Dog Health Treatment & Advice : How to Treat Canine Constipation

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Treating canine constipation requires visiting a veterinarian to determine the cause, but a high-quality diet, lots of water and even dietary supplements can help a dog’s digestive system. Take care of constipation in dogs, even by adding canned pumpkin to their food, with health information from a veterinarian in this free video on pet care.

Expert: Dr. Aimee Beger
Bio: Dr. Aimee Beger works for McClintock Animal Care Center in Tempe, Ariz.
Filmmaker: Ryan Quinn


Guardian Diancie says:

I fed him new dog brand food and within a day or two he started getting
constipated. It happened once when I gave him Kibbles to eat and after that
incident he was constipated again until yesterday.

Walmart ran out of Kibbles so I went to petsmart for food and found one for

tshorse says:

What Horse shit…..$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

MonsterBeeziee711 says:

Whats the costs for taking my dog to the vet to determine the problem?
Whats the highest cost for the highest problem??

GreenJanuary says:

im starting to think vets are a scam, they do very little then overcharge.

Lizeth Acevedo says:

what if we cant afford to go to a vetenarian what can i give my dog?

ButterBaw says:

My pup is constipated and I’m crying! I read that it can lead to death :,(

7466309change says:

I never had a constapated dog.

Olivia Podsiebierski says:

If your dog is constipated, give than pumpkin. Justlain pumpkin. Not the
pie mix, but the one in a can. Make sure that pumpkin is the only

GreenJanuary says:

yes lets all take our dogs to the vets and waste hundreds of dollars so
they can tell us to change its diet.

MonsterBeeziee711 says:

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