Acupressure for constipation

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Easy to use at home video for relief of constipation. check me out on


Sara Robak says:

Gina has been a great healer for me. If you are lucky enough to live near
Omaha, go see her. If she recommends something, I try to do it. As far as
this specific technique, I was feeling constipated and really
uncomfortable. I did the tapping and while I haven’t moved anything yet,
the pain is gone. It’s like I feel more relaxed maybe. 

mommakato4 says:

Doing this seemed to right away trigger the bowel…. So weird that is does
that so quickly!… I really believe in reflexology and acupunture
points!….I have tried a few and they really work!…..thanks for the
informative vlog!

mercedes p says:

try bending . . . like you bend over n press ur chest to ur legs n grab ur
ankles, the position allows more to come outta ur colon. its supposed to
also help it kinda juss slip out rather than you have to push u know lol
also smooth move natural laxative tea works great!

nik00000011 says:

@HellsintowN2 gluten free raw vegan diet. you dont have to commit 100% but
the more raw vegan gluten free food you eat the easier it will be to have
bowel movements. Also take probiotics regularly and a few otyher things to
consider that have benefits besides easing bowel movement s are oils(fish,
flax and other), calcium, and trace minerals. Also drink lemon water, the
citrus jump starts the digestive track. Cutting out the gluten will
probably help the most though.

HellsintowN2 says:

I need someone to sit in the bathroom and help me go through this …its
worse then giving birth..& Ive had 3 kids

Jamiethehamster says:

Haven’t seen enough comments about how it has or has not worked for them? I
have chronic C and it’s miserable. No matter what I try. I’ve tried tapping
before and nothing. I just finished tapping the hell out of my hands and
arms again til they ached to hold up any longer and nothing so far. *sigh*
So upsetting, really. =

Gina Green says:

This technique only stimulates the bowls to empty, not to heal
constipation. If you drink plenty of water, have enough fiber in your diet,
get enough sleep, and exercise everyday for 30 minutes and your still
constipated you might have a structural issue OR Many people have
unresolved resentments that cause congestion in the bowls. The large
intestine is about the ability of “letting go” of the things that don’t
serve you in life…especially non beneficial emotions.

HellsintowN2 says:

been walking alot too, my problem is the poo hasnt even traveled far enough
down for me to poop it out, I feel bloated and knotted up in the stomach &
I can tell I really have alot of backup, if I do ever get to pass it, I
imagine it will be like crapping a brick sideways

HellsintowN2 says:

@nik00000011 Thanks, 2yrs later I still have bowel problems, but I think
things are a little better, I know most of my problems are from neglect of
my health,but I just wanted to say I appreciate all the advice. ~Michelle

HellsintowN2 says:

Thank you, I will try that, & let you know how it long as Im
having a bowel movement , even if it isn’t very much, doesnt that mean I
don’t have a blockage? I went today but it was like rabbit pellets & not
much at all, I am happy to go at all, but I,m having pretty bad pain in my
right side for some reason.

Lena Gomez says:

What is this witchcraft. Lol jk. It’s so weird it actually worked. I’ve
always had problems this helped so much!!!

Yaleiiry Velasquez says:

Pressing your firgertips while trying to have a bowel movement helps
incredibly wonderful too as well

platinumblondie says:

thank you. i HOPE it works!!!!!!

Gina Green says:

I would try Braco. It is only 3.00 for a healing session. I
think is the live stream site. Check it out. Any questions let me know.
Thanks Gina

thegreenstuff says:

some stretches i find help me. if you lie on your front and lift the upper
body up with your arms so your back bends backwards, while keeping the
lower body on the floor and stretch well, but not to hard, and relax all
over when in the stretch, i lock my arms straight when stretched, and
breath in to the lower parts of your lungs, nice and deep but relaxed. hold
it for 3 or 4 breaths or however many suit you. also linseeds are a natural
way to help with your problem.

HellsintowN2 says:

Im even bought a bag a prunes and been eating the heck out of them

HellsintowN2 says:

and I have no insurance, so that really sucks

WuSister says:

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You wonderful human being!

HellsintowN2 says:

can you suggest any positions that may make t less painful and easier to
come out while sitting on the toilet? Im sorry , and Im emmbarrassed as
hell to be talking about this , but I dont care..I know part of my problem
s not drinking enough water, and too much coca~cola..and not enough fiber,
I started drikning lots of water yesterday, and drank 2 glasses of the
fiber powder you put in your drink, but I dont see how it will do any good
to the crap Im stopped up with now

Bashnutter says:

they say having your feets on a stool helps your bowel movement.

Gina Green says:

Many people with chronic constipation have calcification of the tail bone
that presses on the nerves of the bowel. Google decalcification or go to a
bodytalk practitioner or harmonyum practitioner to get it fixed. Good luck.

Matt Kovsky says:

Hi Joyce–I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not but due to a kidney
stone, I’ve been constip. for 4 days (and I usually go 3 times a day).
Anyway I’ve been taking senna for 4 days and nothing and then I saw your
video. Tapped just like you said and 10 minutes later, success!
Unbelievable!! If you were here right now I’d kiss you.

sweetgestures says:

Wow!!!! I tried this technique this morning and within 15 minutes I had a
movement!! Love it! Thanks for the tutorial.

HellsintowN2 says:

I feel like Im going to pass out when I have a bowel movement from the
pain, & when I go I always stop up the toilet, I am desparate to try
anything right now.

HellsintowN2 says:

Im on narcotic pain medication, which may have something to do with my
problems but Ive always had bowel trouble since I was a child..I went out
and bought a enema and glycerin suppositories, I use the suppositories
quite a bit, even tho I know it isnt good to do, but theres no other way to
stimulate my bowels..and it doest work tht great anymore, but I hate using
enemas, its very scarey for me..I am so miserable right now & have been for

Gina Green says:

Tap the bridge of your nose with your middle finger (right hand) 15 times
first and then do the technique. Do this twice a day even if you don’t have
a bowel movement. Twice a day tapping the bridge of the nose first, elbow
point, and then sides of the hands. Might take about 3 weeks to balance.
Keep me posted.

Lila Braga Check says:

it works like a charm!

Naughty Shorty says:

@AleSuarezAndLawiPi I also.

bockman55 says:

@HellsintowN2 Squatting is a good position. So, what you want is to have
your knees higher than you’re hips and a footstool might make it more
comfortable to take a poop. I hope this helped. – bockman55

Vette gaddia says:

So you tap the bridge of nose with the tip of your middle right finger 15
times, then you go to the elbow tap, then lastly the sides of the hands.
The nose tap is 15 taps. But how long do you do the elbow tap before you
proceed with the sides of hands tap. How long do you do the last two taps?
Or do you do them until the bowel movement occurs? I have such awful
constipation that I’ve been using lactulose for over 3 years. If I miss a
day, no bowel movements.

xxrobp says:

Im going to try this.

gunnersphere says:

Is this really works?I try eating some fruits,and drinking many water,still
I have a constipation….

Gina Green says:

For those that have chronic constipation you will what to do this off and
on through out the day. There isn’t anyway to do it wrong. You can tap each
area 5 to 15 times, and repeated as often as needed. This stimulates the
bowels to empty, not to address the underlying cause of the constipation.

Ryan Reilly says:


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