Woman Makes Boyfriend’s Daughter Eat Poop as Punishment ft. David So

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1 – Fucked Up Parenting News – http://elitedaily.com/news/world/woman-arrested-for-making-boyfriends-daughter-eat-her-own-poop-as-punishment/603426/

2 – Sad Porn News – http://elitedaily.com/news/world/porn-actress-commits-suicide-after-being-cyberbullied-for-her-casting-couch-appearance/606348/

JK MERCH: http://www.justkiddingfilms.bigcartel.com

Special Thanks to Our Guest & Friend:
David So (@davidsocomedy)
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DavidSoComedy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dsocomedy
Twitter: @davidsocomedy

Hosted by Julia Chow (@xblueapplez)
Commentary by David So (@davidsocomedy), Joe Jo (@joverdose), Bart Kwan (@bartkwan), Geo Antoinette (@Geo_Antoinette), Tommy Trinh (@TomTTrinh), Daniel Kwan (@DanielKwan1)

Edited by Brandon Choi (@bchoii)
Articles Researched by Tiffany Del Real (@real_tiff), Julia Chow (@xblueapplez), Michael Chiu (@Michael_Chiu), Brandon Choi, and Matt Jun (@mattie_jun)

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Joe Jo (@joverdose)
Bart Kwan (@bartkwan)
Geo Antoinette (@Geo_Antoinette)
Casey Chan (@chanmanprod)
Tommy Trinh (@TomTTrinh)
Daniel Kwan (@DanielKwan1)
Julia Chow (@xblueapplez)
Michael Chiu (@Michael_Chiu)
Tiffany Del Real (@real_tiff)
Brandon Choi (@bchoii)


YourLossLoser says:

My favorite thing about JK is how they can talk so seriously about things
in such a calm and open manner. It sincerely makes me wish I has a group of
friends like that.. like I know lot of people that when you try to talk to
them about anything serious, they just get so defensive and put up walls
and it just really bites.

TheTSHOCKGaming says:

I thought you guys were going to do the story with the two girls who
stabbed their friend in the woods. Its fucked up..

Jian Jeffrey says:

she said a “tot” xd

nikki naval says:

WHERE IS OLIVIA is this girl replacing her :(

Christon Han says:

not gonna lie… im one of those people who have nothing better to do other
than comment on youtube videos. someone please reply to this.. so i feel
like i matter

979JuJu says:

I heard Oliva left. I hope Julia doesn’t leave either! 

Jemel One Five says:


TOPP klass T.O.P's Girl ® says:

I’ve never seen someone so fascinated by a pair of scissors. It’s like he
really wants to stab himself in the throat, but wants to play with the
scissors first and have a little fun for awhile before going through with

Hanji Zoe says:

does Joe have long hair that he slicks back or is it naturally square and

sohnia ndoye says:

I swear if I see another Olivia comment!!

kanohane says:

The dad knew, he just didn’t care…

berta143140 says:

5:35 – 5:38 u read my mind David I was just think about that . Look at that
that ho over there doesn’t make sense at all 

united says:


Johanna Pi says:

nice background music.

Mahi 8D says:

I like JK’s opinions and views most of the time. I’m rlly glad to see ppl
out there that have this kind of positive and open mind set. Its no wonder
am addicted to u guys especially david~ and am starting to like Geo too~ 

ung427 says:

Wow, that’s so sad. If someone from my high school became a porn star, we
would be like, “Wow! Congrats!”. Some students are so fucked up in the

newdreamspellmoon says:


Penguin Gaming says:

And this is where the term Eat shit comes in

yaoifinatic1 says:

Ok as someone who was abused physically and verbally by a parent’s
significant other while growing up, this hit really close to home for me
and words cannot explain how furious I am. Come on now. The little girl is
only 3 YEARS OLD. There are other ways of disciplining a child which she
shouldn’t have even been doing because it WASNT HER CHILD. I really don’t
undertrained how people can be so cruel to innocent little children. And
people wonder why the kids of this generation growing up into a bunch of

The Guy With the Potato says:

u know when I get angry I get to beat up a animal and my da skins it for
his butcher (I don’t want to kill them but I have to).

edmond Loc says:

What happened to olvia

JustKiddingNews says:
CaptinBlacky says:

If my girlfriend heart my daughters vagina…I’ll put a chair in her vagina

Cody Manivanh says:

jk crew my name is Cody Manivanh I am Laotion. I just wanna let you guys
know that David so is damn cool as fuck! I like how he is straight to the
point and is real and don’t give a shit it make’s your videos even more
comedic and caring.When i watch your jk news i just keep watching every
show cause David is funny and bout it. David can be straight up and be
caring at the same time but he tells it with swag he is straight up with
his response it’s funny and cool. You guys are funny as heck keep up the
good work. I’m Asian i know how Asian guys struggle’s but i’m not one of
them i married an Armenian and have a beautiful daughter you guys are right
Asian guys need to have confidence and just go for what you want. Also
Casey is a hard working ass Asian he deserve a beautiful lady like Tiff she
is gorgeous. It just show’s how hard work pay’s off. Keep it going guy’s.

Jay Liz says:

tommy makes the eyebrow joke first no one laughs. joe makes it, everybody
DIES -.-

Brainiac V says:

anyone know why Olivia left JK ? I heard she posted a picture on Instagram
and she explained why she left JK but I think she removed it.

Alex Garay says:

they might as well stop putting “ft. david so” in the title because hes in
evry single vid

Candace C says:

She was only charged $5400? I think it should be more like $100,000. She’s
definitely got some mental issues.
Look at her real eyebrows in that link

Emma Dane says:

David so funny 

Dakota Richter says:

she doesn’t give a fuck about my opinion :'( lol

LightlySaltedNuts says:

I really like the guy that just sits there and plays with a screwdriver the
whole time.
He always adds so much to the conversation.

Ahmed Khasawneh says:

the safest way to do it ? xD 

k- pop says:

kid gets bullied and committed suicide-no sympathy
porn star gets bullied and committed suicide- sympathy

jose lopez says:

that bich is crazy 

Erik Högberg says:

My lil bro punched himself in the groin when he was bout 4-8 or something
like that. He did it because he thought we like it. S The sisters may have
been fighting and the girl got brusers. If the GF beat the kiddo I hope she
goes to jail.

savagepinksock says:

5:50 they should have said “news spreads quicker than her legs”

sucks that she died though .-.

Jessica Hin says:

Can you guys talk about the girls who stabbed their friend 19 times to
‘appease’ slenderman?

!Fire Fox! says:

OMFG what geo said is so true about the opinion thing cause its your
opinion no one wants to hear it most of the time unless they ask like jesus

Taffynation says:

why did olivia leave jkf? 

tander101 says:

8:00 PewDiePie.

imani carpenter says:

I do not like this video

hamzah abdi says:

The two women in these videos are extremely attractive.

Rahma Haibeh says:

Guess that’s a shitty situation

Str8 Gta 5 says:

It’s weird that they know she’s a porn star it’s like well u watch it so
wow how u gonna bully some one for u snoopy around on inappropriate shit

Char says:

If a kid was lying, then they were lying because she was doing shit to them
or someone they loved and they wanted them gone.

akalayil101 says:

Where’d Olivia go? :(

ninaaylarkobe2 says:

8:50,@Geo, you folks may not give a shit about what we say or think, but
what if we think you are all awesome? 

Tsering Dorje says:

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