How to Relieve Constipation Naturally

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When ya gotta go, ya gotta go. But what if you can’t? Unburden yourself with these tried and true natural remedies, which really get things moving.

Step 1: Try an acupressure trick
Try this acupressure trick: Hold your hands up, palms toward you, and tap the sides of your hands against each other. Then, cross your arms in front of you like a genie, so that your palms rest on your elbows and tap that area. Alternate tapping the two points for five to 10 minutes. This helps induce a bowel movement by stimulating your colon.

Step 2: Strike a pose
Try yoga: the shoulder-stand pose and wind-relieving pose both move the stomach and intestines in directions that can help food pass through the body. Find video instructions on

Step 3: Eat rhubarb
Eat rhubarb, which contains anthraquinone, a compound that has a laxative effect.

Step 4: Avoid foods that can constipate you further
Avoid foods that can constipate you further, like sugar and sweets; white bread, white rice, cheese, and hard-boiled eggs.

Step 5: Take flaxseed
Take one table

spoon of ground flaxseed two or three times a day with at least 8 ounces of water.

Step 6: Raise your knees
When the urge hits and you’re on the toilet, help move things along by lifting your legs off the floor so that your knees are higher than your bottom. This simulates a squat, the ideal position for moving your bowels.

Putting your feet on a stool makes this more comfortable.

Step 7: Prevent future bouts
Prevent future bouts by drinking more water, eating more fiber-rich foods, and getting enough exercise. Too little of any of these can cause constipation.

Did You Know?
Famous Greek physician Hippocrates believed that eating garlic every day prevented constipation.


TheShredder950 says:

Like if you’re watching this on the toilet

Tao Scott says:

The animation shows the character eating rhubarb leaves with the stalk! ..
Rhubarb leaves are poisonous.

Taken from Wikipedia:
“Rhubarb leaves contain poisonous substances, including oxalic acid, which
is a nephrotoxic and corrosive acid that is present in many plants. Humans
have been poisoned after ingesting the leaves. Such poisoning was a
particular problem in World War I, when the leaves were recommended as a
food source in Britain.”

Andreas Papacosta says:

Easy and very healthy way to activate your bowel. Take one gram of
magnesium hydroxide 2-3 nights in a row. Thereafter 500mg every evening.
Magnesium is the healthiest mineral on earth and guaranties eternal

Ishbu101 says:

Acupressure is the stupidest, most fake concept ever. Indian and Chinese
medicine is complete quackery. You should go with eating more veggies,
fruits, drinking water and plenty of exercise. There is no other healthy

Benjamin Franklin says:

Anal always helps.

UpliftingMelodies says:

find yourselfs some hard black or white c0ck and let him open ur a h0le it
will surley fix your problem

Mahesh Patro says:

Friends, in ayurveda there are wonderful medicines which can cure if you
have constipation. google triphala ( Amalaki (Emblica officinalis),
Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)).
Check wikipedia too.

Now what you have to do is, you have to get the whole (not the powder or
tablet). crack them and throw away the seeds. Everyday around 3 PM 1 of
each quantity soak in a cup of water (300ml) and then next day morning as
soon as you wake up pour the water and drink it.

It may cure Piles, fistula if properly followed with good food (no oily,
cheese, cook, cofee, tea and food with rich fiber) 

TiMeSpLiT- -TeR says:

Drink milk, then coke. Youll be in the bathroom in no time.

srv4evr says:

Lol taping your hands that part got me lol .

Ismail Rahman says:

So im meant to do all this in the bathroom…..

Lauren Flint says:

Just stick your but in the air for 2 min. It works.

Hemanthi Kaushalya says:

singing an emotional song to urself is more helpful !

Xenia Legaspi says:

Drink prune juice

thesgagz says:

helped me out so much, pipes were clogged fer days, it was a little bloody
but at least it was something, any idea how to get it back to normal color?

Mason Merck says:

I get constipated every other week

Stacey Freeman says:

Senna tea. Massage your colon 

John Smith says:

just walk around or do a really long jog, or a lot of crunches

Kevin James says:

Water, Drink a lot of water.

blossomedCheeryTree says:

I’m gonna try this and see if it works, I’ve tried everything and nothing’s
worked so far wish me luck. 

E Smith says:

I knew how to do the shoulder stand pose and I did not even know it was a
thing lol

Aqua548 says:

I haven’t pooed for 8 days… What do I do?

charlie bissue says:

I just lie down it takes away the pain, is it doing anything bad? And when
poo gets soft does it still hurt.


You don’t need a foot stool. All you have to do is put your feet on the
toilet seat it’s not that uncomfortable.

Kara Morgan says:

I’m watching this on the toilet….

Bubblegumkissesxo says:

I’ve given birth to poo.

Proper Purple Pancake says:

I just did a poo right now and it was constipated poo and I did a huge fart
when it came out lol

manikandan m says:

Hi, I am mani, I had this problem, For this issue I have got solution from
indian ayurvedic treatment. Lets start. First in the early morning 4 to 6
am wake up and boil a 1/2 litre water as much you can drink, after boiled
the water add 1 or 2 spoon Salt as much you can with that water and then
mix it and drink that water with light hot. And then walk at your
home.after 30 mins you will get urge. go to toilet. your entire colon will
clear. follow this method next three days. after third day daily drink 1/2
ltr hot water only. you will get urge.(Note: monthly once follow the salt
water treatment). I hope this will help you.

Alex Nguyen says:

Or just buy some coconut oil and eat it, then swallow and you’ll be in the
bathroom in a second! Also it will clear any poop that was still in your
body. It will also leave your mouth and teeth clean. Eating it everyday
will get you white shiny teeth in no time.

joseph dillerstone says:

Step2: cry
Step3: shout for help because you think you are gonna give birth
Step4: give up 

Lilman Gillman says:

Relief of Constipation
Step 1: Drink Epsom Salts
Step 2: Wait 30 minutes to 1 hour for it to kick in
Step 3: Go to the Bathroom
Step 4: Poop
– The End

Geometry Dash Rusty says:

When you have to go, you have to go! But what if you can’t? *looks at ass*
1. Tap your palms together and put your hands on your 2 or 3 jointed
f*cking elbows and tap them for 5-10 minutes. This will make you sh*t
easier. 2. Do yoga poses like you don’t f*cking care! 3. Eat rhubarb
because it’s a f*cking leaf! 4. Don’t eat foods that can make you sh*t out
your intestines. 5. Eat a tablespoon of flaxseed and drink 8 oz. of water
so that you f*ck yourself up! 6. When the urge hits, sit on the goddamn
toilet and lift your knees higher than your asshole!

Ismail Rahman says:

So im meant to do all this in the bathroom…..

flashkidstudios says:

yeah well rhubarb also had deadly poison in it well some people are
desperate yet its only poison if you eat the stem well on there they ate
the stem

Dina Heung says:

I’d rather have diarrhea than constipation.

Stephanie Lalor says:

Normal black tea with a dessertspoon of molasses! Tastes nicer than it
sounds (and looks) and really does help.

Rick Fuller says:

been constapayed for one year very hard to deal with
i have tryed eveything…. i mean everything

Nikhil Sapra says:

Just sat on a bench in a park , realised it was full of red ants , but it
was already too late . poop is overrated

Clash Of Clans boyy says:

Thank you

Vicmar Marvic says:

If your constipated Drink magnesium It turns the rock hard shit into some
diarrhea and I think I would prefer diarrhea over constipation

joseph dillerstone says:


Brent Boulrice says:


eoublue says:

Putting my foot on a stool really help :) thank you. I spend the whole
weekend in the hospital after a bike accident and till today Tuesday I
wasn’t able to do numb 2 all because I was been feed with tubes and had a
bunch of pain killers and other medicine. So that trick works, but it was
the most painful think ever D,:

pearl Jae says:

I’m sure I’ll find all the things I need lying around somewhere in my

Basicslomotion says:

This is bullshit. Meean try this out, if you have dihorrea eat banana. If
your constopated drink milk or a cup of oil

louisa veronica says:

I had constpation , is it ok if there is a lump on my stomach ?

Jingle Bell says:

this really helped me to be honest :I

Josh Groetsema says:

when I’m constipated I go poop and feel better.

Harmonized Rapper says:

‘the process will go by faster if you use a foot stool’ ***grabs pack of
tissue that i brought from family dollar and puts my feet on it*** im so
smart!( i dont have a foot stool)

Nancy Hoang says:

wtf im asian i eat rice everyday 

Pony Corn says:

This doesn’t help me!

1. I just ate white rice and beans now I have to go every five minutes
2. I haven’t pooed In like 2 weeks
3. I’m afraid to go so I hold it in
4. It hurts
6. What I do?

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