Cure constipation in your infant or child with massage and natural remedies

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Three step massage for safely stimulating the bowels and loosening fecal matter. Additional nutrition advice for children eating solids and then a quick lesson on glycerin suppositories if all else fails.


Theresa Gerritsen says:

Glad this is useful for folks! With my son’s undiagnosed allergies, he was
constipated a lot when he was under 2 until we figured it all out. My son
is 2.5 years old here. I was passing on my knowledge around constipation
and can’t remember whether he was really constipated or not. I use prune
juice and change in diet to ensure he is regular, certainly. 

stacyd087 says:

Very helpful. Thank you!

Sheldons Girlfriend says:

thank you this was so very helpful I need to use this on my oldest she has
always suffered from cosntipation

Sarabjit Mahal says:

aww baby soo soo cute…

cec060797 says:

Is he potty trainned or still in diapers or pull-ups? Have you tried prune
juice or pedia lax to help him go potty? How old is he?

jackdudeney says:


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