At Home Enema to Relieve Constipation

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Close Dealing with constipation is never fun. When you can’t go the bathroom and have cramps and bloating, it can be hard to enjoy life. Constipation occurs when stool or waste material moves too slowly through the large intestine, and feces that stays in the bowel too long will become hard and dry.

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Constipation can be more than just a nuisance and uncomfortable, it can actually pose dangers to your health if you let it go untreated for too long.

Of course if you have constipation you want to find the best constipation relief, immediate relief for constipation that is going to allow you to feel better and get on with your life. If you are in need of immediate relief for constipation, you will find the following information to be greatly to your benefit.


Gigsand Busking says:

Well the fact is, *It Works*

musicisbrilliant says:

We DO need to change our lifestyle BUT HERES WHAT WORKED FOR ME. I tried
for like half an hour to pass a painfully hard stool and it wasnt working.
I let it retreat back into my body after about blowing out my anus hole. I
ate a big bowl of oatmeal and waited uncomfortably for about half an hour
until it felt like time to go. I sat and eased into it. It was huge an hard
but this time I had enough stuff behind it to make it work. I hope this is
helpful for someone. This is nooooooot fun. Eat a big bowl of oatmeal and
wait, that worked for me and now I feel very relieved.

1iving2di3 says:

Motherfuckers, im trying to shit and all your comments are making me laugh
and the shit are not coming out.

starfruit99999 says:

If you’re constipated, there’s a problem. Enemas are just a band-aid. They
don’t fix the CAUSES of constipation: not enough fats in the diet, and too
much fiber! Stick to fruits and veggies, not grains.

justinlikesprototype says:

Im on the toilet right now I was very constipated but I have found a cure
you just have to push as hard as you can it may hurt but when it comes out
you will feel like a cow just fell out of you mine came out like sharp
rocks and cut my but up now im bleeding

Leticia Gormley says:

Lots of fun but did it on my bed… and fecal stuff flew everywhere. Had a
good laugh.

Killwithkindness Smile says:

I’ve been constipation for a whole week I have bad cramps and I throw up
alot I went to the hospital but they didnt do much so I had to change what
I ate

Jameson Locke says:

This looks painful.

hyperfocus2011 says:

Wow he told people to lie in their bed….

brendan maloney says:

I don’t trust these brainwashed ignorant doctors. I say enemas and colonics
are good ! If you are worried about removing good bacteria, just replace
it. The many positives of an enema way outway the one negative

opointon says:

It didn’t even answer her question, as to whether it was actually safe or
not. Bloomin American was too busy with all the showmanship and making a
joke out of it.

GangGreen80 says:

17 hrs? ive been like this for almost 2 weeks

Dabney Fountain says:

I wonder about a doctor who is afraid to say “anus.” Views his audience as

zomett says:

So what he is suggesting is to stick that in my ass squirt that crap in
there that’s it huh

Treyb3yond says:

Americans are so inward looking. Planet USA indeed.

MegaTayTay2001 says:

But it hurts. :-(

crons79 says:

Constipation is just a symptom of an underlying problem. Try looking at
your diet and look at adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Prune
Juice, juicing, and regular eating of high fiber foods will help alleviate
constipation problems. Use Google and YouTube to look up better solutions.

Mihkel Laansoo says:

Its all stress you morons. You can drink fucking billions of tons of that
shit but its not going to cure a fucking monster piece of motherfucking
concrete in your fucking ass. Im haveing some fucking constipation right
now, maybe thats why im upset :(

Razan Alzoubi says:

hhhhh ano ohh

MrZapparin says:

Dude,save your money,it’s boiled water that’s been cooled of,this is not a
rocket science show

whitestone3591 says:


chop suey says:

i need to do this right now, i been constipated all night and all day
havent slept for 17 hours, ugh my gut hurts.

Eddie Mautone says:

This the most idiotic program i have ever seen they call themselves doctors
all they do is clown around on medical problems they should remove this
program off the air.

xierxu says:

Your right lol millions of Americans. Not the the whole world, just
Americans lol.

JacobGoTeam says:

Anyone into enema play? I love it

Hamitic Bloodline says:

its amazing how eloquent he can be when talking about this topic. amazing.
i would giggle like a school girl

DZ Rebellious says:

hhhhhhhhhhh ook :

plcollins1987 says:

that was disturbing, but constipation allows toxins to remain in the body
and most of the foods we eat are void of nutrition so enemas do help

Ms.Jenny says:

That is the nastiest demonstration I have ever seen. LMAO fake poop gets me
every time

XDeCoDeX13 says:

” and OOOOOH.”

Drake inmycup says:

They forgot the part where it hurts like shit

paris rain says:

wait til it happens to you. you won’t be laughing then-

DZ Rebellious says:

what was that liquid he used plzz ?

lydia hunters says:

WAIT.. is this telling me i should shoot somthin gup my shoot, wait for it
to disole the lodge and wait for diareah?

RedUnbannable says:

nothing like poop on the pillows to get someone in the mood

TheUnderground Cure says:

I just watched your video, and this good stuff you got there. I realize
that people don’t have to suffer with viruses…they can choose to get
cured. This site has test rsults of people who have been cured.
theundergroundcure . com UTC

Baracheta says:

@crons79 I agree, getting fibers primarily from organic fruits and veggies
is the way to go. However, when you up your intake of organic fibers, do
also increase your non-fluoridated tap water intake as well.

Zac L. says:

why does this guy have FOUR plus ups???? i scared

AlanDeVegas702 says:

Ima ask my doctor if I can try this

dajudgementday says:


kixxxxx87 says:


earlTHEsquirel69 says:

It feels great when you masterbate with a turd not out but almost out of
your hole.

Asrianti Mira says:

Its still surprises me, how many people do not know about Procrastinorex
Secrets (search on google), despite the fact that many people completely
stop their procrastination with this program. Thanks to my mate who told me
about Procrastinorex Secrets, I finally eliminated my procrastination for
good with natural and fast ways.

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