Stomach & Constipation Relief – Foot Reflexology Tips

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Reflexology Tip. If your stomach is off and you are constipated, try these easy foot reflexology tips. Before you know you will feel better! These tips are for personal use and not a substitution for traditional medical care.

If you would more information on how you can find relief with gastrointestinal issues, schedule a free 60 minute reflexology consultation by calling 508 359-6463. or email us as


TeMauriOra says:

Wow, thank you very much Helen, this clip and your professioanal advise is
greatly appreciated, once again, many thanks…Tihei Mauri Ora!! (a Maori
kiwaha(proverb) meaning “gift of life back to you”

Robert Robson says:

I did reflexology on my aunty when she was ill, and did pressure points on
her feet.

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