Difficulty in Anal Surgery in case of faecal loaded rectum

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Prior to surgery on anus and rectum, the rectum should be empty. In case of faecal impaction, the field is obstructed and there is also chances of contamination of wound. For a better outcome, the rectum should be cleaned. An enema should be given prior to operation.


TheHuskyGT says:

Wow, Youtube :( I watch a random video of people riding fixie bikes and
then you recommend me this…

Uh oh!!! Am I watching this while being logged into my account? Oh NO!!!!!!

Richard Biliham says:

doesn’t seem to be a normal butt hole..looks more like a pussy.

grover sands says:

The tootsie tank!

grover sands says:

Butthole city.

seth green says:

thats hawt

wildcatangel78mb says:

Harry butts I found you!

karmahsmart23 says:


phijkchu raidho says:

that’s a man.

karmahsmart23 says:


Google 'Drum Beat Evolution' says:

Is that a worm at the last frame?* *Not to be taken as an admission that I
watched an anal surgery vid start to finish.

George Jetson says:

Only 47% of Indian households have toilets & running water, They shit where
they stand & wipe with their left hand. That guys ass is filthy. No wonder
he’s got issues.

andy blake says:

What in the flying fuck?

f pulp says:

I see a starfish

Supcharged says:

is that a man or woman

karmahsmart23 says:

@617kitten yea they gave him anesthetics theres no way he would be that
still during something like this

Lyndsey Bee says:

Was this person asleep? Looks painful

Jonathan Doe says:

Rectum? Damn near killed em.

SkobbeGaming says:

nice :)

SubmarinerPro says:

Thumb head !

Sahil Sinha says:

yah bcz anus opening is meant for the shit.. not for taking dick u
asshole..! in reply to George Jetson

seth green says:

still hawt

Richard Biliham says:

are those shit around the asshole

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