Constipation relief during pregnancy – Treatments and cures

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Constipation relief during pregnancy – Constipation treatments

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Constipation is an unpleasant but common symptom of pregnancy. The good news is, there are steps you can take to deal with it. Here is Dr. Keith Eddleman, author of Pregnancy for Dummies, with advice on how to cope with constipation during pregnancy.

constipation relief
constipation remedies
constipation treatment
cures for constipation


hypnosquirrel says:

When all else fails . . . Try Indian food. Has kept my wife on the bowl
more in the last 24 hrs than in the prior 2 weeks. 

pregnant1345 says:

Usually ovulation occurs around the fourteenth day and hence to get
pregnant naturally a couple should have as much sexual intercourse as
possible between the twelfth and the fifteenth day

ShaktiStrong says:

Re: book Pregnancy for Dummies. No pregnant woman is a dummy, so the book
must be written for others. Birth Works. Natural Selection has insured that
we are uniquely qualified to birth our babies safely & serenely. Parenting
is a wonderful journey that will call on you to go deep into your greatest
knowledge, courage & wisdom. Make the first parenting decision one of
confidence & empower yourself. Even if you choose a hospital setting, ALLl
decisions are yours. Do the right thing.

joe mama says:

Wow he looks a lot like House.

WeThePeopleRleaders says:

women do poo when giving birth. they also pee….soooo yeah. lol

rhence rivera says:


Jessica Kemp says:

yeah it’s actually quite common for a person to poop while pushing cause
you’re using the same muscles and stuff when you push, and the mother
wouldn’t even know unless someone tells them

thethirdq says:

What ever you used worked out great for the vid! Keep them coming!

TheLilwolv says:

I always read about how a pregnant woman should sleep on her left side alot
but also read how she should sleep on her right side too 2 different
websites but I think sleeping on the left side alot ends up making the baby
put pressure on the colon and intestines making constipation more of an
issue, now I keep switching and I dont have that left side deep pain from
my colon anymore.

PaulaDDN says:

yes, it is possible

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