Visit to learn how to use naturopathy and herbs, how to find new and alternative ways of treatment, to cure yourself alone. Here you will find a lot of old folk recipes for many [More]
Constipation is usually related to the imbalance of the Ayurvedic body energy, vata. Vata imbalance causes dryness in the body, and problems related to movement and internal transportation of substances. Diet: Avoid fried food, white [More] – Most dogs will become constipated at some point for some reason or another. Here are a few ways to treat dog constipation naturally. Constipation is a condition in which there is difficulty emptying the bowels, usually associated with hardened feces. In another words, if you are not having healthy bowel movement (size of a banana, easy to [More]
Learn how to relieve constipation naturally and how to use potassium to eliminate constipation. By using a natural fruit and potassium, you can strenghten your colon and get constipation relief. Potassium and prunes are a [More]
People that constipated usually want a fast relief. Learn how to relief constipation fast. Few methods on how to quickly relieve your constipation.Constipation is a symptom of decreased frequency in bowel movements, usually because it [More]
How to Relieve Constipation Quickly and Naturally
Home remedies for gas bloating. Get stomach gas relief at home by these natural home remedies. For gas problem, lemon, turmeric, fennel and carum seeds are best. Causes of Gas : Constipation, Indigestion, smoking, drinking [More]
Yoga Facial Exercises To Relieve Constipation Naturally How to Cure Constipation using yoga facial acupressure exercises and remedies, constipation can be debilitating and cause a lot of health problems in both children and adult alike [More]
Watch more Digestion & Stomach Problems videos: When ya gotta go, ya gotta go. But what if you can’t? Unburden yourself with these tried and true natural remedies, which really get things moving. Step [More]