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Constipation is the inability to have regular bowel movements, to the extent that it could cause annoyance and health problems. Is there a fixed rate for defecation for everyone? Not really. Some people defecate 2-3 times a day, others 2-3 times a week. What matters the most is that you’re not having problems or complaining due to the inability to evacuate your bowels.

What’s the problem with constipation? Or, why is constipation dangerous to your health? When you have too much accumulation of stools in your colon, it’s like keeping toxins in your body. Some of which could move into your blood stream and cause problems like headache or bad breath, or general issues, like feeling exhausted or being in a bad mood most of the time. Stool retention over long periods of time can cause dangerous health problems as well. One of the possible risk factors of colon cancer is thought to be bad nutritional habits and chronic constipation. Also, with chronic constipation some people end up having problems like anal fissures or haemorrhoids. The accumulation of stool masses due to untreated constipation due to for example intestinal obstruction, especially in elderly people, could result in acute deadly complications, like faecal vomiting, in which the patient would throw up his own stools. And this is a very dangerous sign and need immediate medical treatment, or else the patient would die.

Causes and reasons of constipation are based on three main points:

– Inadequate water intake:
People who don’t drink enough water are often constipated
– Inadequate activity or exercise:
People who don’t move enough to provide stimulating massage to the intestines using the abdominal muscles
– Malnutrition
– A lack of certain elements, that could be vitamins or minerals or fibres:
The most important elements for your intestinal functions are mainly fibres, vitamin D and calcium. People who are put on a strict diet will notice that they have sluggish bowel movements as well. Also guys who use whey protein at the gym will get constipation as a side effect.

Women are more likely to become constipated than men. That’s probably due to the female and pregnancy hormones, and the birth control pills. Unfortunately they cause our intestines to become slower or more sluggish. So you probably see many women who are suffering from constipation most of the time. Even though they might not have any bad health habits, yet they would still have to do some extra effort to get the process done.

Some women who have uterine fibroids, or myomas – myomas are benign tumours of the uterus – those tumours can squeeze up against the colon and cause chronic constipation. That’s why I’d recommend that women with family history of fibroids visit their gynaecologist to make sure there’s nothing in the uterus hindering their bowel movements.

Hypothyroidism, or slow thyroid gland, pregnancy, and some intestinal diseases in general, or any general health issues could cause constipation. That’s why if you’re suffering from any general disease, you should consider constipation symptoms and take them seriously.

Some medications could cause constipation. So, it would be a good idea for those who use any over-the-counter medications to read the patient info leaflets, in order to make an educated decision. Remember: antacids, antidepressants, iron tablets and painkillers can cause constipation.

Some people won’t have any known reason for constipation. It’s just their body nature. That’s why I’d suggest following to them:

How to cure chronic constipation:

The most important thing is to get rid of the reason.

Move enough, drink enough healthy fluids, eat healthy foods, and restore what you might lack of vitamins and minerals.

Here are also some good habits to consider:

Try using the toilet in a certain time of the day every day, for example in the morning, before going to work. Listen to soft music or even listen to the water drops dripping from the tap.

Research claims that if you seat on the toilet seat with a 70°

angle, or less, with your feet lifted on something that relaxes the pelvic floor muscle, that would help you to excrete easier.

Some people say that they feel relieved if they massage their abdomen. How would you massage your abdomen? Here’s the right way. As you can see here, these are parts of the colon. There’s the ascending colon, transverse colon and the descending colon. And that’s the direction of traffic. If you massage yourself the right way, it will help you. So, you can start massaging your abdomen from your right side, then upwards, then to the left side, and then downward, so, clockwise.

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Badriah Al Mutairi says:

i find classical music very helpful but i feel bad offending Beethoven with
my constipation 

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