Best Way to Get Rid of Constipation

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What is the best way to get rid of constipation?

Plenty of fiber is a sure cure.

How do I do that? I can’t stand fiber supplements.

A big bowl of oatmeal works wonders. Or you could enjoy prunes.

No one enjoys prunes.

Dried apricots, dried apples, any dried high fiber fruit works just as well.

I might as well get craisins.

What are those?

Cranberries dried in grape juice.

That’s not high fiber, just high in vitamin C.

I heard that a juice fast can cure constipation.

It cures the dehydration that can cause constipation. If you’re drinking apple juice, that’ll cure the constipation in its own right.

What’s a long term cure?

Eat more green vegetables.

If I could stand it, sure.

Eat more beans. Those are high in fiber.

Then you end up farting a lot. And smelling up the place.

Cabbage is both high in fiber and enzymes that flush out your digestive tract.

That’s about as bad as a colon cleanse.

You could eat bananas.

That’s a cure for diarrhea.

Green ones cause constipation. Yellow ones have

the opposite effect.

What else can I do?

Stay away from fried foods, dairy products and too much red meat.

That sounds like going on a diet.

A healthy diet is one high in fiber, fruits and vegetables. And you should minimize caffeine.

Caffeine can make you poop.

In small amounts, yes. In large amounts, it dehydrates you, making the problem worse.

I hate to think that the cure may cause the problem in the first place. Then again, I didn’t know bananas were a curse and cure-all as well.

Well, you know that eating the peel is a guaranteed source of fiber.

I’d rather go with prunes.


Marasri White says:


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