Dr. G Medical Examiner

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Autopsy of a 32 year old man impacted with waste. Not graphic but amazing.


T Sage says:

The apparent amusement of this doctor, shown within seconds
of photographs of a young man who experienced what must have been an
excruciating death, is what is most disgusting here. This must have
been horrifying to any of his family and friends who saw this show.

Arcane Necrosis says:

wow really you had to record it with a vid camera XD

Élan Vyskocil says:

What episode is this?

nvsbl2 says:

I hope there is a better video of this, and it’s complete

ANdy Kim says:

I thought when you die, you crap your pants

Kitty Paws says:

i was close to having this happening to me but i got it out just in time
before it killed me. I literally lost my breath from pooping it out

Kina G.S. says:

This is the most shocking episode of Dr G I’ve ever seen! As a nurse, I
have never seen anyone, or heard of anyone that could literally WILL
themselves to DEATH from depression! This guy laid in bed for nearly a
year, and by moving so little,DIED! Only 32 years old.Part of how we ‘go”
poo, is by moving around. He had gone going through a divorce (a year
prior) with a loss of his young kids and wife. Unless he had a “megacolon”
a rare diagnosis, prior to this, he truly died of depression, without even
committing suicide! This is a message about HOW TRULY SERIOUS DEPRESSION
can be! Please seek tx!

Anthony Girard says:

He’s just full of shit!

Inappropriate User says:

This is so amateur its unreal. No complete body scan? No face protection?
This guy would not have been able to stand the pain, the smell from the gas
would have been horrible, let alone rectal leakage, You could not stand
being around the guy, no diaper would help, I have a vary hard time
believing this. 

Kitty Paws says:

never mind this way off from what happened to me

Alice Lagarda says:

“and what she finds there is unlike anything she has ever seen before”
damnn!!! I wish I could see it myself!!

Alice Lagarda says:

“Dr.G realizes theres something TERRIBLY WRONG!!”
“But to her surprise,…”
these lines always get my attention 😀 I just looooove biology!!!

yojohnyyo says:

It sucks this show got cancelled :(

Cherilyn Hannen says:

she really didn’t find it humorous she was laughing to deal with the horror
of it it was like MASH remember the doctors on MASH were always acting
silly??????….that was their way of dealing with the horrors of war

Gailla Deiters says:

Really? I didn’t know, so sad. I thought it would return in fall. Bummer!!!

Tommy Stedham says:

Why do they blur the picture when they’re showing internal organs, like
intestines? I could understand if they blurred the sex organs, or a woman’s

paris rain says:

maybe she might have explained this to others who don’t ‘get’ this type of
humor. And many have never seen MASH. I’m no stranger to tragedy but no med
examiner should make a video autopsying a person laughing at anything. If
this young man was your son, you’d think differently.

carkees1 says:

What happened with the audio in this vid?

Kim Sussman says:

Her programs, I know it’s not everyone’s taste, bu

Slings66 says:

I learned in anatomy class about a man who had a 100 pound fecal impaction
surgically removed. His only complaint had been “feeling tired” all the

Mary K Thompson says:

And yet you watched it. Hummm….

Gailla Deiters says:

No it is not fake. I have been present at an autopsy. Neither the coroner
nor his assistant as well as myself and a police detective wore masks.

Vanadeo says:

Right.. I need to watch something happy.

The1gAang9009 says:

District 9 had a morgue? 😉 Hunger Games reference ftw. xD

armpitfuzz says:

I had my bowel removed 9 years ago due to disease, i was in constant
pain…. This guy must have been in agony !

Kim Sussman says:


Gailla Deiters says:

Because I wasn’t there, dah!

perfectication says:

Not sure, she is very odd…I tend to enjoy watching the UK medical
programs more anyway…people over here (in the USA) are just not as
charming as in the UK.

WoebringerofDoom says:

This guy literally did not shit himself to death.

Gailla Deiters says:

No Way! I didn’t know that. The actors sure look like the pics.

caitliness jcr says:

I love dr g!

JedediahForeverMD says:

No offense but the quality sucks. I couldn’t find the episode anywhere else
though so thanks.

M.j. Starr says:

Thx for uploading this informative episode. I havn’t experienced this yet
as an autopsy assistant and its nice to know, that one day i may have a
similar case. The quality didn’t bother me at all.

Mi Mi Funakoshi says:

what episode is this called

Nary Thach says:

I’m so constipated right now

MmeDefarge (Expose NYC Meth Labs) says:

At least the show is informative. Perhaps if the U.S. didn’t spend so much
money so that we could be in a constant state of war somewhere in the world
(some overt, some covert) we’d have more of our tax money here for our own
citizens. Perhaps if we didn’t spend so much money bailing out the
“too-big-to-fails that tanked our economy & will likely do it again. This
show is the least of our worries & tax $ doesn’t pay for it; take your ire
out on something more deserving

gahks says:

Which episode is this from?

Kina G.S. says:

When I saw this show in it’s entirety on TV, I could not believe it. This
was a young otherwise healthy man. He was so depressed that he actually
seemed to have willed himself to die. He was wearing a diaper, and got out
of bed only to smoke, after his wife and child left him. He also had a
bedsore at 32!! It turns out there was NOTHING except the bowel impaction
that was wrong! He literally died from clinical depression! Shocking,
depression is VERY serious!

flyinspirals says:

If you say so, it must be so. I don’t know why the author of that comment
put the statement that smiling is inappropriate in the form of a question.
But as for ‘why’ she’s smiling… until you have the job of cutting open
someone’s impacted bowel, guess you’ll have to keep wondering…

Myst Eerie says:

Dr G is fake… Well maybe her stories arent fake, but when you see her cut
into bodies, it’s definetly fake. Last time she was cutting up someone who
died and her family was joyfully telling about her life. This should be
right after the death. the family should be mourning. they wasnt, it was a
couple of years later, yet dr G looked exactly the same. They stage the
biggest part of the show. i know it for sure,

NintendoKilledAtari says:

Like almost 50 million people in the US, “Donald” probably didn’t have the
money to pay for a simple medical exam that could have save his life, but
there is a lot of money to make a TV show of his autopsy? No wondering why
that country is in decline…

Gailla Deiters says:

Also there is a YouTube that might be of interest to you mentioned in my
blog at colonictherapist.blogspot.com. It is under the blog ‘Should I Have
a Colonoscopy?’ The alternative practice of colon therapy that I have been
doing for 23 years is now used in three hospitals in the US prior to a
colonoscopy as this video show for one of these. Before Big Pharma,
colonics were common in many hospitals and doctor offices in the US.
Colonics are part of mainstream medicine in much of Europe.

sicklestar22 says:

Wow, he was literally full of s**t. That’s so sad that he died of something
that could have been easily fixed at an earlier stage.

Kim Sussman says:

Dr G, is a fantastic med examiner , I have learnt so much, th

Elysa Moulding says:

We all have ways to cope with jobs that are a bit “icky”. I work in a
profession that if I an my fellow colleges don’t face the day with smiles,
humor and a sense of “it’s no big deal” we couldn’t cope for long.

Gailla Deiters says:

@spotlightman123 I am a colon therapist for 23 years and am very familiar
with what you are referring to. I have had several children over the years
with this problem. This man’s condition however is probably the result of
SAD, the standard American diet, as well as other factors. It is sad that
such a problem can cause one’s death at just 32 years old. Unfortunately,
the route you took does not work with most people with severe constipation
and their doctors are clueless on how to help them.

SuperMissblueeyes says:

I could not do Dr. G’s job! This woman deserves a medal!

Scott SaysMYOBtwo says:

Moral of the story: have you eaten your Shredded Wheat today? LOL

flyinspirals says:

Touche, Brute : )

Kim Sussman says:

Bout anyone whom is intelligent will find her program interesting and makes
you think about how short ones life can be through life choices, I admire
Dr G, and would love to be an assistant, she is the best, and if you don’t
like her intelligence and prefer to be ignorant , hey

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