IBS – A Pain in the Arse (well, stomach…)

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My blog post on IBS – http://lozzamogz.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/ibs-pain-in-arse-well-stomach.html


Laura Nuttall says:

Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Sergei Anatolov says:

I’ve never gotten IBS (thank God) but I get severe heartburn that might be
caused by stress/depression. It gets worse if I’m really stressed out or
if I don’t sleep or if I’m hungry. Luckily the medication I take for it
(omeprazole) pretty much takes care of it. The only time I’ve never had it
naturally was when I was restricting my calorie intake to 800 calories a
day which makes sense since there was no food in my stomach to cause any

Have there ever been times when you’re not stressed out and/or are happy
that you’re symptoms are reduced or go away completely? 

Tayla Grace Brown says:

I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been dealing with IBS for 6 years and
it’s as close to a living hell as I could imagine. It’s become such a
large, ruinous part of my life. It’s annoying because there is no real
cure. I think with my IBS it comes in bouts, it bad ones last for about 3
months then I feel okay for a month usually… Thank you for making this
video, it’s nice knowing that you’re not alone. 

C Murphy says:

Hi Laura, unrelated to this video but I would love to see an update from
the surgery you had on your arm. Hope all is well x

Siobhan O'Connell says:

tea <3

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