My Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Jenna Marbles & Copycats

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SVRSugar says:

Everytime you make a smoothie my mouth just waters! 

The Veggie Nut says:

I hear you. I had 6 endoscopies and 6 colonoscopies in my life, the first
one when I was 18. I have Irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, had ulcers,
and problems with bleeding, all which are great now and have been under
control since I went vegan. I healed those problems, along with many other
medical problems and diseases by eating a plant-based diet.
TMI moment about to happen….I used to poop once a week (if I was lucky)
now I go every single morning, with no effort, in less than a minute!
Not to mention I used to have the worst stomach pains and I was on so much

Shay Monte' says:

if i sat there and ate that many dates without a carb to absorb it, id have
the runs. You cant just eat fruit non stop and not any carbs or protien to
give you bulk, it would liquidify and digest your stomach because fruits
and veges are digestive foods they help digest protien and carbs. You got
to have a balanced diet to help with that. and if that doesnt work you need
to cleanse from parasites with wormwood and cloves, drink digestive teas
like peppermint, cinnamon, and lemon, and take acidophileaus to replace
that bad bacteria with good bacteria. Problem solved. been there done that.
avoid laxitives

Kimberly Duke says:

I LOVE peppermint! I make home made soap and use peppermint and spearmint
:) Would love to send you some…do you have a P.O box?

RainbowCookie25 says:

sooooo is this all she does? obsessing over food and weight? and calling
ppl out? seriously? because that doesn’t seem to be very healthy 

Sara Noe says:

She is always thinking about food. I feel like it is unhealthy to always be
thinking about food. Whether you are thinking about healthy food constantly
or junk food constantly… it’s not good. 

court bowes says:

Mom leaves,no more green smoothies : )

Amy Belle says:

you could’ve gotten dressed freelee lol x

brinley walden says:

she likes jenna cause she’s vegan

lkatrina26 says:

Love your videos. Thank you Freelee for being real. Also, I was wondering
if your dog is a vegan too? What kind of food do you feed him? I was
thinking about getting my first dog. :)

theneedledrop says:

Cigarette break in the middle of a doctor’s visit sounds phenomenally rude.

Berber Tiemersma says:

Wait wait wait, do you actually have IBS or did you just self-diagnose that
like you did with your ‘eating disorders’?

Anna Johnson says:

Surprised your robe isn’t cropped like every other thing you wear.

georgia sokolay says:

she doesn’t know what shes talking about… She is lying thats a type of
story she’d read somewhere….she can’t even recall half the shit you go
through as a drug addict and anorexia she says she had all this shit and
can’t even say much more than that. As a person with a real eating disorder
past thats as serious as she claims hers was im offended by that aswell as
her lack of knowledge on IBS as a pre-teen i could say most meds i was on
what tests where done what i felt and what i went through as a standard
exam for the tests. when i was 13. such bullshit

Emma Trauntvein says:

Hey freelee, I’m type one diabetic, meaning I’m born with it, and I was
wondering if it’s healthy for me to eat this way. I really want to lose
weight and this seems like a healthy way. 

Mo Leigh says:

You’ve got no clue what you’re doing and now your giving bad advice to the
poor clueless people that watch your videos. Also, instead of insulting
everyone else, try to focus on self-improvement… You REALLY need it.

Erin Elliott says:

so many reasons i love your videos, and one reason i HATE them…your
boyfriend. He is beyond annoying. S

Chloe Austin says:

Hi freely! I know this is not one of the videos that you usually would do,
but I would love to see you what’s on my iPhone video! :-) Love you, Chloe

J Byrd says:

That’s great. I love when people take their dogs on free runs

chapachuu says:

I had the same procedure done by a specialist and nothing. I have IBS-C and
h.pylori causing low-stomach acid. Needless to say my digestive system is
screwed up bad. Going vegan really helped with my IBS-C, not so much with
my actual stomach. I find my low-acid stomach has a tougher time digesting
raw food than cooked food. I’m planning on trying a mashed food/soft food
diet to see if that helps. I would like to at least implement more raw food
into my diet once I find a way to kill the damn h.pylori. Thanks for this
video! Cheers. 

Samie & Sonny says:

You wonder why people call you mean shit. You call out everyone on YouTube
starting shit with them. 

Leah Chochinov says:

I notice your soups always look so thick! do you blend some of the

jammymommy says:

You might as well not even go to an MD….drugs is all they know!!!
Thankfully you found the healthy way to healing!! There are so many that
don’t, sadly. Thanks for spreading the word. Freelee.

Miss PNW says:

I eat paleo and zero pimples, ever. If you were truly healthy you’d no
longer get pimples which you clearly have.

MineAllMine says:

None of the drugs worked for my son – They charged me $1,300 for their
treatments – and that was my share with having insurance. My sons stomach
problems have almost completely gone away with nothing but a healthy diet
change. We don’t go see that doctor anymore

Darcy Smith says:

Does anyone know where I could find the recipe for that soup it looks sooo

Mamashalama1 says:

You don’t wear a seatbelt in the car?

Vaneeta Kochhar-Samra says:

I didn’t like daterade at first now I do!! I have it especially if I’m out
of banana s one day and I eat other fruits too. 

Kajsa Djärf says:

I love ‘the squats’! For some reason it’s easier for me to do my squats
while following you doing yours and watching the video!

Debbie Driver says:

Soup looks awesome! Does Neet give out her recipes?! I would love to try.

Hildur Káradóttir says:

Recipe for soup please :)

Chad-Roy Crawford says:

let me summarize freelees video, here she saying fruit and veggies cured
her iRRitABle bOWL. thanks for the info i don’t suffer from this thankful,
but still i liked it.

Rose Pavao says:

I am a diabetic ….fruit?

Cyndi Smith says:

Helping people is great, but calling someone out to “help them” is
bullshit. That’s not okay. You do this constantly. Especially when it comes
to Trisha Paytas. The worst part about it is that you do it not to help
him, but to get more attention for yourself. That’s why you title your
videos things like “Trisha hates me :(“, “Trisha carbs the fuck up”, “Shane
Dawson calls me a slut”. I’m all for being healthy and trying to help
people, but let’s face it…that’s not your motivation. Your motivation has
nothing to do with helping Shane or Trish. You don’t care about them. You
have just realized how in the spotlight these people are, and have tapped
in to the fact that if you talk about them, you get more people to your
channel. You disgust me.

thatblondeweirdo says:

I remember a doctor saying that your bowel movements should sink…

Vaneeta Kochhar-Samra says:

I do lol its nice to lazy around I’m one of the lucky ones I don’t have to
run out there as a slave or work full time I have a very purposeful life 

Matty Tampio says:

I hope my message somehow cuts through all the comments and reaches you
FreeLee. I didn’t know what a hater was until I started reading your
comments. I dont know food and health and weight is such a touchy subject
and I don’t know WHY people are so mean to you. You seem like the nicest,
most real person. Please forget the haters and keep doing what you’re
my life path. Truly. Much love

1animals12 says:

I can totally relate with irritable bowel. It defiantly has been mentally
draining and uncomfortable and embarressing and just makes me not want to
go out. Im in the process right now of trying to fix it, I had a good
experience at the naturopath :)

tash8820 says:

I wonder if its cold right now in Adelaide??

Cécile Paulus says:

I want the recipe !!! :p

Brittany Lawson says:

I know I have had irritable bowel for years. So sick of it. I will try to
eat fruit, and see what happens.

Karri Underwood says:

So much synth

OneyedSon says:

Thanks for the music links /

Amber Schaar says:

Jenna Marbles is a talentless hack thats why. Shes more worried about the
next cock on her comment box than having a novel idea. 

Plant-Based Heather says:

I’m sorry, this was probably mentioned a while ago – I was wondering if
Harley ever drives?

Gemma McGreevy says:

Hey thanks so much I’ve been suffering with this for a year now and
constantly going to doctors I’ve had the same experience as you none of
them Are any help! What did u diet consist of? Thank u x

Katie Jugowitz says:

Hey Frees…. You should check out the IGA at Frewville. Best organic
fruit around and great little organic bits and pieces in the aisles.
Closest thing to a WholeFoods yet!
Love ya!

rosie williams says:

Whats you views on alcohol not every day but on occasion?

Amelia Bindofer says:

Lime Crime is not a reliable vegan company. Check out the hate on Doe

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