How To Cure Constipation

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Today I show you how to cure constipation quickly. Billions of people worldwide are seriously affected by constipation on a daily basis. The side effects are absolutely hole breaking. The most common causes of constipation are an unhealthy diet or shoving 183 whole eggs up your hole. I know this as I learnt the hard way, Literally. Little do people know is that there is actually a really simple cure for this that is guaranteed to heal your torn hole.You’re welcome. Merry Eggmas. Happy bring an egg to work day. Bon Appétit.

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The Poppers says:

Kids in Africa could have eaten that constipation!

Killer Villager says:

did anyone else feel like going to the bathroom while watching this O_O

Inugami Sasaki says:

I love how this was made on Christmas 

|Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life| Shrek the Grand Ogrelord says:

Shrek can make it so that you will never have the shits again ^.^

Maxime Cloutier says:

I’m sure someone in the world beats it off to those videos xD

Chen Kevin says:

Is it a boy or girl?

ShootBigBucks says:

i shit standing up so i hear the victory plop much louder. ahhh…. the
joys of being a man…


Leik dis if u cri everytmie :'(

Chance Dalen says:

I’m curios if how to basic has a dog cause he has all these dog toys

mining maniac says:

imagine his drains with all the shit he puts down the toilet and sink… XD

M.Armano Hakiim says:

Children in south america could have eaten that monkey plush.

Talya laing says:

No offence but ur videos are pointless

jim jones says:

Taco Bell is what you need.

kiki38117 says:

People who say they suffer from constipation are so full of shit!!!

Abhinav Velidi says:

Which planet are you from?? Egganus?

Dplus_AlphaR4 says:

I think i’m gonna be sick……..

Zakariyya Mohamed says:

woah! Id hate to be this guy’s plumber

Doug Shablowski says:

I thought for a minute that he was actually drop a massive turd and clog
the toilet

thebullybuffalo says:

Well that was bad for your plumbline.

Sam Dreer says:

Kids in africa could’ve eaten that foot. you bastard. FEED THE CHILDREN. 

Sabian Jaeschke says:

How about you just take a damn joke people!

Stefan Gabriel says:

I can understand how this dude is constipated because he puts a lot of eggs
in his ass

XxBrokenLimbzxX says:

That’s a nice toilet

Cindy Pham says:

You are crazy

김준형 says:


dinorawruh says:

I’m surprise there are so many likes…

My thoughts watching: what a waste of food! (I hate seeing food go wasted)
that’s a lot of touching of the toilet….(gags) and I hope the toilet
didn’t clog by flushing down those egg shells…

Pavlína Petzová says:

nějaký lidi fakt nejsou normální

Joey Fry says:

a fucking weird nigga

yogaman99 says:

what a load of shit

Mateo Quaglia says:

Esta critica va para vos pedazo de inútil no soy hater solamente te queria
decir que hay un montón de gente que no tiene de comer, entoces vos en vez
de andar desperdiciando comida se la podrías dar a otra gente que esta
sufriendo y seguramente mucha gente esta muriendo de hambre nos vemos
inútil, fracasado, en resumen LOSER. 

Raunchy Pickles says:

i didn’t think of this until now but oh my god what new fragrance must mix
into the air when they come to empty your septic tank.. i bet its quite the
glorious aroma

Levi DeMent says:

That something I like to do in life

TheCasualGamers73 says:

Thanks for the short tutorial i suffer from constipation

Kaylee Bliss says:

Highbury I can’t take its to funny ????????????

Oyayebu says:

Сука люто угарел.

Explosive says:

I am legitimately scared.

GrumpyCatCpi JammerttAJ says:

*thinks* he is half chicken

MyMyBear Cyrus says:

what the fuck

Mateo Quaglia says:
Martin Drahuta says:

its your HOME????????

Kanye West says:

Wtf did I just watch??

Jasmine Storey says:

Haha cool

nichole scheanon says:


Jenny Ahn says:

I wonder how often he had to get his toilet fixed. I can just imagine the
plummer all like:
*Sigh, you again with the eggs stuck in the pipe…

Lisa Marie says:

Wtf am I watching

Valeria Moreda says:

Your fingers must smell bad

Carmen Paneto says:

I find it confusin that this was uploaded on krismas day

Danial Khosravi says:

How To Cure Constipation:

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