Bowel Detox: Symptoms of Constipation

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Signs of chronic constipation: Exactly what you need to do about it

According to the American college of Gastroenterology you could have chronic bowel irregularity if you’ve experienced some mix of the following symptoms for 3 months or more recently:

Fewer than 3 bowel movements in one week Trouble passing stools
Hard or bumpy stools
Stomach pain and bloating
Feeling your stomach is never completely empty
Seeming like there is something blocking your bowel
Manual maneuvering to promote the bowel

If you deal with chronic bowel irregularity, you could find yourself planning your days around the bathroom. So exactly what are your choices? One involves buying products while the one one includes:

Seeing a practitioner to have a colon irrigation

> Colon cleaning with powdered or liquid supplements
Herbal teas
Colon cleaning with colon irrigation (high colonics)

Colon irrigations work somewhat like an enema … but they involve a lot more water. While you lie on to a table, low pressure pump flushes several gallons of water through a little tube inserted into your rectum.

We hope you discovered this details beneficial and if you desire more details on supplemental cleaning. Go to to get 50 % off your first 30-day bottle!

Here’s to your happy, healthy colon!!


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