Recognizing and Managing Constipation in Cats

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Some cats may suffer from constipation from time to time. Dr. Wendy Zimmerman discusses the causes, and how to prevent this uncomfortable condition. To read more about this subject, visit the original article here on our blog:
All of the products featured in this video are available on our website here:
Use promo code TUBE15 at checkout to save 15% on your next order. This offer excludes vet diets, Rx and Free Shipping items.


Drake Iverson says:

My “big boy” developed severe constipation about age 12. Vet told me NO
MORE dry food! My guy now gets Wellness “no-grain” canned food with Tblsp
canned pumpkin and a tsp Metamucil (unflavored!), plus I add warm water
because the Metamucil will “gel”. I also give him chopped turkey breast
(from Costco) for treats . Exercise is also important to keep things

Niki G. Leonidas says:

For CAT CONSTIPATION, whether it’s mild or severe (mega colon), buy this
IMMEDIATELY from ‘PET SMART’… It’s called: ‘LAX-EZE’.
It’s a MIRACLE PRODUCT that works within HOURS and saved my cat’s life at
the nic of time!!!
My cat was severely constipated twice within 3 months, and couldn’t poop
for 6 days straight both times. Severe pain, dehydration, lethargy,
vomiting etc…near death!
1st time: I took my cat to an Emergency hospital, where she was
hospitalized for 5 days, had intravenous, force fed, and approx. 10 enemas.
(2 daily)
Total cost: $3,900.00 !!!
2nd time: (3 months later) Constipated for 6 days, took her to MY vet this
time. She was under anesthesia, and had 1 enema, and was cleaned out within
2 hours.
Total cost: $900.00 (including shaving, X-rays, 1 bag of dry food, 2 tubes
of Lactulose)
3 weeks later, she was constipated AGAIN!! Nothing worked, until I found
‘LAX-EZE’ on line, read the testimonies, and decided to give it a try…(It
was cheaper than a vet!)
Within 3 HOURS of her first dose mixed in her holistic wet food, she pooped
a BIG one!!
Well, it’s been 5 weeks, and she is pooping almost every single day, has
her energy back, and despite her 9 years, she acts like a kitten all over
again, running around, teasing my other 4 cats, and showing more affection
than ever before because she FEELS GOOD again!!
This is NO joke! This ALL NATURAL product is an amazing MIRACLE!!!
Look it up, read the testimonies, and SAVE YOUR CAT’S (or dog’s) LIFE!!!

Lili Marlene says:


FourStrongWinds4 says:

Cat’s eat grass to make themselves throw up, not for the fiber. Same reason
why they lick plastic things when they are feeling sick. I use to wonder
why all the cats I’ve ever had lick plastic things, then throw up not long
after. Same reason they eat grass. Dogs do the same thing. To make
themselves throw up. Cats don’t eat fiber, unless it’s in the stomach of
something they killed, or the bones of the mouse.

FourStrongWinds4 says:

I can’t believe the crap they are teaching vets in vet school now a days.
Those ‘Prescription’ foods are junk food. Cats should not be given dry
food. Extra bulk? High fiber diet? WHAT CAT EATS FIBER IN THE WILD? DO THEY
EVER GET FIBER? NO! They eat meat, they never eat fiber! Complete morons!

FourStrongWinds4 says:

swear, in Vet school they teach that what works on dogs will work on cats.
NOT TRUE! They even give same meds to cats as they do dogs, sometimes in
the same strengths! You DON’T give cats human enema’s, you do if you want
to kill them. You can give dog/cat enemas at home. Increase water in wet
food, cats like to lick wet food anyway, so water in it helps. Don’t feed
dry, or give only a few tsps. a day (feeder). Cooked oatmeal helps some,
not all. Cannot believe the crap they are teaching “Doctors.”

jaxflfreebird says:

I agree the doctor seems nervous. It’s clear she knows what she is talking
about so I don’t know why she is nervous. I think she probably just needs
to go out with me on a date. Later she could come over and meet my 12 or so
cats. I could take her to Mc Donalds and by her a large order of Chicken Mc
Nuggets. Nothing like Chicken Mc Nuggets and a diet coke, plus some fries
to steady the nerves. She is kinda cute so why not have some fun with her.
I hope she’s a good sport. I’m not trying to be mean. : )

kanga1427 says:

Thank you for this video. I have a 21 yr old kitty. He has ongoing issues
with constipation & I add fiber to his diet in the form of Metamucil &
Benafiber along with giving him coconut oil which seems to help him the
most. There are times that I have to use an enema, which I use a Feline
one-use enema pre-mixed that I get from a vet supply. If anyone reads this,
never use Human Enemas on cats as an example Fleet. It is deadly for cats.

Stellar Stella says:

This was actually very informative, and covered a lot of information! Thank
you for taking the time to do this. May I suggest, however, you use a
tripod for your camera (someone has a shaky hand!), and just relax! You
sounded nervous and in need of a drink of water! Thanks for sharing
information on basic steps for addressing problems in the litter box for
our wonderful kitties.

mmmbad says:

Thank you for this informative video! Your kitty is beautiful and reminds
me of my first cat, Jimmy :)

April Kite says:

Thanks for the helpful information. Now I know how to help my sister with a
sick cat! :)

cosding2 says:

Thanks for this video!

Charginasaur says:

The doctor seemed nervous, and I don’t know if she’ll see this but I wanted
to say she did great! This is very useful information for anyone with cats.
Much appreciated by me and my kitty, Azrielle (:

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