Foods for Constipation | Including Fiber Rich Foods

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Be it any condition, a healthy diet is a road to fast recovery. Watch this video for some quick and easy recipes to help you recover from Constipation!



Constipation is a digestive disorder in which a person has trouble passing stool. The stool passed is dry, hard & results in painful elimination.



• Inadequate water intake
• Lack of fiber in diet
• Irregular eating habits


Food groups to consume in constipation:

1. Fiber: It binds easily with water, making the stool soft and
easy to pass

Foods to consume: Whole grains such as oats, brown rice, quinoa, millets especially Sorghum (jowar) & finger millet (ragi) as well as fruits like apples, pears, bananas, oranges, dates, prunes, figs and pomegranate
Vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, beetroot, and cucumber
Pulses & nuts such as kidney beans, black gram, green gram (moong), soybeans, almonds, walnuts and peanuts


Recipes based on the above food groups:

Recipe 1: Oats & dates porridge

1. Take 250 ml of slim milk in a pan
2. Add 3-4 tbsp of oats in it
3. Boil this for about 5-8 minutes
4. Once it’s warm enough, take it off the flame
5. Add 2-3 chopped dates & 5-6 crushed almonds in it
6. Serve this hot
7. You can even add sugar in it

This porridge is a very healthy breakfast option

Recipe 2: Salad

1. Peel & grate ½ a cucumber
2. Similarly, peel & grate ½ a carrot
3. Take this in a bowl
4. Add chopped about ½ a tomato
5. Also add 2 tbsp pomegranate seeds to this mixture
6. Now add 1 tsp lemon, some salt and pepper for taste
7. Mix all these together

You can have this salad pre-lunch or pre-dinner. This really helps improve bowel movement




• Avoid foods made from refined flour
• Drink 50-100 ml of water every 15 minutes for better bowel






The above recipes have been developed in consultation with a nutritionist. However, these are not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a trained health professional. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Consult your physician before adopting the suggestions in this video, as well as about any condition that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Refer to the terms of use on our website


donald beck says:

seriously how the fuck do they expect like 10 fucking ingrediants per meal,
fuckin crazy.

Alfaz Atta says:

hello.can ypu plzzz make some more recipes…fory 4yrs old son haveing
badly constipation

Starr MB says:

can you do a video for foods to help depression? 

Sudheep Suresh says:

No offence to you…But where’s the other lady…I’d love to see her back
doing nutritional videos once in a while…

Raul Linares says:

Thankyou so much for you video. And by the way,you are just so beautiful.

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