Medifast & Constipation Relief With Senna Smooth Move Tea – Poop

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Remember when I gained 3 lbs??? Well, turns out, I just needed a little help from an old friend! (Isn’t the thumbnail picture hilarious??)

REMEMBER!! Senna tea is a stimulant laxative and should not be abused! Please use care if you take Senna teas for occasional constipation

I’m back and I’m feeling fantastic – and maybe it’s the Smooth Move Tea is why!?

Traditional Medicinals Smooth Move Senna Tea helped me poop! Now, I’m not saying that I had 3 lbs of excrement in me, but I can tell you that the scale moved!!

I was told that I might experience some sluggishness “down below” — but I didn’t believe them because I’m a fairly regular girl. But it turned out that the gain I showed a few days ago was due to some temporary irregularity/constipation.

I have always relied on Senna in a pinch. Y

ou can buy it at any good organic or natural food store like Whole Foods, Sprouts Markets, Trader Joes, and even some grocery stores.

Senna is a stimulant laxative. So heed these warnings — and, of course, consult your doctor. If you plan to use any laxative, please be very careful and use it only as directed. If you abuse laxatives, your body will become dependent upon them. Talk to your doctor. Be smart about any laxative use.

I’m back to 30 lbs lost!!

***I am NOT a Medifast Spokesperson*** Just a real woman who is
enthusiastic about my weight loss plan! I love Medifast!

Find me on Twitter @FitAndFabBy40
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Xander Taylor says:

Be really careful with Senna or any product with Senna. It’s very powerful.
Only take when you’re really in a bad state.

Willing Ableton says:

yeah this works well. and no discomfort and after effects of oral
laxatives. still get some nausea though in the morning. joys of diabetic

Syed Ahmed says:

I luv her teeth 😉 great advice. 

Port Mac says:

I have a medical condition that causes me to get “blocked up” As this
happens often I do not take stimulant laxatives that often but take osmotic
laxatives which are better on a regular basis.

Ejeeha says:

I am the end of week three and I am glad you posted this. I had the
opposite problem in the beginning and now I am on that same boat. Will try
this tea. Thanks for being so candid here on youtube.

FitAndFabBy40 says:

Good luck with it!

FitAndFabBy40 says:

Mmmm!! It’s awesome!!

FitAndFabBy40 says:

Yay!! I am super psyched that you found me!! Medifast is great! You’re
gonna love it! Make sure to let me know how it goes!!

bloominwild7 says:

I love that tea!! Love, Sarah

MrandMissConverted says:

Did the Smooth Move cause you any pain (at recommended dosage)? Thanks!

FitAndFabBy40 says:

Good luck with it — but don’t overdo it, ok? Let me know if you like the

Beauty In and Out says:

are you exercising? Very proud of your progress!

Lindsey Metzger says:

you are too funny!! ahaha i love your videos! i’m on medifast right now &
i’m about to watch everything you’ve ever posted! aha again, you’re

FitAndFabBy40 says:

Hi Mari. Yes, Senna can be addictive…as in your body can become dependent
upon it in order to poop at all. Please be careful with it – don’t overdo
it – pay attention to the usage directions, etc. I mention that in the
video. Do plenty of research on Senna online. You’ll see lots of
information. Google is your best friend… : ) xoxoxo

mari lastimosa says:

Thank you very much for your reply FitAndFabBy40. I really appreciate it. I
will look up more research about Senna laxative :)

drugjail says:

Good video. Exactly my experience. It’s like you are reading my mind! I am
dieting and eating healthy. I am not going as regularly and this helps.
Well the tablets do…but i’ll get the tea too.

FitAndFabBy40 says:

Thanks so much for watching and commenting! I’m not really exercising too
much right now — but it’ll be back to cardio and light weights for me soon.

FitAndFabBy40 says:

I’m so glad you found something that works for you! I know it’s a touchy
subject that people don’t like to talk about — but it can definitely be a
problem! Thanks, again, for watching and commenting!

Port Mac says:

An osmotic laxative drawers water from the colon walls. Other laxatives are
bulk producing (metamucil) and others an irritant..i e . senna. I do not
know whether the laxatives you referred to are osmotic …I think Mag
Citrate might be but i think Smooth move has senna which means it is not,
Osmotic laxatives are considered much safer as they do not irriate the
bowel and it is much less likely to lead to dependency.

mari lastimosa says:

Can i ask? Is senna laxative is addictive? Please, reply?

Luvs2WatchGirlsPoop says:

Make a video of yourself pooping

MusicLuva555 says:

I go to a Medifast Weight Loss Center and they have you take Omega – 3 oil
supplements, I take the Flax Seed Oil.. I don’t that problem this time
around. The first time I was on medifast, I didn’t take that any and had
the same problem as you. Try the oil supplements! They also have us take
their digestive enzymes and I feel fantastic!

FitAndFabBy40 says:

That would be a really bad use for this laxative.

Jennifer Shea says:

just found out that I needed a little…push. D LMFAO!!! Thanks for the tips

FitAndFabBy40 says:

Awesome info. Thanks! My grandma has a similar issue and takes magnesium
citrate daily. Have you ever used that? She hates osmotic laxatives and
won’t touch psyllium anymore.

FitAndFabBy40 says:

I’m glad this video helped you — I know it’s a very uncomfortable topic!!
: ) Oh well….someone has to talk about it! Might as well be me! I knew I
couldn’t be the only one!! Haha!!

FitAndFabBy40 says:

Thanks for the tip! I actually take flax supplements and have been taking
digestive enzymes since my gall bladder came out a few years ago. But, yes,
you’re right!! It helps!! I’ve been very regular since I posted this video
though. ; ) thankfully!!!

Port Mac says:

I have used Magnesium citrate with an overwhelming result…with osmotic
laxatives you need to take them every day and adjust took me
quite a few days to get use to it but after some days the results are great.

Stephen S. Peters says:

hey you are a life saver. I gained three pounds and not even cheated, so I
need to be regular etc. My back hurts and have bouts with constipation.
Thanks for the help.

fairy0917 says:

But could you use it for loosing few pounds?

Gina says:

It’s funny I am having that problem now. I totally forgot about that tea. I
have it in my pantry. In chocolate flavor. Keep up the good work. I got the
medifast mug and am excited to use it for my oatmeal and chili

FitAndFabBy40 says:

Hahaha!! I’m glad you enjoyed it! xoxo

FitAndFabBy40 says:

So glad it helped you! Thanks so much for taking the time to watch and
leave a comment! Keep in touch!

FitAndFabBy40 says:

Sorry you’re having that problem, too! I figured I couldn’t be the only one
though. I will definitely have to look for Smooth Move Tea in Chocolate
flavor! Wow — sounds good. Senna tastes pretty good to me anyway
(thankfully)! So…what’s your take on the chili?? Do you like it?

FitAndFabBy40 says:

Some people say they get cramping with Smooth Move tea — but I don’t. Good

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