Magnesium Ultra Potent Powder

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Dr Cabot calls Magnesium . . .

“The Great Relaxer” . . . as it is very helpful for people with stress and anxiety and promotes a deep restful sleep.

Magnesium Ultra Potent is a super strength formula containing 3 different magnesium complexes for greater absorption and utilization.

Each level metric teaspoon (5g dose) contains:

Magnesium 400 mg
(as Magnesium Amino Acid Chelate,
Magnesium Diglycinate and Magnesium Ascorbate)
L-Taurine 1000 mg
Vitamin C (as Magnesium Ascorbate) 90 mg
Zinc (as zinc amino acid chelate) 5mg
Selenium (as selenomethionine) 25 mcg

Other ingredients: malic acid, acacia gum, natural lemon flavor, stevia – Contains no gluten, wheat, dairy products, yeast, sugar, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.

None of our products contain the artificial sweetener aspartame.

A 210 gram tub of powder used per the instructions will last more than 1 month.

Directions for use:

Add ¼ – 1 level 5g metric teaspoon to 100-200 mL of water or juice such as apple or pear.
Powder may settle; stir briskly and drink

Please Note: When you open the bottle of Magnesium Ultrapotent Powder you may notice the bottle is only half full.

This is due to the nature of Magnesium Ultra Potent’s manufacturing process. The 3 types of magnesium are fluffy when first packaged and require a large container size.

Then, because magnesium is heavy, it settles down and the final volume of powder becomes less and more dense. Thus a lesser volume. This is quite normal. Magnesium Ultrapotent is sold by weight, so whether it’s fluffy with greater volume or more settled and condensed your Magnesium container content is still 210 grams.

Magnesium may give athletes the winning edge they would otherwise never achieve and can calm excited children and calm the nerves and improve our well being as we age.
Magnesium plays an essential role in maintaining and promoting

efficient muscle function and nerve transmission.
Magnesium is a vital mineral for hundreds of cellular enzymes involved in the body’s energy production and metabolism. It is required by the nervous system to regulate the function of nerves and muscles.

Symptoms of Magnesium deficiency may include:

• Muscle Tightness
• Fatigue
• Poor Circulation
• Constipation
• Moodiness
• Headaches
• Facial Eye Twitching
• Stress and Anxiety
• Poor Sleep
• Muscle Cramps
• Aches and Pains
• Fibromyalgia

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Sandra Cabot says:
Debbie Grezik says:

I’ve been a customer of your products for many years now, and I absolutely
love your magnesium. It is the very best in my opinion. Thank you for being
there !!

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