Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

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If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: This 3D medical animation describes the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome as well as possible factors that exacerbate IBS and common treatments for IBS. Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a chronic condition affecting your large intestine. The large intestine, also called the colon, absorbs water and nutrients from partially digested food moving through your digestive tract. With IBS, the muscular contractions of your colon are abnormal.


Nucleus Medical Media says:

Thanks for explaining what happens with this syndrome.
Most of the people laugh when I tell them that’s not easy to eat because I
need to me in a hot place of have a hot drink near me or a toilet. It’s
invalidating when you fell bad every time you eat…

Tanjil Kamal says:

Nothing to fear about IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome anymore. There is no
medicine in market invented by any doctor but though you can easily get rid
out of this problem, I can guarantee!! I had same problem long before and I
took a lot of doctor prescribed medicines but nothing worked. It happens
due to severe pressure erupted inside your mind & body . So relief all your
distress, anxiety or any other pressure inside your mind & body by just
practicing remaining cool most of the time. The reason for growing severe
pressure happens if you try to practice to remember a lot from your studies
or information, you try to play as a heavy sports man spirit, or you have
not done sexual intercourse fully or too much distress you face at your
work or family.

mcaleeseheather says:

i have ibs,gerd,and endometriosis. and all of these illness causes me to be
in pain 24/7. it sucks a lot. i get depressed because nothing has giving me
relief. i drink plenty of water, eat fiber(which makes the pain worse
during a bowel movement) and exercise like walking to help reduce my
stress. i am still in pain. this is why its called a chronic illness with
no cure. yes there are natural remedies that can help relieve the pain but
not cure it. =( no one deserves to be in constant pain. i don’t deserve it.

Debs 71 says:

I was diagnosed with IBS in 2000, and it has gotten worse with age. It
interferes badly with my daily life, and is giving me the shits!!! (but
sadly not literally, as I have IBS-C)

Sid Moats says:

i swear take prozac it helps alot for this, at least for me, fuck all the
exercise, healthy diet shit sometimes you just need to take some drugs. i
tried with my diet for years it did nothing…. took fiber-made it worse!
and i was in too much fucking pain to exercise, but i pop a pill and in a
month i felt totally normal! and i wast even taking the pill for ibs i took
because of my ocd

Steelkatana Angelica says:

Yes i have it, only constipation and gas. My belly is big and hard, i feel
sick, full, belly rumbles, cries and i have very loud and awful gas. And
its constant when i have pms. Its a mini pregnancy: i crave for sweet and
salty, have painful and hard nipples, constipation for max 4 days and have
big and hard belly. But theres a lot of gas instead of a baby. And its very
bad cos its constant. Yes, i feel better after passing gas. My belly is
naturally big and visible. It can be ibs, but i cant find its cause. Barely
eat (Polish and European in general quisines are not eatable. Asian are
eatable. To be honest, not only quisine, all whats Asian is eatable and the
best. The only eatable part of dinner is dessert, cos i love chocolate in
all forms. I crave for it at pms. Vegetables no, fruits yes. I love fruits
because they are sweet. Love also milk products, but belly doesnt tolerate
them and it hurts me. Its impossible to live without them, cant give them
up cos then i would have to starve) or its caused by emotional stress (yes
i have emotions out of control, it strenghtens at pms, then im sad, angry,
cry and want to kill. For me its bigger nightmare than menstruation, then i
also have painful belly and gas. But sadly, i have pms for 2 weeks,
sometimes even 3 and it feels like 2 years not weeks). Even the most
powerful, the best and wisest gods (from all mythologies) dont know the
cause and how to help me. And also, i convince myself that im not hungry,
just bored and cant differ hunger and boredom, thats why i have belly.
Trying successfuly to keep myself hungry in order to lose this stupid
belly. My weight may be about 100 now. Will kill myself if its 90 or 100.
No one would want to marry a fat and unattractive fart pillow.

Emmunaogbu1 says:

cannabinoid is better…. medication may kill u

Jonathan K says:

Water, fiber, medications, exercise. Life-changers.

vwbug1971 says:

I have had this condition since the mid 80s. Nothing was being taught
about IBS in those days, so it was hit and miss for many years. I learned,
as one day after the other my system responded well or badly on various

Over the years, I went through all sorts of diet changes. These days, I
take digestive enzymes, probiotics, and because my condition leans to
constipation, two laxative pills: senna and dulcolax. I eat very little
red meat, mostly turkey, chicken and fish, and only occasionally will I
permit it to be fried.

Rice has always been helpful for me, even regular white rice. Assorted
frozen vegetables I can eat if cooked well, with rice or my preference,
sweet potato. As for grains, I buy from the health food store oatmeal
bread, and eat oatmeal for breakfast, as well as those egg white substitute
liquids that I fry in olive oil with a few slices of onion.

Everyone is different and this journey is all about understanding, not me,
but yourself and those trigger foods. Other health issues people will
often have along with IBS. They can make their lives more challenging
because meds can often promote more constipation. The best to you all as
you possess your souls in patience. 

Becaw Red says:

Its not just in the bowels its in the stomach to :/

amg4330 says:

I have this and life fucking sucks!

Bharat Ratna says:

1] Early to bed early to rise (reduces stress and the body starts working
2] Exhaustive exercise (Bodily circulation increases and it starts
repairing itself fast + Less stressed mental state)
3] Maintain continuity for the above two processes and you will have a
body that will not give up on you.

Pablo Konig says:

Thank you so much for this info….

jenmin100 says:

mainly caused by consumption of imported infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
. halo j#5

thewr0ngchild says:

While IBS is ‘idiopathic’ which means no cause can be found, there are
treatments. Your doctor can prescribe anything from a stool softener,
laxative to medication to help with the spasms such as buscopan.

Isabelle Cote says:

For the firts time I see that I am not the only one. Guys this IBS is crap!
I have been through so much pain and that disease stopped me too much in my
personnal life. However I suggest you the Align probiotic it helps me a

Sheriff says:

interesting… i was confused about my symptoms. i thought i had some sort
of internal prolapse. but this describes what i have perfectly. HARRRRD

hueeeeey says:

Im fine yesterday but today had a lot wheat think thst made me bloated n
gassy. Anyone with ibs knows its a tough ride lol

Sher Lizz says:

stay away from anti-depressants!! sheez

Lorie Morris says:

I also go to bathroom,i think mine is about MS.

silvester weber says:

I have this shit 2. My life is stinky when my shit is all up in there hahah
IBS my wife hate’s you

A100Aic says:

i use tablets to help digest lactose, a probiotic and medication tablets.
also iberogast is very very good. its a bad tasting medicine but it helps.

Lina Chan says:

Fiber does not work for everyone and it hasn’t been directly proven to work
It failed to work for me, my sister and my mother.
Unlike them, I have pain predominant IBS, which can leave me feeling ill,
especially in the morning. Codeine painkillers help a lot, and I don’t know
what I’d do without them. Same goes for Colfax. I get nausea really bad as
well, so I’m going back to the doctors to look for help.

uo3531 says:

anti depressants must be avoided in treating IBS, coz they increase the
level of serotonin which important cause of bowel contraction and spasm..
the treatment is based on the symptoms and the benefits and adverse effects
MUST BE BALANCED AND CONSIDERED >> great V , i like this channel go forward

amused09 says:

very educational

Aures Thomas says:


Макс Степанов says:

THANKS!!!from russia.

ryan blick says:

I’m 12 and have it :( my life is over x.x

Ivan Ješík says:

not easy to make it better :-)

TheVictorialady says:

Hi Daniel, 211Toronto can help. Google them. Dial 211. They offer services
for youth under 29, which I think you are. They could direct you to another
agency if you are older than this. Life gets better. There are people who
care about you more than you realize. 211Toronto can help. Take care – V

James Baldington says:

I’m pretty sure all medical students have irritable bowel syndrome,
especially right before tests.

Imawanna Boss says:

Not to be confused with IBD (Inflamatory Bowel Disease) which is a Chronic
condition consisting of diseases such as Chrohn’s disease and Ulcerative
Cholitis. I know this because I was diagnosed with UC when I was 10. People
sometimes mistake IBD for IBS which can be very dangerous. There is some
evidence that IBD in some cases can even lead to cancer and is a serious

Hufflepunk says:

I knew there was something up with my body when I got cramps all the time!
😀 thanks for the vid I’ll have to talk to my doctor sometime about it

Nucleus Medical Media says:

Thanks for your kind comment – best of luck in your program!

happinessislikeakiss says:

Everyone with IBS should look in to FODMAP.

ViciousGubbins says:

Thank god for anti spasm medication

fan4life34 says:

I started with these symptoms at age 30 and I am now 42. I never had any
issues with going to the restroom a lot until then. It has taken over my
life and I lost confidence due to this issue. Some days are better then
others, when I only have to go twice a day, I consider it a miracle. Pray
you don’t ever get this cruel disease, it gets very depressing! I need a
cure soon!!

Evan Lechowicz says:

0:10 or 0:11

zabelicious says:

Medication? Are you nuts? Why don’t you say what kind of diet and mention
physical activity?

itsninimf says:

Do you have to have diarrhea or constipation to have ibs? Cause I have all
the symptoms of ibs besides that.

COReYY101096 says:

I get a gnawing sensation roughly 30 minutes after eating along with the
symtoms mentioned, do I have ibs?

Carl Moore says:

real good info.

Zeeshan Shani says:

Thanks bro…I wish you good health . hope you recover soon from it.

Zeeshan Shani says:

At what age does it usually occur?_” Kids Adults Old people?_

xx24carfan4xx says:


ViciousGubbins says:

sometimes it can make you a little drowsy but nothing to be concerned about

happinessislikeakiss says:

It’s wrong that someone with IBS should eat lots of fiber. Because you
shouldn’t. Someone with IBS should only eat soluble fiber, not unsoluble.
If you eat unsoluble fiber then it will be really hard on your intestines.

TamikaJMusic says:

If my tummy makes noises in public places! I tell ppl I have ibs or I laugh
it off!! Is proper diet, no stress life, mediation, peppermint tea works

Shadow501251 says:

I had this problem. I started eating 70% fiber brown bread, soursop,
papaya, green tea, and vitamin d. Fixed my problem.

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