Hippo gets explosive diarrhea.

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Toronto Zoo


EnigmaHood says:

That awkward moment when you realize you are waiting for a minute in
anticipation to watch explosive diarrhea to shoot out of a hippo’s ass…

Dutchyy _ says:

Better love story then Twilight.

Snorlz Snorly says:

I love how everyone else is completely disgusted and he’s like “YEAH I GOT

Jensen Payne says:

Girls: Ewwwww nooooo.
Guy: ohhh YEAH! I got that on video!

Brooke - says:


Sedge Sedgicus says:

from putting a egg in coke to putting a frog in boiling water and then
this, great.

HarvesterOfSorrow01 says:

This is the most beautiful, most inspiring piece of art i’ve ever seen.

ZeldasFinalFantasy says:

It looks delicious..

chairs says:

I was just watching a McDonald’s decomposing burger video and a few videos
later, I’m watching a hippo shit?

Fuzzzy Bear says:

Why Would 18Million People Want To Watch This?

Batman says:

Why does this have 17 million views?

BinkieMcFartnuggets says:

Introducing Taco Bell’s new dollar cravings menu…

Max Greyfeather says:

Watching hippos with diarrhea. What am I doing with my life?

RaZor says:

Just remember guys, even you’re girlfriends, wives, crushes, hot models,
etc. Shit just like this every morning, pretty hot huh?

betamusic says:

Delicious! Anyone hungry?

A Very Intolerant Pizza Slice says:

How did I get from shark videos to this?

Weyland Productions says:

I feel bad for this hippo. I mean how would u feel if 18 million people
watched you take a massive shit! 

Sonia Morris says:

Hippo gets explosive diarrhea.: http://youtu.be/P1Flr7JhPow

I found this while browsing for a song ~~~

Emperor cesar says:

thank god women don’t pee or shit

://SyCx1 Productions says:

The title did not prevent me from clicking. Horrible.

Zwargh BFH says:

Still better tha 50 shades of Grey.

Barry Stone says:

Boogie2988 is looking better.

sami haque says:

I started my night with homework and now it’s 4 in the morning. wow.

Patrick Nijs says:

Darude – Shitstorm

francine zee says:


Spartangirl197 says:

I’m on the weird side of youTube again..

Eata BagOfDicks says:

Looked like Hillary Clinton giving a speech.

King Mah Boi From Gabencity says:

18 Million guys want to see how someone poops
i knew what video next come

Mick Allen says:

“Shocked American tourists look on as Hippo demonstrates U.S foreign
policy” Full story on page 11. 

ScopedPewPew says:

How can there be 18 million views if th e earth only has 7 million people

LpsCrystalheart says:

I’m back from most disgusting surgery vids now i’m at this.

What am I doing with my life? ITS FREAKING 11:47 PM!

Riu the vulpix And Lilu the mew says:

My mom walked in right when the guy zoomed in on the elephant, this was
difficult to explain.

Ransome Sims says:

Wtf? It looks like water

river moonblood says:

Its not explosive diarrhea, they always poop like that. Its normal for them
lol. They also sweat red and it looks like blood.

alexis crocker says:

Hahahha xD this is hilarious! I watched it so many times 

FridayThe13thJasonX says:

*Constantly shows up in related videos* Ugh fine i’ll watch it!!! -_-

Fnoigy says:

That’s pretty tame, usually hippos have bigger poops and really splash that
crap around.

Albert Clark says:

Don’t they eat people?

Soul of a Monster says:

That’s the work of THE DEVIL lol

ost sweinen says:

The camera man sounds like a sex offender

ll says:

18 Million views! My life sucks!

Pinoy Gamer says:

Watching hippos diarreha what an i doing with my life..

Bogdan Kasyanchuk says:

Kenny reincarnated.

Kurt Oliver says:

Omg I bet it fuckin stinks!!

jim loveless says:

Must have et a sick native.

Brandon Andraszek says:

Yummy!!!! Lol

Kiichi Kanyos says:

“Mom get the camera!!”

Kevin Sterling says:

that’s how I poop!

Robert Hand says:

He doesn’t have the shits. It’s called muck spraying

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