Onella Ayurveda and Wellness defines complete health from an Ayurvedic perspective. The show successfully generates a healthy instinct of acquiring full freedom from diseases, tensions and stress, while staying fit, active and joyful. 0'; google_ad_type [More]
For Details, please visit : E mail : In-depth health education videos in Telugu about various diseases and conditions, with home remedies, self help measures, home treatments, ayurvedic natural therapies and health tips [More]
Constipation – Ayurveda Herbs Natural Remedies (English) What is Constipation? Constipation is passing dry hard stools with pain. Causes of constipation : Causes of constipation are low fluid intake, excessive intake of calcium and iron, [More]
Constipation – Ayurveda Herbs Natural Remedies (Hindi) What is Constipation? Constipation is passing dry hard stools with pain. Causes of constipation : Causes of constipation are low fluid intake, excessive intake of calcium and iron, [More]