Massage for Constipation video

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Close… Video showing manual massage therapy for relieving constipation and chronic constipation symptoms.


emma coulter says:

Thanks for video. Helpful to relieve bad tummyache and constipation during
menstrual cycle. Also helpful for you have a sore tummy and wind

1994abbygirl says:

I have had chronic constipation all my life.. where do you find someone who
can do this treatment??

A Akda says:

Thank u sooo much!!!!
I tryd so many things and nothing helped within 48 hours NOTHING.
The massage helped me instant! Im releaved and youre my hero.
The pain was incredible. U saved me from suffering another day.
Thank u sow much again.. 

Lala Jim says:

Jezz this massage worked instantly! I had taken medication but didn’t work
but this was so amazing. Thanks

Josh Groetsema says:

How the hell did I wind up here? I was listening to Let it Go…

Ke La says:

literally shitting my pants as i type this after being clogged up all day
great vid

Tarun Jaiswal says:

what an idiot you are 1st show where is the leg of the patients and patient
in sleeping in which direction.I did the whole massage in a reverse way.

Whitney Gillette says:

@tarun: he clearly explained the anatomy of the client


Haven’t used bathroom in 4 days

takethe15shot says:

a bit cameout omg!!!

hiro ramnani says:
Nick Theriault says:

Loaded with shit after my surgery. Now I’m building a sod house of shit
logs. Thank you so much! 

Seeking Pandora says:

this was great! thanks haha

Fresh Clothing says:

when your constipated does your stomach and intestine area rumble a lot? i
cant really tell if im constpated. please help im in so much pain

george abbott says:

How do you know that you are feeling a feacel matter?

LisaPie says:

it just worked. omg. YES


Thank you so much. I did exactly as you told. After 4 days of agony I
massaged my partner like you did. Within 15 minutes we had our first BM.
Isn`t it funny when you reach 65 you celebrate bm`s. Thank you

vunewt says:

Of all the constipation massage videos I’ve seen, this is the best & most
concise so far. Thanks a lot!

jwchapm says:

also what if my entire tummy is a “tension” spot from small intestine
around belly button all the way around?

Alpha Male Clinics says:

This is awesome, this reminds me of the time I got a lomi lomi stomach
massage and it really helped unblock certain parts of my bowel. Great
massage to get things going

Allymx says:

what if your pregnant?

jwchapm says:

Can this method be adjusted to help women with endometriosis, PCOS, and
abdominal adhesion to help pinched or blocked intestines?

Summer Hanley says:

Hello I had really bad constipation and it really helped, thanks 😀

djpoetry says:

Can you please contact me to find out your location as I am in need of your
services. Thank you!!!

Bec Watkinson says:

Will this make me poo?

Pit Bull says:

I have to $%8! just watching this!

LisaPie says:

I already feel better. amazing.

The Girl Burgan says:

There are many constipation techniques for pregnant women who are
consitpated, but yes, you need to find a specialist. I worked with several
midwives and took many classes to specialize in this. Nothing is sadder
than a pregnant mama who cannot poo.

Bradley Pearce says:

How is this got so many views

SpleenEvanescent says:

At first, i looked quickly the video and it didn’t work. But today i took
10 minutes to do everything right and and I pooped!! Thank you!!

lallis2 says:

This technique is contraindicated for pregnancy. No one should be touching
your abdomen with any type of manipulation technique while pregnant, unless
they are a licensed physician and specialist in this area! Also, many women
use digestive enzymes and probiotics to maintain bowel movements through
pregnancy. Consult your physician for their recommendation on these.

Raynebowbright says:

Excellent ,thank you

RunningOn Waves says:

Thank you !!!

george abbott says:

what does it feel like?

gnihj07 says:

Great video. But can i used this massage to my 3yr old boy?

lallis2 says:

Great! Glad it helped.

Loredana Lo Bianco says:

Can somebody please tell me how can you do this massage to yourself since
in the video it does not show it

EvolvingGirl114 says:

this was great advice, thanks. I can use tis technique when doing my enemas

nanz rulez says:

Reply some one

MsLeelee94 says:

your voice is soothing i tried it and i did here a growl on the left side
my abdominal hurt so bad i couldnt mash it but i took it easy and was able
to get through the massage i didnt go yet but it felt good to work
everything loose thanks.

nanz rulez says:

I saw thus clicked on it is it for pregnet WHAT IS IR BAD IF YOUR NOT ?

serena curry says:

this video helped me a lot thank you!!

Joshua Brown says:

I was constipated for two days but it stopped and it hurt to much ._.

nek asadsda says:

there should be a video on self massaging the abdomen in the related videos.

gutterbuddy says:

I use this massage on my son , thank you. It works.

BallarangerUSA says:

A lot of people suffer this

jeanie47807 says:

Do you have a clinic where people can come to you to have this done. I’m
going to try it myself, but just wanted to check. Thanks.

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