Stewed Prunes w/ Orange and Ginger

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Stewed prunes are a tasty breakfast side or snack –even a passable dessert, if you don’t have a clear understanding of what a dessert is. Orange and ginger make this stewed prune recipe naturally sweet and flavorful. A printable copy of this recipe can be found at
Give this stewed prunes recipe a try and let me know what you think, and for more recipes check out the Chef Buck playlist: and to print all recipes visit my website at

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Stewed Prune Ingredients:
2 cups pitted PRUNES
1 Tbsp ORANGE ZEST (minced)
juice from 1 large ORANGE
1-2 tsp minced fresh GINGER

Zest 1 large orange. Use approx. 1 tbsp of minced zest for this recipe. Juice the orange.
In a small saucepan on medium heat, add the prunes and orange juice. Add just enough water to cover the tops of the prunes (don’t use too much water). Stir in the orange zest and minced ginger. Some folks like to add a little brown sugar or maple syrup for added sweetness, but I don’t think it’s needed; prunes are sweet enough and the orange juice will add plenty of natural sugar (I’d only add extra sugars if I were using the prunes for a dessert application). Cover and allow saucepan come to a bubble. Reduce heat to low, and simmer gently for 25-30 minutes. The liquid will cook down and the prunes will plump up.
And that’s it. Eat them plain or serve them with yogurt or cereals. They make a great breakfast side. Some people like to treat them like a dessert–even serving them with ice cream–which isn’t my style, but whatever floats your boat.
Stewed prunes make a tasty treat and are a great source of fiber and nutrition.
Prunes can be stewed up with all manner flavors. Some popular additions to ste

wed prunes are cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, brown sugar, and maple syrup.
Pitted prunes make a great snack all on their own, and stewing them up makes them a little more versatile. Give this stewed prunes recipe a try and let me know what you think…and bon appétit!

Prune Fun Facts:
Prunes are high in fiber and a natural laxative.
The word “laxative” is not very appetizing.
Ounce for ounce, prunes contain more potassium than bananas.
Prunes are fat free.
Prunes can reverse bone loss and preserve bone structure, reducing the risk of osteoporotic fracture.

This video was shot with a Canon 60D and a Tokina 11-16mm wide angle lens. Edited in Sony Vegas Movie Studio.


Patricia Moerdyke says:

Just found Buck’s videos today and am having trouble turning them
off….he’s cute, funny, clever, never boring and offers up some great,
great recipes…..I want to try every single one!

PowerFromAbove says:

These are nice, but an even better way to make breakfast prunes is by
adding ground cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, and 2 sliced lemons in with the
prunes and fresh orange juice. Stew them in a crock pot on low for 6-8
hours overnight. They are piquant and flavorful!

Joseph Greenberg says:

Hey if you put it on ice cream it has to be on diet ice cream WOW what a

L Dean says:

I love stewed prunes with orange,never tried them with ginger though,will
try soon! Looks good!

Graham Stewart says:

Sponsored by Kleenex toilet tissue!

Buck Redbuck says:

Stewed prunes are an easy way to impress the ladies
Stewed Prunes w/ Orange and Ginger

kath209 says:

I love prunes but rarely eat them–adding ginger and orange makes them
sound so very exotic! And I bet they be good stuffed, maybe w/cream cheese
and the ginger and orange or lemon zest. Thanks for the always amusing
banter, as well as the recipes!

Rachel S says:

Excellent video! Just what i needed! thnx

dave king says:

I keep a sixteen pack of t.p. on hand for just this sort of contingency.

Michael Wynne says:

I have to use the bathroom now!

yojimboe says:

Awe man!!! Chef Buck showed no mercy to that defenseless orange. Another
display of nature’s savage cruelty, just like video of the hawk swooping
down on a little baby bunny in that little girl’s front yard.

Chef Buck says:

we all just need a nice girl who likes prunes

luticia says:

You ARE SO cool 😀 Love you.

luticia says:

😀 Yes! I call it repartee! :-)

Raggy Ragsdale says:

Did yer peel da ginger? Uncle Raggy

wildbill1911A1 says:

We used to get stewed prunes at my elementary school for lunch. Not sure
why. Also, I learned to make stewed tomatoes palatable by mixing them with
the Mac n Cheese that was always on the menu when we had stewed tomatoes.

Chef Buck says:

circle of life

Chef Buck says:

Yes, I did–I almost always do–although the skin is perfectly fine to eat.

sheri226 says:

My mom used make homemade pasty dough & then turn a box of prunes into
filling. She’d make triangles of YUM with powdered sugar sprinkled on top.

Exotic Being says:

You crack e up chef. I honestly felt sorry for that poor orange. Lol!

Chef Buck says:

I enjoy a tasty prune-filled pastry at a coffee shop with a nice mug o’
joe–such good stuff–but I’ve never made my own prune-filled pastry at
home, which is weird, and probably a good thing; I think pastries have set
my belt back two notches this year.

Chef Buck says:

thanks…whenever anyone doubts my coolness, I just have to tell them I
have 5 lbs. of prunes in my basement.

Dennis Nowland says:

Your a star that brightens my day .

MidiPunk says:

I’m too old for girls and too young for prunes, these are the things that
keep me up at night.

Chef Buck says:

well, they’re still prunes…but prunes are gooood.

Juuso Peltoniemi says:

I need to buy some prunes and i’m only 27.

breville says:

Awesome Chef Buck!

Chef Buck says:

I wish I’d realized I needed them when I was 27, I might’ve been less
uptight in my 30’s

MANNY~EmberDim says:

I’ve never been a fan of prunes but this almost makes them sound decent! XD

will30078 says:

Eat ‘um responsibly. LOL! Dude you always make me laugh. You’re great.

Currently Disconnected says:

HAhaha I don’t believe Im saying this but that video about prunes was cool.
I believe you just gave prunes street cred.

Chef Buck says:

I don’t ever remember stewed prunes in school; I remember the circular disc
of meat with brown gravy…ahhh…just thinking about it makes me want a
little carton of milk.

Chef Buck says:

prunes just need the right publicist (don’t we all)

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