Constipation & Your Skin (How to Get Clear Skin)

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Today’s help with skin care segment is courtesy of the Acne Solution ( and Bay Harbour Med Spa ( We receive at least a 1,000 questions per month, most ask us how to get clear skin? We realize there’s a common denominator for most of us, and that is– constipation. In fact, before we have our clients buy our skin care products, we ALWAYS address the constipation issue, because of your body is not properly eliminating digested foods and toxins, your skin will surely erupt in breakouts. So, if you’d like to find out more about getting clear skin (and keeping it cleared up), please keep watching. Have a skin care questions for Eva? Ask below in the comment section or visit:


skincarechannel says:
theMusicFairy1 says:

I admit that my fruit and vegetable intake is horribly low, so I’m gonna
start with the smoothie, but I have a question, could getting rid of
constipation help me eat more food because I’m trying to gain weight but I
can’t fit in the amount of food that I have to eat because I’m always

Ian Luft says:

This is great. Thank u.

skincarechannel says:

Happy to read! — Eva

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