Let’s Make Some PRUNE PUREE, Baby!

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Step-by-step instructions on how to puree prunes (dried plums) at home for your baby!
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All music used with permission from Ffej.


joanne bell says:

im glad i watched this cuz i have learnt something ha ha sad to say i’ve
done everything apart from a puree lol would it be the same method for toms
and anything else i would like to use?

Miss9Leah says:

Thanks! Prunes are the only thing that helps my baby when hes backed up,
plus he loves them, thank goodness! 

Maria Angelica says:

Thanks for sharing. Going to try this today.

kikue26 says:

Thank you! This was so easy and my daughter loved it!

Megan Ritchie Jooste says:

Thank you so much for making this video! 

Devin And Erica says:

Good to know! We will be making Olivias food when she is able to eat it.
Great demonstration! Mmmm mmmm GOOD! lol

Joy LaMay says:

someone told me that it was hard to make prune puree but I did it this way
last night and it was SO easy! Thanks for making it simple. My baby girl
loved it!

alalirio says:

@LadybugGirlShow the food we’ve made has been very basic prep. Cook, mash,
freeze. We cook the food, we mash it using an electric hand mixer or, in
the case of meats, a hand-crank food mill. & then we place the mashed food
in ice-cube trays until frozen. Once the food is frozen we transfer the
cubes into labeled plastic freezer bags. We’ve made beets, sweet potato,
zucchini, squash (different varieties), chicken breast, chicken livers,
apple, pear, peach and others I’ve forgotten.

LadybugGirlShow says:

@wangdongcn You’re welcome, thanks for watching!

LadybugGirlShow says:

@alalirio Thanks for the nice comment! I’ve noticed that if our baby tries
and likes a flavor of store-bought food she won’t like it as much when I
make it myself. But if we make it ourself first and she likes it then she
won’t like the store-bought version as much. Makes you wonder what they put
in the stuff, especially since store-bought sweet potatoes taste quite a
bit different than our home-made ones. Any suggestions since we are just
starting out and experimenting with this?

listenHerr says:

What the heck are you feeding your baby? That seems way too sugary and not

LadybugGirlShow says:

Thanks!!! 😀

Brenda Estrada says:

I’m lovin’ that food processor. Is it a Cuisinart?

LadybugGirlShow says:

@SuelaBell Yep, good eye! We got that Cuisinart food processor as a wedding
gift and I’m so glad we did. I’ve never had any problems and I’ve abused it
quite a bit lol. I would highly recommend it :)

alalirio says:

Awesome video! My wife and I have been making our own baby food since baby
#1 three years ago. Our second child rejects store-bought food, she likes
the home-made stuff so much.

LadybugGirlShow says:

Good idea with the juice, I always ended up just using it all in the puree
to thin it out but why waste perfectly good juice if you have leftovers? I
can’t believe how expensive babyfood is in the stores, especially the
organic brands. Making it at home is crazy cheap I’m not sure why more
people don’t do it. Anyways, thanks for watching!

LadybugGirlShow says:

Hope your little one is doing better now 😀 kello2005 had a good response,
sorry we didn’t see your question sooner!

LadybugGirlShow says:

Good advice kello2005! Birth to 4-6 months a baby needs to be breastfeeding
or formula fed. Our girls sure let us know when they were ready to start
eating because they acted very interested at dinner time. Both girls were
around 5-6 months. But always do what your doctor recommends 😀

jsmlfamily says:

My six month old is very constipated and I will try this for her today! I
have been giving her store bought prune juice and puree and it does not
seem to work! I am wondering if you add any sugar to it? Thank you for the

widious says:

Great videos! I am happy to see others care about what they are feeding
their children. I am currently 2 months pregnant with my first child and as
weird as it is I’ve been eating prune baby food once a day and was looking
for a recipe to make it at home for economic reasons. I’m so happy I
stumbled across your videos though because they will be of help once I
begin parenting! Thank you for your videos ! (and your baby is adorable)

LadybugGirlShow says:

@jsmlfamily Awww, poor little girl. I hope the prune puree helped if you
tried it, it always worked wonders on my daughter lol. And no, I don’t add
any sugar when I make this. That might be a way to sweeten it up if your
daughter doesn’t like prunes. Anyways, thanks for the comment =)

kello2005 says:

NO! A 7 week old’s digestive system cannot handle solids. Talk to your

Elizabeth Ranti says:

thanks for this video but i want to know if my 7weeks baby can use this
because his stool is always dry and he cries passing it.

LadybugGirlShow says:

@mrslamay Awesome, glad it was so easy for you! I’ll be doing some more
baby food videos in the coming weeks so stay tuned :) Oh and sorry it took
me so long to respond, your comment slipped by me!

LadybugGirlShow says:

@razforever Yes, you can give her prune juice on a daily basis. Prunes are
a very strong laxative so kids often have to go to the bathroom after
drinking prune juice or eating prune puree. There is nothing wrong with
this, it’s a great natural way to keep your child regular. Just be careful
not to feed too much or else you might have a big messy diaper to clean up
=) I hope I answered your question!

CIIR says:

@LadybugGirlShow I have oral allergy and I heard that if you boil the fruit
it helps reduce the allergen? this looks like you cook it well I wonder if
that would take care of the problem I am a little worried to try dont want
to break into another horrid rash

LadybugGirlShow says:

Prunes are very nutritious and a great stage 1 food for babies. They are
high in fiber, low in cholesterol, sodium free and rich in Vitamins A & C.
Like other fruits that are high in fiber, plums are great aids in reducing
the risks of cancer and sustaining healthy cholesterol levels. They help
maintain bowel regularity and relieve constipation (a major concern at such
a young age). They are also a low allergy risk and high in iron which can
help treat anemia in babies who are formula-fed.

Venkata Vuppala says:

I just checked my youtube inbox after two years, apologies for thanking you
so late …

bella3987 says:

Quick question – I read somewhere that prune puree doesn’t freeze well.
Have you found that to be the case?

BabyRuber says:

I will definitely try this, When my baby is constipated I boil a prune and
give him the juice of it, I’m pretty sure he will love this puree. He is 5
months now and still almost done trying most veggies.

LadybugGirlShow says:

Awesome! Prunes were a hit with my little girls too, they just loved them
:) Hope your daughter is doing better now, it’s tough when they are so

LadybugGirlShow says:

Thanks, your comment brightened my day! Glad this video helped you out, got
any other baby food video requests? I’m always looking for new ideas =)

LadybugGirlShow says:

@alikos88 Well I can’t say for SURE but I think you should be OK. I have
oral allergies to carrots, celery and apples (among others) and I have no
problems as long as the food is cooked. If I eat them raw then I get all
itchy and my throat closes up. I would cook the prunes a little longer just
to be safe and try a small sample before eating the rest but I think it’s
safe. Let me know if you try it and thanks for watching :)

TheGirlygirl32 says:

She is so cuuutttteeee

LadybugGirlShow says:

@bella3987 I’ve never had a problem but I usually only make enough for a
couple days so I don’t have to freeze it. Emily never seemed to mind.

Venkata Vuppala says:

hi my baby is one year old and if she drinks prune juice only she used to
go for motion(potty) otherwise noooooo…………….. is it ok to give
her daily basises

Tammy C says:

I recently started my six month old daughter on food, mostly pureed table
food. She has been having a hard time with bowel movements, so I thought
adding prunes to her diet would be a good idea. This video was fun to
watch, easy to understand, and the prune baby food was easy to make! And
best thing, my baby loved it!

LadybugGirlShow says:

@widious Thanks for commenting! I absolutely LOVED making baby food and
can’t wait to make more with our second child (due in July). It was just a
fun thing to do and another way to connect with Emily before she could talk
or sign. I’m not too surprised you’ve been eating prun puree, cravings can
be pretty strange when you’re pregnant LOL. Congratulations too!!!

LadybugGirlShow says:

Thanks for watching 😀

LadybugGirlShow says:

@BabyRuber Awesome, have you tried it yet? Emily absolutely LOVED this
prune puree, it was easily the most common one I made for her. And yes,
it’s good for keeping their digestive tract healthy 😉

LadybugGirlShow says:

No worries, thanks for watching!

Arun Ramachandran says:

Thanks for posting this. My 18 month old still likes pureed prunes. I made
a lot from fresh ones during the summer but now that I can’t get fresh
organic prunes , I was buying the earth balance ones and I felt they were
too expensive. I definitely can make this a lot cheaper from dried organic
prunes! Imade them alt night and he loved them. I saved the left over water
to for him to drink and he liked that too. Just gave him a little of that.

Bethany Frey says:

i’m going to try this today. thanks so much for the video!

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