Leg Pain & Constipation

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In this video Elliott talks about how leg pain in standing and exercise due to swelling of the veins can be caused by constipation.


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The Grow Stronger Method: http://growstrongermethod.com/

Lean Hybrid Muscle: http://buildhybridmuscle.com/

Gridiron Domination: http://www.footballstrengthprogram.com/

YO Elliott T Shirt: http://tinyurl.com/strength-geeks-unite

Strength Camp T Shirt: http://tinyurl.com/strength-camp-t


Hermes sovereign says:

wtf is this dude in a airport bathroom..why is the camera so close..this
nigga has 32 nostril hairs i counted them

Mikey Kelch says:

Extreme close-up! WHOOOAAAAAAAA!

hauserrer says:

this dude is feeling all kinds of pains

Emil Åberg Hofgård says:

None. No supplement will help you lose weight, sorry. Eat less food and
burn more calories. Very simple

pandaboybreakdown9 says:

Yo Eliot love that you’ve been popping out a lot of videos lately.

CleaveBritneyAlone says:

Wow a speaking nose

stylezNout says:


BestVideoResponse says:

The questioners bigger problem is that he’s got a camera Super Glued to the
tip of his nose.

ediot6969 says:

why would u even make a video this is not something like yo Eliot I have
some knee pain after squatting. dude go to a doctor!!!!!

pure4lifeg says:

great vid as always

John Ny says:


Seven says:

You’re holding the bar wrong. Watch how power lifters hold the bar or look
at how the bar is held on the catch of a snatch. Thats similar to how your
wrist should be angled.

lethomadness says:

haha dont think he knows english verry well

olliee27 says:

The barbell on the right hand side looks like its floating on thin air!

sinlounge says:

This is me, Em. I basically JERF. Im JERFing. I eat real healthy food, no
junk, no shit. Hydration is 3 liters at least, so there is somethin goin on
inside other than constipation. Thanks much, Buddy. Yes, you’re
always….helpful haha 😉 I love ur long answers, ur explanations of EVERY
video. I finally have created a free space on my hard disk. Im the one who
told u I watched between 45 to 55% of your entire Strengthcamp channel
videos. That’s apart from ElliottSaidWhat and STRENGTHOLOGYTV.

empire says:

I got a feeling Elliot’s son is gonna be huge when he’s older

cardiokiller says:

food baby

ArthurKnoqOut says:

JERF just eat real food

Hermes sovereign says:

i fukked a loose brawd now i have dick pain…what do i do!?

jack black says:

i love u elliot, but this guy has a 70% chance he has a serious problem. if
his veins are dilating then he could have an aortic blockage in the
abdominal cavity, or spinal compression. many many problems to consider.

roman tuhimata says:

fluidity c:

dod smith says:

supplement with psyllium fiber. spelling is fucked up

ytistheshiz says:

i like how you called your kid a creature 😛

Champdrums says:

tell me where you got that tshirt elliot.

xDarkBilly13 says:

Yea man

julasinio says:

your baby probably will become the strongest version of anybody,anywhere.

Champdrums says:

beautiful bro

300zxgreg says:

Elliot why does my left wrist hurt so much when bench pressing? i can
dumbell press but i cant bench press. everyone please upvote this!

travz21 says:

How the fuck are you so smart?

TheDomad says:

lol da fuq… this guy needs a doctor if his balls are fk’ed

TheFake TimShufflebottom says:

Awesome vid,but I didn’t know noses could have leg pain.

carmineleggieri says:

Great video’s Elliot, thanks for everything.

Casey Bright says:

This guy doesn’t know how to use a camera

roee yaakobi says:

How stupid are u???? Ur ballz hurt? Go to the doctor!

PvPeeps says:

do a video on falling arches

hauserrer says:

at least you don’t feel pain in your mushroom tip

Hermes sovereign says:

tell ur boyfriend to take it easy on u

deathpresent101 says:

i think he was attacked by a face hugger. Sooo its an alien baby
congratulations 😀

sinlounge says:

This is me, Em. Thanks, dear brother Elliott. I finally have seen this
after waitin so much long. For all the lovers of yours, here is a tip. On
Elliott’s Facebook page, there is a button in the center below the cover
photo. Click on it, select “Posts by page”. You guys are gonna see every
single thing Elliott has posted. I did not use to see every post, thinkin I
was doin so. This option is amazin. Jst went to Elliott’s Youtube pages,
and found out lots of vids missed by me, cuz of that setting

shahan miah says:

3:09 i thought he was going to say fat looooooool

sin07 says:

His shirt got more stripes!

Sidhartha Raj says:

I would like to know the same thing?

maybe000itsme says:

good topics, great stuff!

ezcondition says:

he needs to look into yoga. well, a certain pose. basically, you set on
your ass with your legs straight out in front of you. set straight up
pushing your lower back forward than bend over and touch your toes. try to
pull your face as close to your knees as you can. of course you should
stretch before you do this, popping a hammy isn’t fun time. he is looking
for a pressure in his lower ab area, colon really, which will release that
built up pressure. it helps regulate bowl movements as well.

Wood7 Kon says:

Yo Elliot! Could you do a video on joint pain long story but I do
kickboxing and me being stupid I held the focus pad for a low jab on my hip
instead of holding it stomach hight which put a lot of pressure on the
lower part of my thumb joint which I didnt realize until recently .It hurts
when I move it ,its been a few days and its not swollen please help me what
can I do to stop the pain ?,thanks

Ben Lim says:

yo elliot please do a video about sleeping positions and wether it affect
the body or the strength in anyway. because i always sleep sideways and put
all my weight on the shoulders, Isit better to sleep in a starfish position
to stretch out? guys please thumb this up for me thanks!

FrozenRosan says:

Nice Tshirt

Neon Light says:

Awesome! ELLIOTT for pres, I’d like my question answer however I guess I
gotta make a video my email was way to long and way to detailed and should
have summed it up shorter.

7thjoker says:

the flow being obstructed by the creature…lol..reminds me of the movie

Breyden Burger says:


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