Massage Therapy | Massage Techniques | Stomach Massage | Constipation | Abdominal Massage

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Benefits of Abdominal Massage

Abdominal massage is a therapy treatment that is still gaining interest and credibility. Even many massage therapists aren’t in agreement with this type of therapy simply because the muscles are difficult to properly access and massage. There are a lot of benefits of massage, however, and therapy to this area can certainly provide you with a lot of different perks. Not only will you find things like the usual muscle relaxation and increased circulation, but there may be other things that you can enjoy from this type of massage. Stomach massage does a lot, but you also have to learn what it doesn’t offer so that you know what you’re getting into.

Some of the benefits of abdominal massage include:

-Constipation relief. Stomach massages combined with increased fluid and fiber intake can help you avoid taking OTC or prescription laxatives and other drugs to get the relief that you deserve. If you are struggling to have bowel movements, you don’t have to suffer. You should see a doctor if it becomes a serious issue, but massage is also an option if things haven’t gotten too bad.

-IBS relief and support. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition that includes spasms of your intestines. This can lead to near-constant diarrhea and other stomach upset issues. The gentle nature of abdominal massage can actually help relax the body, the stomach and colo

n, and stimulate the body’s nerves so that you can decrease spasms and find relief from this issue.

-Peristalsis support. Through stomach massage, your body can enjoy a better digestive process. Not only will this massage relax the muscles and help get things moving in the right direction, but it can stimulate circulation and nerves, giving your intestines the support that they need to push things through properly.

Thanks to Mike Grafstein SMT(C) for this information

For more information on the benfits of abdominal massage visit

To help with abdominal massage visit


Cyndy Perlman says:

Would abdominal massage improve peristalsis in the stomach? Thank you for
your time and considerations. Blessings

MassageTherapyPros says:

Abdominal massage is also great for Athletes and core muscles!

papas Bee says:

nice one

MassageTherapyPros says:

Abdominal massage may help with your constipation. You need to find someone
who has worked with abdominal issues. Good luck in getting his resolved.

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