Fecal Impaction

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Dr. Carlo Oller talks about fecal Impaction. A large lump of stool stuck in the distal part of the bowel (i.e. the rectum).

Information edited minimally from the PubMed Health Website


Squirrel Attackspidy says:

Very informative video. Thanks for sharing!

Celia Wade says:

Read The Mucusless Diet Healing System by Prof. Arnold Ehret.

nan d says:

Once you get the impaction out, drink metamucil diligently. Every night or
every morning. Also, eat alot of salads, like every night with dinner
and/or lunch. It is very good for you, fills you up on veggies and keeps
everything moving around…

Teardrops that Tango Autobiography of Amber Cote (Pen name for Heather Combs) says:

Thanx Doc

tammy cvelbar says:

what types of disease of the brain and nervous system would cause fecal

floyd harper says:

I had one of these with the bottom edge pressing down on the anal
sphincter.This thing was wicked, hard, dry and misshapen. I finally passed
it with the use of a mineral oil enema, which was difficult to use since
the impaction was largely blocking the rectum. No use in trying to break it
up manually, it was simply too hard, just trying it caused extreme pain.
The cramps I was having were terrible, I couldn’t even pass gas, it was a
complete blockage. Any change in my body position would start the cramps up
again. Felt like the greatest sense of urgency but without results. During
one attack, I screwed up my resolve and hit the john. On the 3rd painful
push, I felt the impaction move womewhat. I was able to pass it and the
relief was dramatic. I passed 2 smaller impactions later in the week with
the help of a mix of mineral oil and warm water enema. I couldn’t even eat
while the impaction was in place. It killed my appetite.

karina maribel fernandez says:
TheFrazmarge says:

if the bowels are blocked how would pencil size stool come thru?

sabas7007 says:

I’m very desperate
what kind of capsules should be used?
please can you tell me
how make ? “poop pills
please tell me

realerik123 says:

I have somthing like this where everytine i go to the bathroom ,right when
im about to finish the last bit .it gets stuck.no matter how hard i try it
just doesnt come out. Jappens everyday whats going on has been happening
for 2 months .i used laxatives wich gave me diareah and when i stop using
it .it went back to being stuck

paris rain says:

as I read your words I still cry. Don’t EVER trust an ER room. We had an
autopsy done, and if you can imagine, a 7 lb impaction–as big as a
baby–was found in him. They had the cat scan report right in their hands
and he lay there ignored. I feel pain beyond words. He was the most
wonderful brother to me, and when I receive messages like yours, it’s a
sign from him .He finds me this way and in many other ways. God bless you
and keep your family safe always. TY xoxoxo

Oni Akuma says:

had thin stool for a month now it this all happens when i ate a lot from
thanks giving then i ate pork for a week lots of meat it sucks cuz i don’t
have insurance i’m waiting for my stool to come back normal but it doesn’t
seems to happend

Marmalade000000 says:

What happens if the stool goes from the descending colon all the way down
to the rectum?

Nathan Lestini says:

I have a condition in which i get impacted very frequently it is not fun at
all and very painful

ferociousgumby says:

I’ll eat my Bran Flakes, I promise, I promise!!

Jamal Deemer says:

Hmm 1 month ago. How did it turn out?

Karmah's Law says:

I know this is very important and can be dangerous, but what a subject!

Shotoshorinryuchun says:

He’s reading this straight of Wiki. -_-

Stephanie Barajas says:

I can’t believe your brother passed away from this :-( I am so so so sorry
for your family to have lost your brother to something that could’ve been
treated immediatly and with the right care.. I CAN NOT BELIEVE THAT THE
HOSPITAL DIDNT CARE RIGHT AWAY FOR HIM!!!! I have a baby, 2 1/2 year old
baby daughter, & I can’t imagine the pain you are going through. My utmost
condolence! <3 :'( God bless you and your family, all are in my prayers!

theedexitvideo . says:

no problem… I use PubMed a lot when writing my scripts. Most of them are
hard to improve on, some I actually can ‘ramble’ and talk more stuff during
the video. But the purpose is to provide a different MEDIA to reach the
patients with the SAME high quality information.

paris rain says:

Thank you so much for your informative oration on bowel impaction. My baby
brother just died from this in Dec.– his CT scan showed a severe bowel
impaction–and for 7 hours they did nothing. No manual disimpaction, oil
enema…nothing. He was sent up to a regular room. He eventually vomited up
5 liters of stool, water, & blood. Then cardiac arrest followed. In the ER-
NO ONE wants this job. It’s a filthy job to them-yet I myself would have
done it–had I known. I cry every day. I hate them.

Oni Akuma says:

well another month passed still same thin flat stool it only goes temporary
back to normal when i take psylium husk fiber

Shotoshorinryuchun says:

You’re good. I’m just lonely.

Ezy Teri Reddy says:

Then, you shit it out.

theedexitvideo . says:

there…I updated the video info to give credit to PubMed Health.

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