Home Remedy for painful constipation

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Do you suffer from painful sharp constipation ? I do, here’s a little trick that works for me. try it. crazy how it works for me. If it works leave comment .


villagefem says:


Holly Bianco says:

Thanx for the advise7!55

Holly Bianco says:

Its the yeast I think

Joe Nation says:

1)drink 1 litre water before you brush your teeth early morning on empty
stomach..why ? bcoz the saliva contains poison that helps in killing the
worms inside body. Do not eat anything after that for 45 minutes. 2) walk
like you have lost in the desert till u get the pressure, cuz the poop gets
stuck on sides and walking rolls it again in normal circular position.

Zeldabo146676 says:

im only 15

Chris Korhummel says:

Really. but it works almost instantly crazy weird.

Joe Nation says:

trust me i am a doctor and i deal with this shit everyday.

Budi Rahmad says:

Hello there! Thanks a lot for this useful video. By the way, I hear a lot
of people keep on talking about Procrastinorex Secrets (do a google
search), but I’m not sure if it is really good. Have you thought about
system called Procrastinorex Secrets? I have heard many awesome things
about it and my cousin completely stop his procrastination safely with this

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