Dealing With IBS

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Kayleigh Kill
PO Box 550174
Fort Lauderdale, FL

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T U M B L R –
F A C E B O O K –
I N S T A G R A M -
P A T R E O N -

M Y C L O T H I N G S T O R E:
M Y A R T S T O R E:
M Y J E W E L R Y S T O R E:

S E C O N D C H A N N E L:

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  • Categories: ibs


Amanda Mills says:

Never have i ever posted a comment on a youtube video, but as I lay in bed
with my IBS pain, I searched “IBS” in the youtube search bar and came
across your video. I wanted to see if there was anyone else that deals with
this on a daily basis. So, thank you. You articulated absolutely every
single emotion & situation that an IBS sufferer experiences. The hardest
thing about this stupid thing is feeling alone/crazy! But after watching
your video, I didn’t feel completely alone with this condition. Your
authenticity and honesty helps others silently dealing with this as well.
Thank you!

Vicky M says:

IBS is just the worst. Thanks for sharing your experience – it helps me a
lot to know that there are others (especially young adults cause I’m only
16 with the bowel habits of the elderly!) going through it with me.

toilet Clogger says:

Oh Kayleigh I shit myself again today while doing squats at the gym. I had
to run out of the gym with shit spatter running down my legs. Does this
ever happen to you? Also, can you draw me a picture of a ibs bowel movement
to help me in therapy? 

TingleJunkie says:

You rock. IBS sucks the life out of me, not to mention its painful as fuck.
Everything i eat triggers it, and i try to eat the most at home and little
else where and everyone gets soooo offended at food gatherings, and outings
because i dont eat much.. but its really because im trying to avoid
triggering it and spending forever in the bathroom lol I’m 18 and have had
it all my life. Thankfully, my boyfriend has it too, and he knows how awful
it can be, and we support eachother :) Only just recently did my mom
realize she has it too lol I actually had to convince her xp

Luke Birch says:

I can’t even express to you how much this video was needed! It is such an
awful thing & I’m so glad someone is finally talking about it. 

Daniel O'hEidhin says:

This video has blown me away, I’m honestly emotional watching it because it
says everything I want to say but can’t communicate. I’ve forwarded it to
my loved ones to have a look so they can get insight into what life is like
for sufferers. Thank you for making this video!

RoyPhee says:

As a college student in his early 20’s, I have been having it for the past
year now, and moderately throughout my high school career. After blood
tests, and numerous scans conducted a few weeks ago, which all turned out
negative, my GI doctor is unwilling to prescribe me any medications, which
is good because I don’t want to rely on long term medicine. I realized my
mother had a similar phase 6-7 years ago as well, and she sort of grew out
of it. Do you eventually grow out of IBS? Cause personally, having to deal
with it is pretty stressful.

Yvette Bailey says:

Thank you for sharing your story. I don’t suffer from IBS but I have other
digestive issues so I can relate on some level. 

Jasy Jas says:

i couldnt have said that all better myself you were spot on

edward p says:

Is it possible to have IBS with no pain and no runs to the bathroom? I have
acid reflux but no heart burn, just esophagitis all the time, but my “acid”
has more of a phlegm consistency. I also ALWAYS feel nauseous. My symptoms
are also triggered when I get nervous or anxious. It sucks because I am an
anxious person in general. My dilemma is… I don’t know if my anxiety is
causing my gastric problems or if I’m actually physically ill. I always get
the general “oh it’s all in your head” answer from doctors and it’s making
me depressed because I feel like I may be developing this because I
recently have been having really bad pains in my lower abdomen and under my
right rib cage. Anyone experienced the same thing? I am desperate to feel
100% back to normal. 

Angry Gut says:

@avada_kaydavra Someone understands our struggle #IBS #ibsprobs #AngryGut
#stomach #pepto #glutenfree #wheat #healthy

Tara Blackmore says:

This video is an excellent crash course for anyone who is utterly ignorant
of the disease. If you want to know what people with IBS – what I have –
deal with, check this video out. All cases are different, but hers is
actually uncannily similar to mine. So watch it!

Guy Tennant says:

I really hate having ibs, especially since I have to take these pills
called dycloverine every day once a day and they don’t even work even
though they are made for ibs. I deal with social anxiety mostly. I can’t
eat hardly anything and even foods that I can usually eat you never
freaking know if your stomach will start hurting. I know a lot of people
have this and I’m not special for writing this comment, just contributing
to the comments about it. 

yinstube says:

A strict diet is required to control the symptoms of this condition.
Preferably you should eliminate all fat, all sugar, all caffeine, all dairy
products, and all wheat products (for some reason, even though you may not
have gluten sensitivity, it still triggers problems). Make sure to eat
small meals…

TheCrazyCatLady says:

Oh my god this is exactly me. Thank you for being so open and sharing this!
Our problem is so debilitating! I wish I had someone to talk to in person
who understands what I live with.

Mikael Bilstrup says:

I got IBS aswell. I know the exact feeling. Cant go anywere new, cant go
out with friends. So much is fucked up with IBS and people who dont have it
cant really understand it. Your video is amazing due to the fact that you
dare to share the problems and frustations with others.

Love the video, and your hair.
Thx :) you made my day
/swedish chef

Elizabeth Lawson says:

How do you get diagnosed with ibs , I went to my doctor and he told me
about ibs gave me Colofac tablets that didn’t help it just made it worse .
I wish I didn’t have this because it sucks man I always feel uneasy and put
off food . The worst part is feeling like you have emptied your whole
stomach out after eating. It’s not nice at all and I don’t want to go to
the doctors about it because they don’t help and I suffer from panic
attacks as well so when ever I go the doctors or dentist I worry a lot and
always end up crying during a panic attack so I mainly avoid the doctors .
I always make sure that i use the toilet after every meal which helps a lot

Hail Narii says:

Like pressure to your head from discomfort bloating gas…

Chanel Randle says:

OMG this helped me so much , my ibs started mid college expierence…I
remember during a test I went to the bathroom twice…or that damn gas…I
be so scared that it’s going to come out by itself loud as hell…trust
it’s happened before, I didn’t push or nothing.

Beth Zara Hayward says:

LOVED THIS! Everything you said is so true, even just going 20 minutes
drive in the car to go shopping makes me so anxious which then in turn
makes the IBS worse! Just wanted to share my tips with other sufferers; I
always carry Imodium tablets, a packet or 2 of tissues and a small body
spray in my bag, it helps with the embarrassment of having to go to the
bathroom and just knowing I have these things in my bags helps with the
anxiety! Here’s to the people that have to plan their entire lives around
where there are available toilets! 

jackie Ferguson says:

I’ve had ibs since I was 17. Its almost been 10 years. I’ve gone to
doctors, stomach specialists had an endoscopy, tried pils fiber
supplements. Finally after a friend told ne about cleansing I understood
what I need to do. Doctors only treat symptoms and if I followed my doctors
directions I’d be on 6 pills and fiber supplements. What they don’t tell
you is that your Diet is to blame. We aren’t meant to eat processed
anything fake cheeses sugar like we do and never eat fruits or veggies!
Gluten and meat are big problems as well. At first this all may sound like
a lot but these two things are really hard to digest and so they build up
in your system like plaque. Leads to many problems outside of your gut as
well. Depression anxiety, acne, allergies, headaches, fatigue, fibro
myalgia etc. The number one thing that can help alone is a coffee enema!
They clean you out so well that your liver kidneys and gallbladder can work
properly and your stomach is free of pain. Your body will be able to get
the nutrients from food its been missing! If you want a transformation
check out the Badass detox the spokesperson Evita Ramparte cured her
ovarion cancer using just the detox and enemas and she looks amazing! Good
luck and I hope you all figure out what I have cuz it will save your life.
There is a cure to your “disease” I swear doctors love that word!

Dan Johnson says:

look on the bright side. no grains = no inflammation = far less chance of
ever getting cancer. grains also inhibit mineral absorbtion. i don’t have
IBS anymore but I avoid grains 365 days a year because of this.

Shaun Reed says:

Hi, i think i have IBS. My mother has this too. Ive tried alot of
things. TBH I was annorexic as a child up until about 19yo. To counter
act my illness i was given sweets. This led to me becoming addicted to
junk food after i beat annorexia. Years down the line i have bouts of
stomach paid where i have to pay a visit. Im then there for about
15-20mins until the pain goes away. This seem to be random. Ive changed
my diet alot since i was a child. I not eat alot more than i use to and
now make use of a Nutri-bullet blender to get foods into me that i woudnt
usually have. I still have the odd sweet binge but this is becoming rare.
I have a target to hit ready for my wedding to curb my eating habbits. I
think my trigger is carbonated drinks as i too use to have redbull
everyday. Thank you for your vid, if you could give me any advice please
let me know. 

Becca Hennessey says:

Im a sophomore in high school and it started for me in elementary school.
Crazy how I’ve been dealing with it for so long and yet it doesn’t get any
better, It’s so hard to have friends who are able to go out and go to
school everyday and eat anything they want when I cant eat anything! I
have had so many panic bathroom attacks at the worst time and I just don’t
how long I can handle it :/ I am not able to do anything without the fear
that I will get the pains and stuff, but then having anxiety triggers it
anyway! Its a horrible circle. I’m glad that other people have it to and
I can relate to them. It affects my social life and my health :( I hate
it so much

Angry Gut says:

IBS: thanks for someone actually speaking out about it! #poop #stomach #IBS
#IBSprobs #AngryGut @avada_kaydavra

Sam Scott says:

i deal with this on a daily basis!! it rules my life, it is so hard and has
increased my anxiety and social phobia i always need to make sure that
there is a toilet and make sure there is more than one because my anxiety
increases if i know that someone else needs the toilet as well. i know what
you are going through. its hell

Becaw Red says:

Omg! Yes! I have IBS and im 15, ive had it since i was 12 but only got
worse when i got depression when i was 13, because we left my dad and now
he wont speak to us and he moved across that country. Anyway, so i mostly
get affected by what i eat and i have anxiety, so you know, thats a great
combo. I was only diagnosed a week ago that i had IBS and ive been
constantly going to the hospital about it because they just said that it
was the acid in my stomach even wheb i got an Upper GI. They just put me on
anta acid pills and threw me out the door. But it got so bad that i could
leave the bathroom so my mom and i went last week and they diagnosed me
with it and said that my bowels were full and said to get PEG 3350. I get
major pains in my stomach though to.

Gevoian says:

i really don’t wan’t to go to school because of this, my parents think its
all in my head. im going to see a gastrolgist soon and im scared he won’t
say anything useful since there is no cure. Why did this have to happen to
me a few days ago.

Navneet Saini says:

I’ve had IBS-C for 10 years now! IT IS A DAILY STRUGGLE. Thanks for being
so honest about your condition! I always feel like people don’t get me
(even my family) and that they don’t want to deal with me. Wish more people
knew about IBS!

Uk Gamer says:

I’m pretty sure i have it but i am a little embarrassed to go to my gp
about it

pharmgirl1216 says:

I think I just found my twin. You hit the nail on the head! Not only did
you say everything I have said before, but you are also a Doctor Who fan,
Harry Potter fan (noticed the tattoo) and you made a Star Wars reference.
Best video ever! Subscribed! We should totally be best friends. 

denny cao says:

I have IBS and I had it since elementary school. Everyday, I had to go to
the bathroom at school at least twice and my friends laughed at me. I’m in
high school now and I still gotta go to the bathroom. Any advice?

Hail Narii says:

Do your gas pain ever goes to your head,.. 

Bille Baker says:

Another thing that annoys me is when people say “I use to have that, I used
to get it when I got stressed”. No you didn’t you just had a bad stomach. I
am trying to detox myself off imodium but it ain’t going well so far. The
worst thing about it is when you get a flare up, you get super anxious
about it which makes it even worse it’s a vicious cycle with no ending. I
thought I had it under control but no never. This is something that a lot
of people have but no one talks about it. I hadn’t even heard of it until
my GP said I had it and gave me a sheet on it and sent me on my way.
Stay strong people one day we will find the cause and then hopefully the

emanamona 98 says:

My bff always tells me that it’s my fault that I overthink more than what I
should she blames me I just want her to understand that I can’t help it she
has no idea what does controlling your belly is!

Joanna W says:

OMG your bf is a dick.Sorry for saying that but he doesn’t sound like very
supportive person. 

elemeno82002 says:

thank you for the video. I could not have put out a video on my own about
this but I’d love to get to the place where I don’t feel like hiding this
part of my life. I’ve also gone to a gastroenterologist for about a year
and I recently started acupuncture and herbal/dietary supplements. The
pills are kind of helping but I haven’t been taking them long enough to
know for sure.

This is going to sound really gross but from one IBS sufferer to another
information is power. I recently heard about a treatment called FMT (fecal
microbiota transplant from healthy donors). You might know it better as poo
pills from the news. It’s a popular treatment overseas to help restore the
balance of good gut bacteria in your digestive system either through pills
or a physical procedure. it’s mainly being used to treat people with c diff
at this time but it looks promising as a treatment for other
gastrointestinal illnesses. I’m going to ask my doctor about it since I’m
pretty much desperate at this point. It’s probably not covered under
insurance but western medicine has been dropping the ball with IBS for
awhile now so I’m giving other treatments a chance.

Comfy Wumfy says:

Great video :) ibs is rubbish. 

Lia Meadows says:

Thanks so much for this video. My IBS is a newly diagnosed thing… It also
got really bad when my stress levels skyrocketed. And I do often stress
myself out by thinking about it.

Jasmine hibberd says:

omg i love you soon much. i have the same exact problem xxxx

Chelsea Hope says:

I love this! You’re spot on about it being so similar to Crohn’s Disease. I
have Crohn’s Disease and I feel like everything you’re saying is so my
life. Ugh…”should you be eating that?” Or “Can you wait?” Haha spot on.
People won’t always understand. But it really does feel like it becomes
your life. Great video! 

Nataša Đurović says:

I succeeded at not crying while watching this. I’m very sad right now
because I’m thinking about how terrible it’s going to be in a month when my
semester at faculty begins. It’s enough terrible now. It stops me from
doing so many things. And you have explained everything very well. I hate
it when people don’t understand it and think that you are causing it, that
you’re crazy, nervous and that it’s all in your head and that you can stop
it by not being “nervous”. It’s not like I can be nervous all the time.
It’s the worst in the morning and in the evening. Every single day. Even
when I’m at home, and why would I be nervous at my own house? I just hope
they’ll find a cure one day. I have tried so many things,.nothing helped.
Even with the diet it’s still the same.

Nate says:

Very well done and informative. You’re hilarious! Love it :) *Subscribed*


I know you will not believe me but when you have this problem , try to one
spoon full of plain greek yogurt ,,, it work most of the time

LaurenLizCan says:

I’m obsessed with your responses to the ignorant, common responses to IBS
at the end of this video. SO FREAKING TRUE! I have experienced these, too
and so appreciate FINALLY hearing someone that knows where I’m coming from.
Thanks so much! :)

Paul Pratt says:

Thank you. This was immensely helpful. 

Rahul Sethi says:

Oh man it takes real man balls to say that you have IBS on a public channel
like youtube. I suffer from this disgusting problem too. 10 points to this
brave girl. Fortune favours the brave!

Swifty Shan says:

I’m 16 and this honestly makes my life a living hell

Charlotte Gibbs says:

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Well done for putting the
embarrassment aside for a moment and giving non sufferers an insight into
our lives. I wish there was more info and understanding so us sufferers
could not worry so much. Thank you x

Ali Elias says:


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