to
get rid of these?

Tak Sman says:

Thanks I’ll try this. I have had these symptoms for 4 years but it’s not
better after going to hospital.

Ladytron CdeO says:

Gastritis is caused by bacterial infection called H.pylori.

tom n jerry says:

i m already cured after watching this video…thnx dr… :)

kool angel says:

how to eat the frst remedy??
can I just swallow it with water??
or chew thm ..? 

motion911 says:

Please help homeveda, i just got diagnose for gastritus for 3 months im
suffering , i keep burping loud for 5 seconds like 100 times a day . i have
absoutly no appetite i was so fatiuged always 

MJ says:

you’re the best!!

Norman Slaughter says:

Oh shit, I got an evil case of gastritis, I’m bordeline dying I think, help
fast before I dissappear!

farhaan moosafeer says:

hello can you help me.I do not eat too much but my stomach is big.I wonder
to know if it is not gas in my stomach and yes i drink tea too much.please
tell what to do.

Satish Kumar says:

OMG ….1 tsp of salt ….hats off if someone can eat it :)

Jubita Jeswal says:

does carom seeds really cure gastritis

Eminemguy123 says:

I have severe gastritis, damnit…

mohammed adia says:

Hi, great video , very nice presentation and the English is excellent.
I have had an endoscopy back in February and the result came back, mild
gastritis and hiatus hernia and negative h-pylori.
I have burning sensation in my stomach region everyday and I feel my
gastritis is chronic.
What remedies to you suggest please.

Mohammed Azam says:

Really this homeveda made remedies very effective for our health with
naturally .

7d7e7f7 says:

I’m an alcoholic. Gastritis is hell. Still trying to kick the habit. The
pain of gastritis is a good reminder to not binge. 

Jai Senju says:

Its 1 tsp of carom seeds with 3 pinch of Salt not 1 tsp of Salt. Request,
Madam, thousands of people r watching this video, if H-bp people follow, 1
tps of salt it will have sever effect on their health. please be caution
what u say next time. Thank you!

mohsin ali says:

Hi do you have any remedy for chronic sinusitis your help would be greatly
appreciated thanks


Fuck I have it mother of fucking God

Vithalrao Chillal says:

Thanks for remidies shown. But when I sop the remidy after some time the
problem re =-accures. Is it necessary to continue the process of home
remidy even after relief is found.

Nasreen Shaikh says:

Is there any remedy for helicobacter pylori

thecomingofchrisit0 says:

for remedy 2 what does she mean by strain the water

Dr. Shridhar Aggarwal says:

We have some herbal medicines which helps in decreasing gastritis from
root. email us at or call us at +91 9815617567
The best thing about this medicine is that it dont have any side effects
like enzyme preparations & proton pump inhibitors(pantop) which are widely
used. This medicine increases good decreases stiffness & corrects liver
function as well.

Olusegun Jegede says:

Thanks for the video. I have digestive problem and your remedies have not
helped me. Do you have home remedies for Low Stomach Acid – Achlorhydria
or Hypochlorhydria?

Saudh Rasheed says:

should i try all of them……. or just ONE at a day????

goolgappa5 says:

How someone eat salt that much when you have high blood pressure

Marie D says:

beside she can’t talk clear English she doesn’t know what she is talking

master cool prashanth says:

Thanks it is a nice video

Homeveda - Home Remedies for You! says:

You should continue it for 2 weeks. If you do not notice improvement,
consult a doctor.

Jane Mary says:

i have ulcerative colitis very similar to irritable bowel syndrome and i
find that sour(naturally pickled) foods (ex. sauerkraut, pickles, kombucha,
etc) really helps me when i am having inflammation.. one sauerkraut that
really helps is one with caraway seeds. i wonder if it is similar to your
carom seeds

masic78 says:

I’m besotted I believe anything she says

k.y Singh says:

Hie..My Mother is Suffering from Gas and Burb that too 50-40 times a day.
Please tell us what to do and the remedy..which video can be usefull of
your’s to us.. :)

Homeveda - Home Remedies for You! says:


Anna Manson says:

. ill try it

Rahul Khanna says:

maannn fuckinnnn bastard uuuuuuuu………i dnt know from where u
belong…but remember we indians are ur genetic fathers…….respect your
dad my baby….!!! or else we know how to fuck our sonssss…..

Homeveda - Home Remedies for You! says:

Thank you! Do check out our website – – and leave a comment
there if you like that too! :)

me45ful says:

i thought salt was bad for gastritis

Classy Jewel says:

I had no idea that eating uncooked foods could make it worse. I enjoy
eating raw fruits & veggies. I will drink coconut water more often, I have
been drinking it the past few days & had no idea it could help gastritis.

Rooster teethfan says:

Thank you for your response I really appreciate it. I removed myself a very
stressful situation I was in before and though the pain has gone down, but
it is not gone. I still do not know what it is, as my gastroenertologist
says it is not acid reflux or gastritis and all my blood work has come back

sensang somba says:

my only brother is suffering from gastric ulcer… please help me, i will
be so happy if you do :'(

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