Constipation Positions #2, Rectal Prolapse, Rectocele Remedy

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Jini Patel Thompson shows you why squatting is the best way to align the rectum for an easy, quick bowel movement and how to use a squatting platform (which height is best for your body). Jini also shows you how to apply counter-pressure during a bowel movement to prevent rectal prolapse or outpouching (rectocele). Full instructions on natural remedies (and a free eBook) for Rectal Prolapse are at:

If you missed the first video (Constipation Pooping Positions #1):

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Free eBook and treatment for Constipation is at:

NOTE: Do not squat directly on the toilet unless you have a very solid, porcelain toilet that you know can support your body weight! Check with your toilet manufacturer for it’s weight bearing capacity to be sure.


Alexandra Eleventhing says:

Its not safe to stand on the toilet like that, they can break easily…

Yaya K says:

I can’t find the first part of this video. Is it no longer up? I’m very
interested in seeing it. If it’s not up on YouTube is there somewhere else
I can see it? Thanks very much. Love from NYC.

perenceja says:

Thanx for all that wonderful info, Jini! Really appreciate it! I’ve
bookmarked your videos.

swamp n says:

One word “enema”..problem sorted,yikes wathching all that positions
one can get hurt really bad,if one slips.just my opinion,thanx

Benson Gummbosion says:

im having partial prolapse. kinda sucks because seeing your insides pop out
(a half inch) is kinda scary

Emanuela Davis says:

How wonderful that someone cares enough to put this sort of thing video on
for people with these sorts of problems. Bless you

Susan Maguire says:

Thank you for this valuable information. Obviously, you are a very
educated young women. Unlike some of the folks below that have no
education or manners.

Athalia says:

Or you can also buy a padded toilet seat if you are too boney, I know
someone that has to use one even sitting normally on the toilet, said it
helped them.

Sandra Stone says:

This is advice that SHOULD have come from our gynecologists in our
reproductive years. My research on this subject prior to seeing your video
was to keep the knee joints higher than the hip joints when evacuating.
Completely solved the problem. 

Vivian Foster says:

Cannot honestly watch your complete video after you repeatedly touch the
toilet seat than run your hands through your hair and then touch your face
over and over again. Honestly that’s just gross. Go delete my comment.
But I think you should know. 

Suzanne Youngblood says:

I have a reoccurring rectal prolapse and bladder prolapse due to a
connective tissue disorder. Right now I’m having surgery to repair about
once a year. Is there anything that I can do to get more time between

Kazesai says:

thank you so much for this video, it really helped me, thank you so much i
am so happy now!

i have been miserable for 4 days without a BM, and i am glad then when my
health is bad i do research on what the doctor has told me so that i can
know more about it and how to handle it. thank you so much i really am so
grateful to have found this video. it was the best thing i have ever found,
and it worked, and there wasn’t much pain either, just awesome! thank you

Klyn says:

I can’t tell you how glad I am that I stumbled upon your site. I have had
nothing but problems and no answers that worked. I will be buying your
book and following your site. I would love to email with you if that’s
something you do. God’s blessings on you.

Coily Mane says:

This is great!!!….I use this squatting position and colonic massage.but I
use a simple step stool, but that squatty potty looks to be much

Tabitha Flynn says:

Hi i really enjoyed your video…when i do have to go to the bathroom i
will deff try it only on problem i’m hoping i will be able to sit like that
because i have had 3 back surgeries and i have 2 metal rods that go from
T11 to my L5 so im hoping this wont be an issue. my other problem is i only
poo once a week i’m one a stool softener fiber gummies most of the food i
eat is fiber and i still dont go i have talked to my dr about it and im a
pill for my belly and the stool softener and nothing works…another issue
is i can not put my tumb in my vergina because i just got over having
cervical cancer and they did a LEAP so nothing right now can go up there
and when it is healed i dont know if that would work on me anyway because
my cervix is tilled from haven children. Sometimes the pain in my belly
from not going to the bathroom hurts so bad and then my husband has to do
the constipation massage, and even doing that i either wont go at all or
sometimes it works but not till either that night or the next day, and your
suppose to go a little after of doing that sometimes it just relieves the
pain that but not me of course i swear my poop does not want to leave my
body lol…my belly is always swelled up and i look i’m hoping
you could tell me what thell to do cause i’m very worried about this and my
dr is not alarmed at all. Thank you for reading. 

Gerzine gerzy says:

thank you and God bless u is it normal to constantly have discharge like
urine with a prolapse, of the rectum cause I can feel something protruding
out of my vagina when I have a bowel movement and I pushed back in I’m
scared I haven’t been able to see a doctor and I don’t have insurance, and
what if I need surgery, I can’t get a break. I have to do something cause I
can live with pushing it back in but using pads all the time, I don’t think
I will be able to live like this I want a boyfriend o

Edith Furr says:

I’m just so impressed by your openness and honesty or as you say: ‘just get
over yourself!’ Your videos on this topic are no embarrassment but
straightforward, so thank you for lifting the whole concept into
normality… where it should be. Recently had polyp removal and am waiting
for the bowel to ‘get out of a mood’ and normal again, your insights are so
helpful, thank you again :)

ateaparrot says:

I think i’ve got internal recal prolapse…. For the past months there has
been a ‘mysterious’ odor that followed me.. My family thought i was crazy,
but everywhere i went i got reactions.. Turns out in the case of my
prolapse i have gas incontinence, where there is gas leaking out 24/7.

Anyways, thanks for the tips. I think i may start literally popping a

Chrystal Docker says:

Question about peeing…when you are on there going potty and you start to
pee, does it go all over the place? (as a woman)

Jerkwad152 says:

That’s a great idea, but I’d probably end up whizzing all over the place,
slip off and bust myself on the tub, haha!

Dan Euric says:

Thanks, very helpful. I have a rectocele and it was driving me mad until I
started getting help from knowledgeable folks posting on-line. I love your
matter-of-fact, helpful advice. Very kind of you to share your knowledge
with us!

quantumsteve says:

Question, they have a 7 inch and a 9 inch version at Is
there a way to decide which is best for you ?

missqjulie says:

I just got my two today! One for each bathroom!


it helps for constipation

Demeter Kraaij says:

thank you for this video

Kathy Stanley says:

Thank you very much for your information!!!


so this is what ritch people do? wow….

gurubustercan says:

Jini, good explanation but really NO DICE!! I’m really surprised since
you’re a “Patel” and from India where people constantly sit around in deep
squat position. I too was born and raised in Calcutta, India.

One needs to squat deep down to relax the PuboRectalis. The Squatty Potty
is bullshit, it puts pressure on the whole body and advising people to sit
on the commode is VERY DANGEROUS! My friend from Brazil sent me some
grotesque photos of a woman who had very deep lacerations of her thighs and
legs because the Porcelain broke/cracked badly.

I’m a professional yoga teacher and have people squat deep in every
class.(Malasana or Garland Pose, go to to learn the
intricacies of this pose, Modifications/Variations etc) If you still have
problems squatting put your arms around a heavy piece of furniture or do
Partner Yoga with someone until you are able to squat all by yourself. Your
disclaimer is NOT enough because when you sit on the commode (believe me
I’ve tried it) with bare feet or even with shoes on so your feet won’t slip
cannot DEEP SQUAT USE yoga bolsters, yoga blocks under the butt or sitting
with your feet out when you’re learning to deep squat.

I don’t even sit on the toilet. I have a rounded plastic bowl, and support
myself with 2 yoga blocks, go potty, stand up, drop the s..t in the toilet,
flush it, wash the bowl thoroughly and voila I have relieved my colon and
prevented 17 different diseases.

You are endangering your little girls body by having her sit with her feet
on the bare porcelain and RISKING the whole thing
smashing/breaking/cracking and tearing her lower body apart. Can I be more

To really learn about all this about the colon being constricted everyone
visit! “Going” like this will save you millions of
dollars that you would pay for getting those maladies and diseases to
unscrupulous health professionals.

Just “Put he check in the mail” and send it to me…hah hah ho ho ho…(do
some Laughter Yoga whilst you’re “Laughing all the way to the bank”!)

Happy shitting

Sueann Bustos says:

Your videos are very informative and helpful. Thank you!!

Bobbie Grey says:

Finally some help!!! God bless you!!

Tim Paulson says:

i squat everytime. but i got sick of trying to balance on the toilet. the
helper doesn’t press the organs as good as real squatting. lots of times,
i just take a quick stroll out to the woods. the best thing to do is just
get a toilet built into the ground inside of your house. a good contractor
can do this for you. 

just joan says:

Until there’s a problem with elimination, it’s a very basic body function
taken for granted. Thank you a lot for posting this on a sensitive subject
(for me).

Psuado Nym says:

I shit like this cause I was accustomed to squatting since our toilets are
holes in the ground in Asia, my mom always scolded me telling me to evolve
and stop acting so third world, now white people are invention contraptions
to shit like Asians LOL

Fernbird08 says:

I had a complete hysterectomy due to cancer, 10 years ago. ( at 47 ) I
had no pre-op prep, and it took two weeks post op for my first movement. I
was in ” movement labor” longer than I was for the labor for my first
child! I have learned over time, how to handle my situation, as I now
guess that I have a prolapse, as I press on my perineum at times to help.
thank you for making me feel more normal. 

lightdark00 says:

I thought I was weird for just lifting up the seat and using the rim to
squat. Squatting is so natural, it makes my pooping lighting fast.

Arup Bhattacharya says:

This is an ancient Indian style to shit and look you guys are finding it

debra sclare says:

Amazing video. Thank you so much!!! And for the “20 year olds” Just wait. 

ponhaus says:

my big chubby belly gets in the way of squatting… yeah, its that big.

BL Blps says:

Best medicine for constipation is MAGNESIUM CITRATE, take magnesium
citrate two times a day, it helps to keep the water level in the colon and
then you will get a easy bowel movement. Magnesium deficiency is the main
cause of constipation

Doug Watters says:

Wow, I learned a lot thankyou

Udoka O says:

Fantastic video. Thankyou!!! Exactly what I was looking for!!

masa tatsu says:

wont it hurt your legs at all?

Pat Wilson says:

Hi Jini. When on something like the Squatty Potty, is better to lean
forward or stay with your back straight (if you do not have a prolapse or
rectocele)? Also, should the knees/thighs be spread outward a little? I
know you said you could do either, but is one way actually best, for
keeping the rectum straight? Thanks so much for your videos.

Pappa Guse says:


Watching Pup says:

holy shit, that doesn’t look safe. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the
night to go #2, and my balance and awareness is not at 100%. And I have to
take advantage that when I’m sleepy my vowels are relaxed and i poop
better. Maybe there’s a plumber who can install a Japanese toilet?

Trips1103 says:

Thank you so much for putting this video together. I thought I was pretty
much on my own. I figured out the basics (also the finger in the vagina
trick) on my own, trying to ease the symptoms I was feeling. I haven’t been
to a gynecologist yet, but I believe I have a rectocele and very likely a
cystocele as well. One thing that has also helped has been the insertion of
a small vibrator, however odd that may seem. It helps to align my vagina


how do you find out new poo postions for men and girls

Jini Patel Thompson says:

What an awesome friend you are!

luvlycherry69 says:

I am sorry but I have another question.. I have been dealing with irregular
bowl movement for about a year, I am 20. Ive been taking laxatives that
don’t really work as they should. Am I going to have to rely on taking
laxatives for the rest of my life??

Jini Patel Thompson says:

Kegels are always helpful for pelvic floor issues. Check out my other vid
on Uterine Prolapse for other helpful exercises.

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